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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Megohime’s eyes followed Masamune the whole time he made his way to his seat, breaking eye contact once he left her immediate line of sight. She didn’t want to make it overly obvious she was staring at him, but truth be told, she was glad to no longer be the only student in her grade, as rough around the edges Masamune appeared.
Megohime glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, a soft frown on her face. Was he going to be another stuck up sorcerer that said they were above others simply for their bloodline? Certainly she wasn’t free of that kind of thinking either, coming from a small clan of sorcerers herself, but he was one of the big three clans.
"Would you like to say anything before we begin?" Kojurou asked. Masamune glanced up briefly.
"No thank you, I would like to start the lesson." He replied.
Megohime only kept her mouth shut, holding one shred of hope that he was at least just shy on his first day, maybe he’d warm up once he was comfortable.
The more time that passed, the more Megohime’s stomach tied up in knots. He seemed more and more like how most of the people from the head clans were; she was disappointed. Still, she wouldn’t back down from a challenge, and she wasn’t just a nobody, she came from the Tamura clan, and though small, they held their place under the head clans.
It made Megohime uncomfortable that he would just watch her train, feeling his gaze on the back of her head like her hair was about to set alight. “If you want, you can train with me?” She finally offered, stopping to turn and look to him.
Megohime blinked in surprise, was he trying to joke with her? Was he somehow telling the truth? No, this had to be a joke, otherwise, he wouldn’t be at the technical school. “Pft, c’mon, take this seriously.” She let out a laugh. “I know I look pitiful, but I’m not terrible to train with.”
"I didn't say you looked pitiful." He replied, "I just don't have much in terms of an ability. But I'll humor you." He stood and moved over.
He really was stiff, wasn’t he? She nodded and waited for him to move over onto the practice mat. “Is started unarmed ok with you?”
She felt a twinge of confusion and frustration when he kept his hands in his pockets, a soft frown forming on her face. Megohime moved forward to engage him, choosing to keep to his right side to attack.
“Shit..” Megohime was so stunned by his speed, she couldn’t help but but awe-struck. She hadn’t even blinked and he had turned and grabbed her, like he had been training his whole life. She swallowed the lump in her throat; even though he hadn’t brought his elbow down on her arm fully, she could tell it would’ve easily broken her arm with how much strength he put behind it.
He pushed her back and his hands moved back to his pockets, "Not bad, if I'm honest. Needs more work but that's fine, you have your whole life ahead of you." He said, "We can keep going."
Megohime nodded. “Yeah, again.” She agreed, figuring if anyone was going to teach her, he had more experience than she did, and he was the best option.
Megohime barely had time to react, letting his kick land, but grabbing his leg as it did, trapping it against her ribs as she took a step forward to push him off balance.
She had barely any time to react to him throwing him over his shoulder, almost having the breath knocked out of her. Her cheeks flushed when he flicked her nose, trying to reach up and flick him in the forehead in retaliation. “It wasn’t hard, your foot was so big I was almost scared it would squash me.”
Megohime suddenly felt very small underneath him, blinking a few times before nodding. “Sorry..” It was hard to gauge him, one moment he seemed just on the edge of joking with her, the next he seemed like he could crush her simply with his gaze. “You’re really good though… Were you trained formally?” She didn’t try to pull her wrist away, or try to push him off, letting him hold her wrist.
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