Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

Masamune looked at the carnage with a frown, so much loss hurting his heart.
"Ryuu-niisan!" Motochika came running up and Masamune disembarked, "Is she ok?"
"Iunno, I think her coms are fucked." Masamune answered.
Even if her communications were damaged, Megohime wasn’t coming out, Shax was rather damaged, and it looked like the cockpit was damaged to the point it couldn’t open up on its own, leaving Megohime’s status unknown.
Megohime was slumped forward in the cockpit, still gripping the handles tightly, blood flowing from her nose and onto the front of the pilot suit she wore, out cold. She was still alive, but she was battered pretty badly, covered in cuts and bruises, breathing shallowly.
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Megohime slumped forward against Masamune’s chest, breathing shallow and ragged, but she was still kicking.
Cleaning up the aftermath took hours, retrieving corpses, treating the wounded. By nightfall everyone was still working, and Megohime hadn’t yet woken, being put into a medical pod to recuperate.
“Many people are still missing, Ryuu-oniisan, and we’ve tried to make a list but everythinNd just so crazy right now.” The younger man handed off a piece of paper with names scribbled on them, one popping out; Nana.
The kid looked grim, shaking his head. “He’s still helping the clean-up crew.”
“Ryuu!!” A frantic voice called over the radio, the one they were keeping open for communication durning the clean up. “We’ve got an emergency! It’s Nana-san! She’s trapped under her mobile worker..!”
Masamune bolted off straight away, hoping to get there before Motochika. Did it happen during the fight? What knocked it onto her? When he got there, Motochika was already there, trying to get to Nana to make sure she was even alive.
There were two of Masamune’s men there with the overturned mobile worker- which looked more like a piece of scrap metal at that point -both of them getting in front of Motochika and stopping him from touching the wreck. “Aniki, if you move it before we can check out the wreck, Nana could get hurt!” One tried to reason with him. Was Nana even alive?
"Nana!! Nana, can you hear me?! Come on, say something!!" It was a wonder they could keep Motochika at bay, he was much taller than everyone and ten times bulker. He could throw them easy. Masamune looked around.
"We got any functioning suit that can lift the worker?"
One of the two looked to Masamune, shaking his head. “Just yours and Aniki’s everything else needs repairs- and the other workers might not be enough to hold the weight.”
Everyone stopped when they heard someone speak, it was Nana, still trapped beneath the wreckage of the mobile worker. A small dip in the ground allowed them to see her a bit, but it wasn’t big enough to crawl out of.
Motochika shook the two off him and rushed to his Graze, determined to get her out from under the worker.
"Aniki, you have to be gentle or you'll hurt Nana-san!"
"Shut up!" The speakers on the Graze crackled angrily as Motochika moved to the worker. He gripped the most stable parts and slowly lifted it up.
The two other on the ground quickly called for Motochika to stop, but why? He had barely lifted it up enough for even Nana to crawl out. “Her legs stuck inside the worker’s hatch!” One called, the other crawling to try and bring Nana a communicator.
“Motochika..?” It was Nana, and she didn’t sound good; drowsy like she was in shock. “I can’t get my leg out of the mobile worker.. and I can’t disconnect it either, I think my arm is broken.. and the other can’t reach..”
“Just tryin’ to help..” She let out a soft laugh. “The fighting had been far enough away.. then it wasn’t..” She said softly, then started to hack and wheeze, sounding like she was in pain. “I’m sorry..”
"D-Dammit, Nana...!!"
"Motochika," he could barely hear Masamune, "I'm gonna climb under there and get her out."
"Wh-What...? B-But Ryuu-niisan!"
"It's fine, I'm small enough."
“Dancho... it’s not stable under here.. the worker could fall apart..” Nana tried to argue; already a small crowd had gathered, waiting to help with Nana’s rescue.
"Shut up, I'll be fine." Masamune carefully wormed under the worker, moving to her leg as Motochika carefully lifted the worker a little more. "Tell me how to detach it."
The worker above them groaned like it would collapse at any second. “There should be latches for it, four of them, then it screws off..” She said; she was beat up to hell, covered in dark bruised and deep cuts.
It was hard to see or move under the mobile worker, but luckily Nana’s leg reflected the light just enough for him to see what he was doing. The prosthetic leg was a complete loss, crumpled and twisted up within the mobile worker, she was lucky it wasn’t her other leg. The cord connecting her to the machine too was severed, and Masamune could smell blood along with the dirt and fuel. She laid there silently, just watching Masamune, one arm pinned under her as she laid on her back. “How’d everything go topside..?”
She nodded, giving a tired smile, though a sad one. “The job is never done, huh..?” The latch felt bent, not too badly though, but it was lucky compared to what could’ve happened to her.
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