Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

Nana was able to twist her leg just enough to free herself from the prosthetic, now they just had to get out from under the mobile worker.
“Other side..” She groaned, trying to pull her bad arm out from under her. There wasn’t enough room to flip over onto her stomach. “Just.. just grab my other arm, I’ll be fine..”
“I’d rather that then being crushed to death..” She said, managing to get her glove into her mouth to bite down on.
Nana bit down hard on the glove, squeezing her eyes shut as she saw bright white spots from the pain. She did her best to muffle the scream of pain, but she was in agony, feeling like she’d pass out. The second Masamune and Nana were within reach, the crew grabbed the both of them and dragged them clear of the wreck. “We’ve got them Aniki!”
She grinned at him, letting the glove drop out of her mouth. “I’ve been better..” She admitted, not trying to get up just yet. “I’ll live..”
Motochika saw another mobile worker on the way, one to transport Nana back to the ship so she could receive treatment. The leg of her jumpsuit had been torn away, showing the metal plate over the stump of her remaining leg, that too bleeding and bruised.
“Sorry, Motochika..” She said softly, the mobile worker screeching to a halt just a few paces away from the group.
They carried her off and everyone watched as Motochika struggled with his tears. No one had ever seen Motochika like that, he looked so distressed.
It was almost like last time, many years ago when both Nana and he were still apart of a pirate crew in space. He’d never forget her screams from that day, almost inhuman- they’d haunt his soul until he died. There had been an accident while they were working, a simple mechanical error that cost Nana her leg and almost her life.
Everything had been just fine until that damn Gundam and Megohime had shown up. They had been holding their own, and now they had Gjallarhorn on their asses.
Megohime lay unconscious under the care of Kojurou, having just been put into a treatment capsule, both her breathing and heart rate shallow.
Just what was Motochika planning to do with Megohime? She wasn’t yet awake, let alone able to entertain visitors. She was battered, but not as bad as Nana had been- nearly crushed by her own mobile worker, and for what? A Gjallarhorn traitor?
Megohime didn’t move when Motochika tore her out of the pod, the IVs and breathing mask being yanked off when he did so. Nana had risked her life out there to help Megohime, and she didn’t even know it, she wasn’t aware of the damage she had caused.
Motochika threw her to the ground and punched her hard.
"Chosokabe!!" Kojurou moved to grab him but Motochika threw him aside again before he continued to punch Megohime.
Megohime took hit after hit, not making a single noise as he continued to beat on her, then her eyes opened. She looked dazed and confused, blood dripping from her nose, mouth tasting of blood. She looked up, seeing Motochika over her, and she didn’t understand, face hurting badly. “Motochika...?” What was he doing over her? Hadn’t she been in Shax?
Megohime held her nose, feeling blood dripping down the side of her face, body hurting too much to move. She just watched Kojurou strong arm Motochika away from her- had he been hitting her? She held Motochika’s gaze for a moment, almost looking guilty, then she looked away. Why was she looking guilty? Why wasn’t she getting mad? Yelling at him? He had just been beating her face in, and she was the one who looked guilty?
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