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Up, Up, and Away! (Hat + SHARPii)

He nodded. "There is one other secret place." he said quietly. "But it's much more dangerous. I don't want to risk it with you, to be honest, since neither of us can fly."
"No. You might fall... it's an old part of the building that was used to teach flying students. But it's kinda unstable, and I'm worried about what to do if it would break while we were on it."
"Yep!" he said cheerfully. His plan was to show her around the deeper parts, and then when they were alone, he'd make a move. Not a big one. Maybe a kiss on the cheek, or something.
"Cool." Nodding, she finished up her dinner and then downed her entire water just like that. She had plants in her so it was needed but she drank a lot more water than that. It was weird and scary especially since she didn't need to pee a lot after drinking so much water.
"You drink a lot to fuel your power, eh?" he asked. Thoughts of the implications of her power under the influence of sex ran through his head, but he dismissed them, finishing his meal.
"'s not really to fuel my power but me. I mean I told you about the vines or ivies coming out of my hands. They live in me and so I have to drink water to stay healthy. If I don't...I'll die..." She was like a plant, really. Not enough water and she would just tilt over like a dying plant.
"Wow... interesting." he said, as he called for the check. This time Billy approached, smiling.
"Hey, buddy." Hat said. Billy smiled.
"Whozis?" he asked, looking down at her. He was huge, but his smile was charming.
"That would be Klaigh." Hat replied. "Klaigh, this is my mentor, Billy."
Klaigh nodded and she looked to see Billy come. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, tilting her head back almost all the way. "Woah..." She said as she stared but then realized it was rude. She extended her hand out and smiled at him. "Hi. Nice to meet you." She said, her head still tilted almost all the way back.
He chuckled.
"Don't worry. I'm used to it by now." he turned to Tori and they finished up the transaction. He lead her out of the restaurant, then thought.
"You might want to dress really light. It's actually quite warm down there... I'll meet you back here in an hour, okay?"
"Oh, it's a wet heat. Like a marsh or something. Like for summer, so anything between a bikini and a spring outfit should be fine." he said, walking up the stairs. "Though you're free to wear what you like."
((I dunno, maybe now would be a good time? For that? It's up to you.))

Nodding, she went up to her room and walked in, shutting the door. She strolled on over to her closet and looked through it, looking for her rainbow bikini. Biting her lower lip, she pulled it out and then pulled out short khaki shorts. They were like short shorts. [and that color and low too] Changing, she set her dress on her bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She had a belly button ring and was debating on whether or not she should keep it in. It was safe. She put on sandals and retied her hair into a high ponytail, pinning her bangs back and walked out, putting her hands in her pockets, her hand playing with her key. She walked down to where she'd meet him and leaned on the wall, ignoring eyes.
He was going in shorts and a tank top that hugged his lean frame well and emphasized his musculature.
"Beautiful." he said with a smile. "Now follow me." he said, taking her hand and leading her towards the food court. He took a left into a small corridor, then smiled, pressing his hand against the wall. It glowed blue, then a doorway appeared, leading down to an ancient wooden door. He pulled her inside the new hallway and reformed the wall behind them. They were alone now. He held up his hand, using his power on the air itself to create a light for them to see.
She walked with him, hand in hand, as he lead her to their destination. Once there, she seemed to move closer to him so she wouldn't suddenly be taken by anything that would pop out. She watched a lot of scary movies where people went down into ruins or caves or haunted basements and such and never came out alive. "We'll come out alive after this, right?" She asked, slightly nervous.
"We'll be fine." he said, his arm slipping over her shoulder to hold her close as he opened the door. "Oh! No matter what, don't touch the fungus. If you do.... weird shit happens." he said. "I mean that! Your powers could go haywire, you might get odd compulsions, anything!"
He smiled, walking down deeper, the orb of light in his hand showing manacles and other small metal objects that had yet to erode. A lot of the area had bits of the red fungus. "Oh, and eating it's right out. At least that's a bit more predictable, if more embarrasing."
"Right...." She nodded as she looked around, gulping a little at the sight of the digusting fungus. "Oh that's sick..." She shuddered a bit. As she walked on, she kind of lost her balance just off of nothing and her hand touched the wall to regain it. But she felt something squishy and she grimaced. "Ugh...shit!"
He held her in his arms and sat her down on the cold rock. His hands held her arms in place. "Don't worry, you should be fine. It'll all be over in a few minutes..."
She wiped her hand on the wall where there wasn't any fungus and then on her shorts to make sure it got off. Sighing quietly, she put a hand to her head, feeling like her insides were heating up and it definitely wasn't comfortable. Even with what she was wearing she was feeling hot. "No it's not....It's hot..." She fanned herself, running a hand messily through her hair, untying it.
He sighed, turning around. "Do as you like, I won't look." he said, cursing himself but knowing it was for the greater good.
She bit her lower lip, unsure what she should do. She put a hand to her forehead, feeling it moistening. "N-No I'm--" She wanted to say she was fine but it was really hot, and getting even more hot. Sighing, she got up and she paced back and forth, fanning herself but it wouldn't do. Seeing as he wasn't looking, she turned her back and undid her shorts and slid them down a little bit more, stretching and then slipping them off completely. Still she felt like she was boiling, tempted to take more off but he was there. So she didn't.
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