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Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

"Basic close quarters." He answered, "You won't get better if you don't train." In all honesty, he wanted to beat her senseless for taking the glory yesterday. Shingen didn't let him do anything and it made him angry.
She nodded and put her hands up, taking a wider stance in preparation. “I haven’t gotten better even when I do..” She mumbled to herself, heart beating hard already.
He moved forward and swung hard, putting all of his weight into his swings. He wasn't going to hold back, didn't care to. He wanted to teach her a lesson.
Amaya could barely keep her arms up to protect her head, let alone even thinking about swinging back, this wasn’t a spar, this was a beating. She grit her teeth hard as he pushed her back, her arms taking a pummeling, but she just had to focus on her footing and her breathing, she would wait for an opening.
Amaya winced, taking step after step back in a means to try and escape. “Mitsu-!” She stumbled over her own feet and went down hard, eyes wide with fear and confusion.
Amaya was panicked at this point confused as to why he was beating on her in such a manner. “Mitsunari, stop!” She tried to keep his blows away from her face, but every other hit would connect with the side of her head.
Mitsunari didn’t even feel the pain in his knuckles as he beat on Amaya, the other students staring in shock, not moving from their spots, the room silent except for the sounds of Mitsunari’s punches landing. Amaya had relented in trying to snap Mitsunari out of whatever was happening to him, arms clutched protectively around her face, laying silently on the floor as he hit her again and again.
"Ishida!" He was pulled off by a teacher and forced to the farthest end of the room. Mitsunari was breathing heavily, his knuckles busted and bleeding.
Amaya was helped up by the other students, tears in her eyes, her nose and mouth dripping blood. Her terrified eyes met Mitsunari’s, but it was brief, and she was out the door quickly, heading to the nurses office to be treated.
"Wait, Oda-san!" The teacher called before glaring down at Mitsunari, "The president will hear about this." Mitsunari glared at the ground, body shaking as he forced himself to calm down.
Nana’s blurry vision was filled with twinkling lights, her body feeling heavy, mind groggy. It took her a while, but she was able to regain focus, looking around to see where she was. It was a dark room, lit only by the light of dozens of candles, illuminating the seal covered walls. She was in a cot in the room, head bandaged, and some sort of IV medicine hooked up to her arm. She felt no pain, so she figured it had to have been some form of pain killer, but it did little to lessen the pain in her heart. Her father had beaten her into unconsciousness, then she witnessed Motochika kill her father. Her mother must’ve been devastated, disgusted by her actions and lack of control over her Shikigami.
Nana looked to the unfamiliar man, watching him enter the dark room. “Who are you? Where am I, and why am I here?” She asked groggily.
"My name is Takeda Shingen, and you are at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College in which I am the president of. We had to rescue you from the rampaging curse in your home." He answered.
Rampaging curse? Their home had no curse upon it. Her eyes widened slowly. “N-No, it wasn’t Motochika’s fault..! He did it in accident!” That right, her father was dead, yet oddly, she felt too numb to cry.
She paused, feeling like she was about to be scolded. “It.. only made it so things were easier when speaking with him.. He didn’t have a name..”
That was the second time he had used that word; curse. Was he truly a curse, or was he something else entirely? “I don’t want him exorcised!” The thought of him disappearing made her chest feel hollow. “He’s my friend! He listens to me!”
Took too many lives? He had only killed her father, hadn’t he? She felt bile pool in the back of her throat, and she clamped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from vomiting. “I don’t understand..” She finally managed out, swallowing back her vomit.
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