Thousand-year Curse (1x1 w/DarkMudkip)

He felt guilt squirm under his skin like bugs and when the seals came off, he dropped to his knees. His head dropped, ashamed to look at her.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Nana...they were your family..."
Nana couldn’t help but think otherwise, that her family was only family in name. They never once celebrated her birthday, wanted to do things with her; were they really her family. “You’re my family now, so, you can’t go..”
Nana looked to Shingen over her shoulder. “He won’t do anything.. please, don’t exercise him, I can control him.”
“I will, I’ll stay with him always, I won’t let him leave my side..!” Nana nodded her head.
Nana nodded and turned her head away to hide her tears, wiping them away with her arm. For now this would have to do, she would manage if she had Motochika with her at the very least.
She nodded. “They said it’s not safe to go home by myself.” Nana said softly, almost like speaking to a child. “That until I’m older and in better control of you, I’ll be staying here..”
Megohime’s school life at the Kyoto Technical school was mundane, she studied the little academics they taught about sorcery and regular school curriculum, and she worked even harder on the training with her Shikigami. At this point, she had three, which she had almost complete control over: two snakes and a tiger, all tattooed onto her flesh. Her parents told her it was the best way she could utilize her power of summoning, but she didn’t care, the process hurt. It left her covered in ink that she hid with dark stockings and long sleeves, even when everyone always praised her abilities, she couldn’t help but tear herself down when she saw her reflection in the mirror.
Her teacher, Katakura Kojurou, spoke very highly of her ability, but never once mentioned or even remarked on her tattoos. They were in her school file, so he had to have known, but he must be being polite about it. He was very kind to her and made sure she was doing ok when he saw her.
Megohime didn’t quite know how to feel about Kojurou at times, he was alright as a teacher, a bit strict and uptight when it came to rules, but he did seem to have a soft spot for her at times, if it could be called that. He never let her slack, but she could tell he avoided certain topics around her; it confused her a bit. She knew he meant well, she would sometimes see the softness in his eyes when he looked at her, like she was some kind of sad, abused child. It irritated her.
“Katakura-sensei, I’m not terminally ill, so you don’t have to check on me daily like I am.” Megohime said as she set her school bag down on the table, taking her seat for class.
Megohime placed her chin in the palm of her hand, elbow resting on the desk. “I guess you can’t really ask anyone else, not many kids go here besides me.”
"Well, I hear we're getting a new student, from the Date." He told her. She had heard about the Date, and the massacre that occured. Everyone in the whole manor had been killed except for the son.
Megohime’s interests seemed to have been peaked, raising an eyebrow and picking her head up off her chin a bit. “Really? When?” She couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited to be around another student.
"From what I've heard, he'll be arriving today." He said, "How exciting." He smiled softly, he liked to help young sorcerers reach their potential.
Megohime set her chin back in her palm and looked away from Kojurou; perhaps she was excited to finally not be alone.
Megohime was book smart as well as gifted with sorcerer capabilities, and though she lacked strength to excel in close combat, she picked up the moves quickly. Perhaps the young Date boy would be able to help her develop her strength and physical capabilities.
The door opened before class began and a tall boy with messy hair stepped in, an eye patch sitting over his right eye. He looked put off and annoyed as he moved to his desk.
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