Rage of Dust (1x1 w/ DarkMudkip)

“Let me take the Gundam in the back, he’s going to be the most trouble.” Megohime said to Masamune. “Plus, I suppose right now is a good as time as any for a family reunion.”
Megohime took off straight for Bael, drawing her weapon and preparing for his attack. “So he sent you, Mitsunari?”
"You think less of Gyobu? He wants you home. You have to face the consequences of your actions." Mitsunari saod as Bael unsheathed both his golden swords.
“He wants Shax home, not me.” Megohime said, knowing her punishment would be severe if she were to go home with Mitsunari.
Megohime met him halfway, using the flat of her broadsword to block his swing. “Still mad you’re not daddy’s favorite?”
That seemed to upset him, "Shut up!! You know not of what you speak!!" He was fast, always too fast. Bael's swords swung with a quickness her eyes almost couldn't keep up with.
Megohime’s blade blocked most of his hits, but she was starting to get battered around. “He always favored Akihime, you were just second best, even when she left.” She swung hard, deflecting his blades, swinging for the head of Bael to cut off his visuals.
"Shut your mouth! She had no idea the gifts he had given her! The care he put into her growth!!" Megohime remembered the tears Akihime cried after her third Alaya-Vijnana surgery, how sick and how weared down she was. Those were hardly gifts at all. Mitsunari caught her weapon between his, locking her in place before she was kicked away from him.
“He only gave misery.” The impact of his kick nearly sent her tumbling end over end, robbing her of her sword, but she only went after him again.
"Neither of you appreciate the lengths he goes to!!" He yelled, swinging his swords wildly, cutting into Shax's armor like butter.

Akihime was staring up at the Martian sky, her expression unreadable.
"Should we help them...?" Sasuke asked. He had picked up the Gjallarhorn signal as soon as they entered orbit. Akihime shook her head.
"It isn't our fight." She said, "Megohime is a big girl now...she'll be able to handle them. She's come a very long way."
Megohime used the smallest blade hidden within the armor of Shax’s arm to deflect one of Mitsunari’s blows, moving to grab her blade just behind him. “And he’s brainwashed you!”
His moves were hard to read, but they were getting sloppy. Not to say that they still didn’t pack a punch, but now that Megohime had her sword back, she had a better chance. She used her boosters to put more weight behind her swing, slamming him in the chest. Blood started to drip from her nose, pushing Shax to go faster, hit harder- she couldn’t let Gjallarhorn rob her of this family too.
Megohime stood ready to take the hit full on, the blade blocking the hit at her gut, but Mitsunari’s second blade snapped the broadsword, cutting clean through Shax’s shoulder. The force of the blows knocked her back, but Megohime wasn’t ready to give up. Blood gushed from her nose, feeling lightheaded as she pushed for another attack at Mitsunari.
"You're wrong about Gyobu! He cares for me, as he cared for you and Akihime! You both squandered his affections!" Mitsunari yelled and hit the break in her armor over her shoulder again.
Megohime felt every blow, being jostled around the cockpit with every hit. One more strike and the arm of Shax came off, the Gundam hitting the ground hard, slamming Megohime around the cockpit with enough for to split open her forehead. “He destroyed my life! He forced me to become a pilot! He used me as a guinea pig!”
More alarms blared in Megohime’s face as Shax took more and more damage, and soon she was pinned under Mitsunari’s blades, only the crackle of static on her end of the microphone. Megohime herself was battered senseless inside the cockpit, head bleeding in multiple spots, blood still oozing from her nose. “Gyobu... won’t ever recognize your talents...” She muttered.
Mitsunari pulled his blades away and slapped them together, aiming straight for the cockpit, when Motochika burst from nowhere and slammed his Graze into Bael, knocking Mitsunari off kilter.
"Ryuu-niisan, grab her!!" Motochika yelled. Masamune's Shiden grabbed Shax's good arm and dragged him off at full speed. Mitsunari snorted lowly.
"We'll be back." He said and ordered his men to retreat.
Megohime was barely conscious now, still holding on tightly to the controls as the rumbling of her being dragged away jolted her painfully. “Sorry, Captain..” She managed out. “Just gonna take a small break..”
Megohime didn’t respond, only static coming through, the visuals on the call cut from the fight.
Everyone was scrambling like ants, working on assessing the damage of the fight. Many of the machines were damaged, even more destroyed- many had died, and many were hurt.
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