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In the Hall of the Mountain Queen (CasualVelociraptor x Alisa_Perne)

Sita cried out in both pain and pleasure, "Yes!" she shouted, "Take it out on me." she had provoked her, "End my pain." she said softly, as she arched her back and moaned, having several orgasms as Sajida tore her thighs to shreds, "End my cursed existence!" she shouted.
Sajida growled at her after feeling embarrassed at being caught in the middle of such an intimate act by Chloe and Kalisha. She was able to soothe her upset for a little while by drinking half of the not quite fresh blood in the dead horseโ€™s throat, but she was still quite bitter towards Sita.

โ€œYou donโ€™t get to make me like you, turn me into a toy, and then use me to take the easy way out. No, if Iโ€™m going to suffer, then youโ€™re going to suffer too. I should never have come back here!โ€

โ€œWait!โ€ Chloe exclaimed as Sajida turned around to leave. She was doing this partly for herself, partly to help out Sita, who had courageously saved her and Kalisha from the storm. โ€œYouโ€™re one of the few people in Aliceโ€™s life she never told me about. Canโ€™t we stay and chat a while?โ€

โ€œYou should want to be as far away from me as possible, mortal,โ€ Sajida grunted.

โ€œI am not like any mortal youโ€™ve met,โ€ Chloe said in a sharp, ear grinding voice as shadows overtook the castle once again. Then she turned back into her cheery self and said, โ€œBesides, Iโ€™ve been told Iโ€™m a good listener.โ€
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Sita started laughing, laying in a puddle of her own blood, the wounds slowly healing. "You were always clever Sajida, I assumed given the opportunity you would tear me to shreds. Clearly a miscalculation on my part." she stood up. "I would speak with Chloe, she is quite unique, in fact, she is the only mortal to ever resist my gaze, or chose to resist it, not quite sure which is which here, and that is fascinating to me." she turned to Sajida, "Please stay, I tried to use you as a means to my end, and that was selfish, I am truly sorry for that. I should have had you cut my head off instead. I have brought you nothing but heart ache and pain, and I wanted to burn for it, so many times I tried, I thought you would end me, which is why I said what I said. I did not mean it, not one bit, I just wanted to provoke you into ending my life."
โ€œOh, just wanted to make me murder you and possibly the mortals here in a primal rage? Youโ€™re pathetic, Sita. Youโ€™re clinging to a fantasy, broken-hearted over a fairy tale. Alice is never coming back! So get OVER yourself. Youโ€™re a vampire, not some sniveling coward hiding away on a mountain and wanting to die in a corner.โ€

โ€œYou take that back,โ€ Chloe demanded with tears in her eyes. โ€œAlice IS coming! She always finds me. Just you wait and see. Failing that, Iโ€™ll get off this mountain and find her. Either way, Iโ€™ll get my sister back, and Alice will be reunited with her true beloved after so many years!โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve gotten down the mountain before, Chloe. But I donโ€™t have the ability to leave. None of us do. Itโ€™s like thereโ€™s a heavy rope around my neck keeping me tied here. No matter how far I go, I always have to come back before I feel like Iโ€™m about to explode,โ€ Sajida sighed.

โ€œWhat about Kalisha?โ€ Chloe wondered. โ€œShe clearly has been here before and been able to come and go as she pleases.โ€

โ€œHer...sheโ€™s a...special case? I guess?โ€ Sajida shrugged. โ€œIโ€™ll ask once sheโ€™s done bawling over a horse. Look, point is, get used to being Sitaโ€™s little toy to play with until you die.โ€
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"She's right." Sita said, "Those that come to my mountain, those that are touched by me, they are cursed, I am afraid that if you and I do get close Chloe, you will be drawn to this mountain just like Sajida here, soon Alice will come back too, there is a curse on me, and all who dare to open their hearts to me." Sita stood up, not caring she was naked, "Many years ago, I was queen of this country. Many years ago, I ruled with an iron fist and a delicate palm. I had an undefeatable army, and an unconquerable throne. What more could I have asked for? I was kind to my people, and firm when I had to be. My blood, it gives life, it heals all wounds, aside from decapitation, I can bring you back from the dead. I could put a sword right through your chest and pierce your heart, then bring you back from the dead. I was the savior of this country. They had all but forgotten that I was bred for war, I am a relic from an age long forgotten, a war long passed, and a history that is so ancient your great great great grandfather would not even know. I had it all. Then your science came." she said these last words with venom on her tongue, "Your machines that could fly, your gears and your cogs and your steel, doing my work, taking simple lives where my people relied on the power of their queen. Now you had tools, and guns, and violence. Then they overthrew me, with the help of that witch, cursed me to this mountain, and put an eternal storm over it, so no life may grow, banished. Forgotten, faded to just barely a legend for those who still read these things, other than that I am just a tale that parents tell their children to keep them from going out at night. The banished queen eats little children." she spat on the ground, "Children are rotten, mortals are rotten, and I long to find that witch, so that I may tear her heart out and make her watch me eat it." she balled her fist, "AND NOW WAR!!!" she shouted, shaking the castle, "WAR IS AT MY DOOR AND I JUST WANT TO DIE IN PEACE!!!" she turned to Sajida, "But you won't let me."
โ€œOh, fuck me, this spiel again. No one cares you were Queen in 1632!โ€ Sajida snapped.

