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Up, Up, and Away! (Hat + SHARPii)

"Are you decent?" he asked gently, not daring to turn around. She'd heated up, and he didn't want to turn around and see her naked.
"Uh...yeah. I'm not wearing shorts but I have my bikini bottoms." She said softly, turning and looking at him. Though still it wasn't comfortable and soon, strands of her hair were sticking to her forehead and around her face. "But it's still really hot and I don't know what to do." She said.
"Do as you like. I swear not to look." hew said, bringing his hat down over his eyes. "If it'll make you feel better..."
She nodded and turned her back to him, untying the back of her top and taking it off. "I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't ruin our date..." She said softly, taking off the bottoms and letting out a soft sigh. She ran her hand over her stomach and tilted her head up a bit. She was alraedy feeling a lot better though still it was hot, but at least she was feeling more comfortable.
"No, it's fine." he let out a soft chuckle. "I should have cleared this stuff out first." he said softly.
He held out his hand to her.
"If you're finished, take my hand." he said quietly. "I apologize... I said no harm would come to you..."
He smiled, hearing the rustling. "Then one more room. I can promise you won't regret it." he said, leading her carefully through the next door. "No metals of any kind through here, or you'll regret it." he said.
"Yes." he said. "And..." he thought for a moment. "Shorts are probably safe. We're going to be entering a strong magnetic area. If you want to be absolutley safe, leave them here..." he said, stepping out of his shorts to reveal.... shorts without zippers or buttons. Nothing exciting.
She nodded and took her ring off, wincing a bit. It was never pretty to put it on or take it off since sometimes she could miss the little hole when putting it on and since she tended to keep it on a lot, it kind of got 'well acquainted' and therefore hurt a bit to take off. As well, she took her shorts off and then put her ring in the pocket and put her shorts aside and looked at him. "Good?"
He nodded.
"Now, welcome to what I call, the dowsing chamber." he smiled, opening the door. it was an almost perfectly spherical room with an orb shining at the center. Water in the room seemed attracted to it, forming spikes from all sides that barely touched the magnetic orb.
"The water is treated with magnetic substances and in turn taked on their qualities." he explained, walking up to her and gently embracing her.
Looking in, she stepped in slowly and was in total awe. She bit her lower lip and smiled gently, looking around. "Wow..." She whispered and then looked back at him, as he embraced her. "I think it's romantic. I mean when you say dungeon, I assume a dark and dingy place with a skeleton cuffed to the wall..." She looked into his eyes, kind of sort of getting lost in them. It was hard not to...
He smiled. "Every heart is beautiful, no matter the outside." he murmured, then kissed her lips, looking into her eyes.
He smiled.
"You're adorable." he said, running his fingers slowly through her soft hair.
He chuckled, kissing her lips once more and then releasing her, holding her hand. "I'll walk you home." he said softly.
"Oh, of course." he said. "It's late now. It's only proper." he said with a smile as he stopped to pull on his shorts.
Nodding, she put her shorts back on and then put her belly button ring on, wincing again. It always hurt to put it back in since somehow she always managed to poke herself anywhere but the designated piercing hole. Once done, she looked at him and took his hand, walking back with him once he was ready.
When they reached her home, he smiled. "And here is where we part." he said quietly. "You have my number. And now, I have yours, on my caller ID. So, I will see you soon." he turned to leave.
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