Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

"Masamune!!" Kojurou's voice carried rather well as he practically sat on Motochika to keep him still. It took a bit but Masamune showed up.
"What happened?"
"He just started hitting her!" Kojurou gasped. Masamune lookes down at Motochika, who was furious, before looking to Megohime.
"You ok?"
Megohime struggled to even sit up. “I’m fine..” She muttered, blood dripping through her fingers and onto the floor. “‘was out for most of it anyway..”

“Motochika!” Nana called from the doorway, looking confused and a little worried, having not been far behind Masamune being wheeled in on a stretcher. “What’s going on..?”
Shame fell over Motochika when Nana came in. He looked down, not wanting to look at her. Kojurou and Masamune had to haul him up, Kojurou hauling him to the brig. Masamune moved to Megohime.
"Lemme see.."
Megohime’s nose was broken, dripping blood with no signs of stopping, and already her face was starting to bruise and swell. She didn’t look upset, just tired, tired and sad.
Megohime nodded, doing as he instructed, sitting there still wet from the clear green fluid from the pod. “Do you have a towel..?” She asked.
She took it, using it to wiped the Water from her arms and shoulders, then the blood from her face. “Thank you..”
“Did Motochika do that..?” Nana already knew the answer, but she had to hear it for herself.
“Oh, um, yeah..” Megohime said, looking at Nana the best she could while holding her nose. “It’s fine-”
“No, it isn’t. Motochika can’t just rampage like that, especially if it’s for me.” Nana said with a soft frown.
“Yeah..” Megohime’s head spun, and from more than just Motochika hitting her. Shax had gone down so easily from Bael’s attacks, she stood no chance against him whatsoever. Motochika had every right to be angry with her.
When Kojurou came back, he looked over Megohime's nose and did what he could for it, "You should be alright, just don't touch it or scratch it too hard.." He said gently.
Megohime nodded, still looking beat to hell and beyond exhausted, and she was. She had been pummeled more than once that day, disconnected from Shax while unconscious, leaving her brain feeling scrambled, and now her nose was broken.
“Fine with me.” Megohime nodded, finding every breath painful, which she knew wasn’t caused by Motochika. There wasn’t much she could do at that point anyway.
Megohime could only nod, the mask over her mouth hiding the soft frown; she needed to be stronger.
Yukimura and a team assigned directly to him by Mitsunari were sent to comb other parts of Mars while Mitsunari went after Megohime.
He had sent his team ahead of him, landing Paimon and disembarking in another dumping ground, one full of old and rusted out machines.
There were old suits and new suits, suits he recognized as ones Gjallarhorn owned. It was sad to see so many dead comrades, but that was the risk they all made.
He frowned softly, walking amongst the towering skeletons of the desert wasteland. He hadn’t been to Mars too many times before, let alone actually walked on the surface like he was in that moment. He stood out like a sore thumb there, white uniform easily seen against the red dirt and rusted giants he walked through. He didn’t expect to find anything honestly, but he felt he needed to see everything that has been discarded where it was.
As he walked, he could faintly hear the sound of scrapping metal. It grew louder the closer he drew to it. When he reached the source, he found a woman, dressed in a cream - almost skin tone - pilot suit, long pink hair pulled into a bun to keep clear of the metal. The oddest thing about her was the mask she wore.
He hadn’t expected to see a single living soul out where he was, let alone someone wearing a pilot suit and dragging a large piece of scrap metal. “Um,” He cleared his throat, watching her with concern. “Is everything alright?” He asked, taking a step toward her.
“W-Wait..!” Did that girl live out there? His scanners hadn’t picked up any signs of life when he flew overhead, but if she had been hidden before, it might’ve missed her. “You shouldn’t be out here alone, it’s dangerous!” He called after her, giving chase without a second thought.
Shit, shit, shit. She couldn't let him see Ipos. It would lead Gyobu straight to her and then she would be fucked. She skid to a stop and turned, pointing her gun at him. It hadn't had any ammo in it in years.
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