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My Girlfriend Cosplays Supergirl (w/KiraMusani)

Kara gave a whine but took a breath. "So, it's kinda for both of you... Um... Do you ever get dressed up like in dresses, cuz all we've ever seen you in is slacks..." She blushed.

Rebecca looked over to Christine who looked slightly upset. Although Chris answered first. "No. Let me rephrase that. Not anymore. Not a fan of frills. Don't mind pink, just leave the frills off. Been undercover a few times where I was required to wear a dress. Formal wear actually. Practically a gown in one instance. Couldn't wait for the night to end, tell ya th' truth. Had to wear it longer than I'd have liked, as the debutante of the ball was kidnapped practically right under my ex-partner's nose around midnight, just as the gala was winding down. Why I don't like talking about 'im. Right royal drongo if ever there was one." She sighed. "Irony was the debutante had a fairy tale name. And disappearing about midnight adds to the irony. We... Or rather I... Found her unharmed a little after two," she then really blushed, as an a glow, "Got a very proper, or improper depending on how ya view it, thank you for the rescue from her."

Rebecca gave a slight smile. "I'm pretty much in dresses whenever I'm not in court. I find a business suit works best when I'm working, just to curb any runaway thoughts from clients, fellow attorneys, judges, opposition. I've defended and prosecuted, so I've been on both sides of the courtroom. I feel at work, at least, dresses are a distraction."
Noel was not expecting that question and blushed a little. Was this because she had told Kara before that she didn't really like dresses?

Jeff and Noel both presumed it was cinderella but decided to not ask anything figuring she was not allowed to say.
Christine looked at Noel. "Now you're the one looking like ya have a question that you're afraid to ask. Once a case is closed, it's okay to talk about it. Especially in a setting like this. Is it about that case? What I said? Now's the time, although I'd like to come by for another off record visit sometime." She was trying to urge Noel to ask, much like Noel had urged Kara to go ahead and ask hers.
Christine laughed, "Right solid catch, luv! Shows you Americans don't have the monopoly on odd names. I've seen some pretty unusual names since I've been in the States. Yeah her name is Cinderella. Still friends with her, although it's been three years. Once you become friends with her, she prefers Cindy, though, not that I blame her. Thinking of visiting me here in the States, but hope it's after all the current mess. Wouldn't want her here when I won't have a lot of time." She blushed again, looking at everyone. It might be clear to some, that although as an eighteen year old debutante, Cindy had a crush on her hero, there was something that both of them felt when cop was kissed by a princess (of sorts), and they continued to stay in touch after. It was also possible, Cinderella was the one Christine referred to when the love song was mentioned.
"Oh wow." Noel smiled and blushed lightly at that.

Noel paused for a moment, almost hiding her question before remembering they have been wanting her to ask, then she looked to Christine.
Rebecca looked at Christine with almost a pouty smile. "Yes, Detective... Do spill!"

Christine blushed even more red and yet held onto her smile. "I'll, }ahem{, erm... Only admit that I feel something, maybe a faster heart rate when I think of Cindy... I'm ten years her senior, though, give or take. Who knows? She might have a beau, we are talking money. Or have some kind of parental arranged marriage she has to go through, if not already. I sure can't support her on my meager means, at least what she's used to." She would only have to ask, and would learn, Cinderella feels the same about her with similar reservations. "Sure, I might be a yobbo, but I'm also realistic." Was she? "High society rarely go for working class like me." Really? Had she bothered to ask Cinderella about the affair of their own hearts?

Christine arose and stretched. "I've got paperwork and I need to get Rebecca where she's staying..." She lingered to see if anyone had anymore questions.
Chris got her extras already packed in plastic and came back into the living room as she had left the question hanging there. "You think I should? I mean, sure she's the one to make the bold first step, but that coulda been triggered by nothing more than a grateful young lady not sure how to react to the situation she was thrown into... On top of which, on the off chance it's true... We both have responsibilities on two different continents now." Oh how Christine wanted it to be true! How she hoped Cinderella felt like she did and the kiss was more than just a reaction to her rescue. "Tell you what, Noel, I'll be talking to her Thursday, it's the usual day we talk for a longer time, I'll ask her then... Hooroo!" She waved as she and Rebecca left.
Kara nodded. "I think we all are. What's going on tomorrow, who's doing what?"