โ€œI havenโ€™t heard this story before. Please, let her finish,โ€ Chloe fumed at Sajidaโ€™s interruption through her teeth while outwardly smiling. But she was crestfallen when Sita complained about mortals being rotten. She really got where Sita was coming from here, but knew she couldnโ€™t be a vampire like them

โ€œNor have I,โ€ Kalisha genuinely smiled, laying her head down on a backwards facing chair.

โ€œKalisha! Are you alright?โ€ Chloe wondered.

โ€œI apologize for us both,โ€ Sajida mumbled.

โ€œI...Iโ€™ve been better, certainly,โ€ Kalisha said. โ€œWithout my waterfeet, I donโ€™t know...itโ€™s like they were my heart and now thatโ€™s gone. Not to mention Gambit, the best who ever lived, who- who gave his last breath to save me. Iโ€™ll miss all of them dearly. But I will not wallow in despair, or let this war overwhelm me.

โ€œSo what if the mountain tries to keep us down? Nothing in the universe is forever, so eventually we will be free. And even if not...Alice and Abigail were able to go home. Why? Iโ€™ve been back and forth from the mountain to my fields...why? There is always an explanation for everything. We just have to find it.

โ€œAnd so what if there is a war now? If itโ€™s taken so much from us? If we have lost much long before its arrival? If it will take from us in the future until we feel spent? We are still alive, are we not, in whatever way that means for each of us? Well, I donโ€™t know about any of you, but my father was a fighter before he became a rancher, my fatherโ€™s father canoed from Jogadunda across the Aoitivo Ocean to Sudavadiria with twelve notes in his pocket and found his dream with my mother, and this- this shows I am a fighter. Together, we can fight anything off.โ€

Kalisha now flashed her clockwork arm (which Sajida rolled her eyes at) and proclaimed, โ€œSo, let us feast on Gambit; I know he would not want to be wasted, and we will all need something in our bellies if we are to figure a way out of our predicament. But first, I see that you have an old tangent. Let me play A Friendโ€™s Send-Off, to make sure we celebrate his life.โ€

Which she began to do while everyone else was still silent.
Sita clinched her jaw, bit her tongue and held back tears as blood ran down her chin, the song played and when it was over she dropped to her knees and started to cry, "I'm just so lonely." she said, crying true tears this time, when a vampire experienced what they called was true sadness, something that came deep from within, bred from years of some sort of event or something tragic, they cried blood, she began to weep as tears of blood ran down her face. "I miss her so much, my heart aches, she gave me her hair, I spent so many nights staring at it, smelling it, it still smells like her. I just want her back so badly I want to die."
โ€œOh gods, I miss her tooooooo....โ€ Chloe wailed in agony. โ€œI havenโ€™t hugged my sister in, oh, almost ten years. And she could be anywhere, or dead, or...โ€ Then she dissolved into a blubbering pile of sadness.

โ€œOkay, now look what youโ€™ve done,โ€ Sajida sniffed, wiping away a bloody tear. โ€œDonโ€™t mind me, just have something in my eye.โ€

โ€œPerhaps Iโ€™ll just go prepare Gambit for tomorrowโ€™s breakfast, and let you all get some rest,โ€ Kalisha groaned, dragging her heavy heart along with the rest of her achey, hollow-feeling body to Gambitโ€™s resting place to begin the butchering.
Sita stood up, and picked up Chole and brought her over to Sajida and held them all and cried with her, "Alice!" she cried out, "I miss you!" she held the other two and just kept crying, she would tend to Kalisha, but she needed this, she had not cried like this in years and if they were to go to war soon, they could not afford to have their two strongest soldiers not mentally in the right place.
Sajida soon struggled to get away from Sitaโ€™s strength. Chloe, for her part, was feeling a little penned in after all the times sheโ€™d been grabbed but winced out a smile, trying to be there for the other woman.

