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Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

The moment Yukimura saw the gun, he skid to a stop, carefully putting his hands in the air to show he wasn’t going to try to harm her. “I’m not here to harm you, I’m Sanada Yukimura, part of the Gjallarhorn task force sent to Mars.” He said calmly, trying to talk her out of shooting him. “I’m only passing through here, I’m not here to stop you or do you any harm, so please, put the gun down.” Yukimura himself had a pistol on his hip, his crisp white suit showing he indeed was Gjallarhorn.
He frowned softly when she refused to lower the gun, keeping his hands up. “As I said, I’m only passing through, I have intention of causing you ill will. Please lower your weapon.”
He couldn't see her expression, but he could tell by her body language that she was anxious.
"I will not. You'll have to come with me, I can't allow you to return to them."
“I can’t do that either.” Yukimura’s frown only grew, he didn’t want to have to fight this woman if he could avoid it, but she wasn’t going to give him much of a choice. If she wasn’t going to comply, he might have to use force.
Yukimura stood silently, then took a careful step forward, moving toward her slowly to show he was going to comply with her demands; at least someone within the Gjallarhorn ranks was reasonable- that or extremely stupid.
She seemed to relax before moving to subdue him, twisting his arms behind his back and guiding him to where she and Sasuke had been hiding.
Yukimura didn’t resist, wincing when his arms were twisted behind his back, but saying nothing, forced to leave Paimon behind.
“And as for me?” Yukimura asked, glancing at her the best he could being restrained by her.
Yukimura didn’t say anything in response, was he to believe he was just going to be held captive for the rest of his life? They wouldn’t just kill him and dump him?
She brought him into the little caved out pile of scrap she and Sasuke stayed in, her thoughts going a mile a minute. Sasuke looked up and his eyes widened.
"What the fuck, you brought a Gjallarhorn here?!"
Yukimura looked to the other in the cave, standing with Akihime compliantly in silence for a moment longer before he moved. He jerked away from Akihime, kicking her hard in the gut before grabbing the gun she had left on his belt. He drew his weapon and aimed it first at Sasuke, then to Akihime. “Don’t move, either of you.” He ordered with a frown.
"You didn't take his gun?!" Sasuke yelled. Akihime wheezed and coughed.
"I was panicking..."
"Goddammit, Aki!!" Sasuke grabbed a thick metal tube and slammed it hard over Yukimura's head, hoping to just knock him out.
Yukimura hadn’t expected to be blindsided by Sasuke, crumpling to the ground and dropping his gun, blood leaking from the back of his head. He was dazed at least, groaning and trying to pick himself back up.
Yukimura went down hard this time, eyes closed and unmoving. The metal pipe Sasuke held was smeared with blood from hitting Yukimura, leaving the officer unconscious on the ground.
Akihime took his gun and stared down at him. This was worse than it should have been.
"Fuck..." She muttered.
"You're telling me!" Sasuke yelled, dropping the pipe. Akihime moved to check Yukimura's pulse.
"Well, he's still alive at least.." She said. Sasuke grabbed some rope and bound Yukimura.
"What were you thinking, Aki?" He scolded. Akihime frowned behind her mask.
"I wasn't..."
Yukimura looked young for an officer, and he wasn’t anyone Akihime had seen before; he was rather handsome though, long wild hair pulled into a allow ponytail, thick eyelashes and soft looking lips.
She was glad she was wearing a mask, she could feel herself blushing.
"Put him in the corner, I'm going back out."
"Christ..." Sasuke muttered as he dragged Yukimura to the side.
Yukimura was heavy for as thin as he was, like moving a corpse. He sat slumped where he was, tied with his hands behind his back.
Yukimura didn’t move for what felt like ages, then he groaned, picking his head up with a wince. “What..?” He still looked daze from being smashed in the back of the head.
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