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Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

Jin’s Hyakuren was damaged critically, leaving two of the other Hyakuren to haul her back to their ship.
“Do you think you still got her?” Megohime asked Motochika, watching them retreat.
“Masamune, how’s the ship on your end?” She called over the comms, keeping her eyes locked onto Matsunaga’s ship.
“Yeah, I think we’ve bought enough time to repair and get a head start.” Megohime sat back in Shax, rubbing the side of her neck.
Megohime’s face flushed at the praise, keeping her eyes glued to the ship. “Just get us patched up so we can get out of here..” She said softly.
"We're working Nana and the mechanics as fast as we can." He replied.
"Nana should be resting!" Motochika butted in.
"Nana insisted.."
Megohime kept her mouth shut, never speaking up when Nana was the topic, knowing it to be a sensitive subject for Motochika.
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It felt like they were sitting for hours, the silence almost lulling Megohime to sleep, then she saw movement from Matsunaga’s ship. “They’re moving again.” She said, sitting up in her seat.
“Yeah, let’s fucking-” Megohime was suddenly knocked back hard, spinning out of control briefly before righting herself once more. She blinked in shock, no one had fired anything yet, and she only saw the regular Hyakuren from before. “I thought you fucked up her Hyakuren!” She had seen it with her own eyes, Motochika had put it out of the fight for sure, but this was exactly like before, there was no way she had repaired it so quickly.
Megohime grunted as once again she was slammed back, being pushed further away from Motochika as he was swarmed with the other Hyakuren. It didn’t make sense, there was no way she repaired that Hyakuren that quickly.
Motochika was by no means a slow swinger eith his axe, his Graze built special just to wield it; thanks to Nana, at least. It didn't matter how many came at him, he could fight them easy.
This would happen again and again, on and off for hours, letting them rest for a short period of time before attacking them again. None of the attacks were ever too serious, but it was enough to force them to keep at a constant working pace, and everyone was starting to ware down.
"Some time today would be great, Nana!!" Motochika was breathing hard, a bit of a strain on his Alaya-Vijnana system from piloting for so long made his body hurt.
Motochika could hear Megohime was growing exhausted herself, her labored breathing coming over his coms.
“We’re almost ready, but if we take up now, we might end up blowing a fuel line- worst case, we all blow up, best case, we lose all our ships fuel.” Nana said, working on doing patch jobs that would hold enough to get out of firing range. “Just a bit more, please!”
"I don't think we can manage a bit more." He muttered to himself before glancing at Shax through his cameras, "Oi. Get back to the ship. See if you can help them." He told Megohime.
Megohime looked to her screen, looking to Motochika’s Graze with a look of disbelief. “I’m not leaving you out here alone- and if anything you’re the better mechanic! You head back!”
“And I ain’t leaving you either.” Megohime growled out, taking shots at the incoming Hyakuren, grunting when she was slammed off kilter again.
“We’re almost ready to go! Come back to the ship!” Nana called over the coms.
Megohime clenched her fists and quickly made her retreat back to the ship, a heavy force slamming into Motochika from behind so hard he felt blood in his nose.
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