Meanwhile, Kalisha sobbed quietly over the dead body of her best friend.
Sita continued to sob and hold the two of them, for quite some time, before looking up "Kalisha?" she called out, "Where did she get off to?"
โ€œI...think sheโ€™s in the barn,โ€ Chloe replied with a gulp.

โ€œAnd hurry, I feel like sheโ€™ll need a good cry session with a monster,โ€ Sajida snarked. โ€œAlso, canโ€™t breathe!โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t you not need to? I mean, yโ€™know, vampires?โ€

โ€œTechnically, no, but I kind of have a habit of breathing and would like to continue it unabated by anything.โ€
Ally let both of them go and left without another word headed to the barn to seek out Kalisha, "Kalisha, I can smell you." she stopped, "Oh gods, that sounded awful, I mean, I know you are here. Oh fuck, look, just, come here." she said, at a loss for further words.
โ€œYou called for me, my friend?โ€ Kalisha asked with a confident, assertive rancherโ€™s smile, even as she came out of the barn with the blood of her horse all over her hands. โ€œYou know, you have quite the icebox, Lady Sita. Iโ€™m surprised you didnโ€™t tell me about it sooner.โ€
"It was for....people." she said honestly, "I used to kidnap them, and keep them on ice, so I could have blood for weeks, but now, I am reduced to near.." she stopped herself, her anger was surfacing again, "Nevermind that. How are you my friend?" she said embracing the woman.
โ€œConsidering that I lost my only non-vampire friend in this world? Okay, I guess,โ€ Kalisha said. โ€œNot that I donโ€™t value our friendship over these many years. Itโ€™s just...hard, to lose anyone. You know now.โ€
"I-I-I'm sorry I couldn't save Gambit for you. Not many things are taboo in my world, but just like Sajida to save her life I had to turn her, I would have had to turn Gambit to save him. Animals cannot be controlled when they are turned, they are wild, they have no rational thought. If I could have saved him I would have given every last drop of my blood to do so. I know he meant a lot to you. If I had turned him, he would have suffered a much worse fate than his current state. I'm sorry, for all the power I have I could not save his life. I am a failure as your friend." She said and rested her head on Kalisha's shoulder.
โ€œIt would only have been a failure if you hadnโ€™t tried. Some things are just beyond our power,โ€ Kalisha sighed, even as the awesome might of electricity thrummed through her bloody clockwork arm. โ€œAnd like you said, it wouldnโ€™t have been a good idea to turn him. So, I think you did the right thing, since he suffered much in life, and now heโ€™s at peace.โ€
"You mean that?" she asked as she nuzzled her neck, "I could really use some genuineness right now, I just tried to get Sajida to take my own life, such dark thoughts cross my mind as of late, I miss my Alice so much, and seeing Chloe, who looks so much like her, it brought back memories. I just want to make sweet love to Chloe and call her Alice. I just want my Alice back. I-I-Is that so wrong?" she said, gently sobbing.
โ€œI suppose itโ€™s...a little unusual to ask Chloe to have sex with you while pretending to be her sister. But I can understand your feelings right now, even if they are a lot,โ€ Kalisha said as she rubbed Sitaโ€™s shoulders. โ€œBut I donโ€™t think I ever really heard about Alice. She must have been a really great girl. What do you love about her?โ€
"She wasn't afraid." Sita said, "She was not afraid of me, not one bit, not one singular ounce of fear was in her body, even when I tried to terrify her, and believe me I can be terrifying, she made love to me over and over, and her touch, her scent, she always wanted me to remember her, she gave me her hair, I gave her the clothes of a love once lost, I hope one day she returns, she made my heart sing, and softened my entire world view."
"I...can't re live it." Sita said quitely, "Not right now, just know that she was taken from me and I was powerless to stop it." she said with a sigh, "Maybe one day you will learn the story, but the pain it causes me to tell it, is so terrible to bear, I told Alice and it nearly broke me, but she was there, she helped me through it, and loved me till the second she left."
โ€œAnd why, do you think, Alice gave so much love to you in the short time she was there? Or the woman you loved enough to preserve a memory of her, whose clothes she likely still wears?โ€
"I, I don't know. I am a wretched creature, I was created for war, and banished from my kingdom by my own people because I was too selfish to accept change, how could anyone love this?" she asked, "How did she love such a monster? I don't even know.
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