Lenard looked over to her. "That depends on each of you. Calla and Stephanie have targets on their backs, due to someone who can't let go. He lost and can't deal with it." He shook his head. "And since we're trying to keep both of them out of sight, out of mind... They just live here... It's going to put Pat and Candy as targets. Candy because of who she is, being a pop star, and Pat because, well..." He looked over to her.

"Go ahead and say it, Lenard. I'm the mother figure. He might even make an attempt on Kara just because she's the actual daughter." Pat said. "The plan tomorrow is either the four of you stay home with doors and windows locked, or split you up in pairs to go with each vehicle. Two of you with Lenard and me on our errands, and two with Jeff and Candy for the autograph session."

Kara looked at Noel. "What do you want to do? Stay here, go with Mom and Dad, or go with Jeff and Candy?"

Calla and Stephanie were also debating what to do.
Noel thought for a moment.
"I don't really want to tempt fate, I honestly think we should all stay home, or at least as many targeted people as possible" she replied nervous but wanting to be honest.
"Unfortunately I can't, although technically not targeted, yet. Someone has to look over the fish for the next two nights." Pat said. "I probably could do without the salon though. More time to get fresher fish. Salmon, right Noel? If you're staying home, don't forget to have the marinade ready for me to put the fish right in it to save time. I am your assistant cook tomorrow."

Candy shook her head. "I haven't been targeted yet either, I'm just the well known celebrity friend. Wish I hadn't waited three years to cut the CD now. It's much too late to cancel the plans for the autograph session now. Besides, what do I say? Cancelled because there's a possibility I might be threatened? That won't fly and my mom would come out here and skin me, herself. I've been waiting for this moment."
Noel nodded.
"I also need to start the soak for the plank" She added to the reminder.

Noel looked down as Candy described her situation.
"I am really sorry Candy if you had not met me you would not be in this situation."
Candy shrugged. "Please. It's not public and nothing has happened yet. My mom had a saying. If you don't sweat the small stuff, you won't fear the big stuff." Another shrug. "Water off mallard's back."
"Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you" She smiled and nodded to her.
"So umm other than setting things up for tomorrow, what should we do tonight? If we had a plan I kind of forgot." She admitted rubbing her head.
Lenard was the one to speak up. "I know it's still fairly early, but I think everyone should get a good night's sleep for tomorrow. Pat and I should leave no later than ten. Jeff, it depends on when they want Candy there to set up for that 1-4 autograph signing session. Usually half hour before. I'd get there a little earlier, considering the circumstances, as well as it being so public. Problem is, everyone in the greater Seattle/Tacoma metro area knows she'll be signing her debut CD there."
Jeff nodded.
"I have already made arrangements for extra security. And for us to arrive an hour and a half early, so we can ensure everything is set to go."

Noel agreed to sleep and leaned against Kara lightly.
"Sounds like you've really been at it..." Candy smiled up at him, then teasingly to Noel with a wink, "Your brother keeps getting better and better... And that's just on the reasons I put him on my payroll! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he has my clothes for tomorrow already laid out! I'm not letting this manager go anywhere!"

Kara led Noel on upstairs to bed.

Candy would be pulling on Jeff to go not long after.

(Start Wednesday morning please. I can't think, too stressed)
Jeffery chuckled and smiled.
"Well since you mention it, your outfit is very important for these large public appearances like this." He replied and continued as they went to their room.

Noel happily followed Kara to their room and was more than happy to go right to bed with her, wanting to do nothing but hold her close and rest.


Wed morning:

Noel stayed in bed once again resting with Kara waiting for her to wake while Jeff was up and exercising before prepping everything he could for the day before Candy wakes.

Once Noel was up she ensured that everything was fine with the portions of the meal that had to be prepped this far in advance. Such as the board being soaked in water still from the night before. She also would prep her marinade.
Kara would wake about eight on her own, while Candy would have set her alarm for that since she was in the bed.

