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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

Nana felt like a part of her was broken, she felt nothing when she was told of her mother, only faint. “What’s going to happen to me?”
“And Motochika?” She asked, her feelings on him even more complicated; he had killed everyone at the estate?
“N-No!” The words came out of her mouth before she even realized. “You can’t do that! He’s all I have! He’s my ability!” Why was she defending him? He had killed the only family she’d ever have, yet she felt she had to protect him.
He didn't seem very happy. But, if she could control him better, they would both be integral to the school.
"I will discuss it with the others." He said.
She nodded, a heavy feeling of relief washing over her. “Thank you.. is he.. is he here?”
“I want to see him.” She was surprised at how even her tone sounded, like she actually still had courage after everything that had happened. Would she be angry when she saw Motochika? Would Nana demand his forgiveness, make him beg? She still wasn’t sure how she felt at the news that her entire family was gone, just that she wanted to see Motochika.
Nana wasn’t too sure if she could move on her own, a feeling of wooziness still having a firm hold on her. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, testing if she could stand and finding she was wobbly, but could still do it.
He moved to brace her before helping her to where Motochika was being held. He was filling wrapped in seals, almost like he was turned into a mummy. He looked tired, the lights in his sockets dim.
Nana’s eyes widened when she saw the state Motochika was in, looking to Shingen. “Is he dying? What’s wrong with him?” She asked, panic in her voice.
“N-No!” Nana was frozen to her spot, eyes terrified. “Motochika never hurt me, he never has! Please, take the seals off of him, he looks like he’s in pain..!”
“He-He won’t go insane!” Seeing Motochika wrapped up and in such a pitiful state made her insides twist. She shuffled forward, letting go of Shingen and kneeling before Motochika. “He listens to me!” She started to pull off handfuls of the seals, only to recoil in pain when she was zapped.
Nana sat on her hands and knees in front of Motochika, tears filling her eyes. “No, I- we-” She turned her head over her shoulder. “Please, take them off, he’s not a threat.” She should hate Motochika, should want to hate him, yet she couldn’t find any malice toward him. What was wrong with her?
Shingen made a noise before moving to unwrap the seals around Motochika.
"I was so afraid..." Motochika said softly, "I was so afraid he had killed you...I couldn't help one would help..."
“I know.. you would never mean to hurt anyone otherwise..” She said with a nod, letting her tears fall freely. “The people here at the school helped me… healer my head..”
"Yogatta..." Motochika said, "That will bring me peace after they exorcise me...I won't burden you anymore, Nana..." Shingen listened quietly as he removed the seals, not saying a word.
“No. No, you aren’t going to be exorcised, I won’t let them.. You're..” She lowered her head, staring at the stone floor. “You’re all I have left now..”
“You’re all I have left!” She repeated, balling her fists up tightly. “You took everything else… So.. You can’t go too..”
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