@xavierrol I hate to leave you hanging but I'm going to defer to
@Motoharu on that for a day or two. If we don't have a response by Sunday night, I'll say go ahead as I don't have a problem with it and you should have a chance to move forward.
As for our singles party, I think we should say OOC who is ready to write a 7 minute scene over the next day or two and we can set up boys and girls based on availability this weekend. We can say the mechanism is a volleyball game boys on one side, girls on the other. When somebody hits the ball they call out a name, if the other side misses they surrender their player to the one who called it. If they return it, they call out a name, they go until someone misses. We can use that for the opening scene if it makes sense.
But in reality, who is ready to write?