Calla was already up and had the coffee going in the Zorels' big twelve cup coffee maker. Stephanie was busy being a 9 to 5 Dolly Parton. She had already done the "tumble outta bed, stumble to the kitchen" part, and was busy waiting on the percolating to finish so she could "pour herself a cup of ambition." She was definitely doing the "yawning, stretching, trying to come to life"

Candy came down in the clothes picked out for her, having showered first, and smelling of herbs for her hair and cherry blossoms. "It's definitely October," she giggled, giving Jeff a thank you hug, "Maybe we should leave at ten with Lenard and Pat, and go to the store to pick me out some brown pumps." The fact she looked like a candy corn, didn't help. "I'm glad you picked it out because I'd try everything on and like nothing. This fits the season!"

Kara came down behind her dad and mom.

Calla had taken on herself to make everyone's breakfast, which because of the dinner the night before consisted of either cold or hot cereal. Candy thanked Calla, asking for regular oatmeal with butter and some of her Lucky Charms mixed in.
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Jeff hugged her back having already got their breakfasts prepped.
"We should probably head out shortly after breakfast, so if there was anything else that needs to be done before we leave make sure to think of it as we eat."

Noel stayed with Kara as she came down, getting food for herself before asking what Kara wanted and offering to get some for her as well. Though before that she quickly checked on the things she needed for the meal that night.
Candy nodded as she sat to eat breakfast. "All I'll have to do is go back upstairs and grab my purse." She explained, eating carefully so as not to mess up her clothes.

Kara wasn't sure she knew what she wanted, maybe some cinnamon-y oatmeal. She shrugged, wondering why it should matter if they were playing stay at home.

This got Stephanie's attention. "I dunno. Calla and I thought the idea was sound. I mean, if she and Noel stood back to back... I betcha they're the same height, or almost. And me, with my red hair too... Well, we're targets." She then looked to Noel, "I'm okay with it, and by him not knowing you dyed your hair... I mean even Detective Canyon was against you telling the media who you really are."

There was a knock at the door and Lenard asked who it was, and was relieved to hear his old friends voice.

Stephanie perked up. "Dad! Let me answer it, Mr. Zorel!"

Lenard chuckled and nodded, and anyone watching would see a man and woman dressed as cable tv workers. The woman, a blonde had a pair of reading glasses on and typing in what looked like an odd shaped laptop. Everyone inside would recognize Penny, though.
Noel was also still trying to decide on her food, though was planning to pick the same thing as Kara if she decided first.

Jeff nodded to Candy, happy that she was on top of things. He had already eaten earlier so was relaxing and socializing.

As the door opened Noel gave Penny a smile and a wave.
Penny nodded, and then closed the door before giving Noel a sign about her being undercover and put a forefinger to her lips.

Wainwright addressed Lenard as "Mr Zorel." "I understand you want to add to your cable with us."

"Yes, we're wanting some way we can be able to watch TV in the backyard, and Candy Pop here is wanting to perform live music for the neighborhood barbecue... Providing the weather holds out for Halloween weekend."

Penny shook her head. "The speakers and any cameras would have to be run from inside. You sure you want to go through all that trouble for something that will be temporary?"

"Oh, that's the beauty of it. They're moving in down the block, so they'll be close to here, and can perform here anytime they want to provide entertainment for the neighborhood."

"Makes sense," Captain gave detective a disparaging look.

Penny received message loud and clear. "Yes, it does, now that it's explained."

"We'll get to work immediately. We just have paperwork to go over. You'll have to sign a few things that my assistant can handle while I go back out to the truck and get the tools and supplies and start working."

The truck seen would be a typical cable company truck, so to any observer keeping an eye on the house, it would just look like routine business.

Calla would mention that with the others about to leave, that it would make her the oldest in charge... And technically, she was.

Penny recognized her as part of Candy's band... But had to act like she didn't. "And you are...?"

Pat answered, putting a hand on Calla's shoulder. "My friends' oldest daughter. Home from college. U of Wisconsin." It was a good thing Calla had mentioned to Jeff that since she was involved... To use her actual college just in case this Steve wasn't that stupid and tried to find out if "Noel" actually attended it.

"I used an alias there." Calla admitted. "Calla Noella." She gave Noel a knowing wink, that would even tell Jeff as well she cashed in some favors she was owed with faculty at the college. Her middle name was changed in their records. "I liked my name that much."

If Steve somehow was listening in... From the back... The trap was just set and the choice bait set in.

Pat shrugged, and so did Penny, and the "paperwork" was signed by finger by Lenard.
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