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To Protect Everything (Ghostxtiger and R[D])

"Uh well..." Alex had to think on that. What was there to say? The knight tried to scratch at the back of the head, but the helmet was in the way. "L-Like what?"
"I'm nineteen, Princess." Alex was definitely young. At least younger than the princess, which wasn't usually the case.
"No... I'm an only child. My father passed away a few years after I was born." Alex was okay with father's death. It happened a long time ago. Long enough to get over it.
"Princess..." Alex walked over and held her shoulders gently, trying to be as nice as possible. "Please don't give up on love. If you do, I'd be sad. Because then you'd be sad. I like it much mroe when you're happy."
Even Alex hear the rumble. "Hey! Hurry and get a meal going! The princess didn't eat much!" Alex called out to the others, who began to scramble for a meal.
The food was made quite hastily and served to the princess to eat. Alex even got some, and removed the helmet in order to eat. unfortunately, orders bound the knight to look around and keep an eye out for threats. But it was still nice to be out of the helmet.
Alex finished up quickly, but neglected to put the helmet back on. Fresh air! Alex would rather have that than a stuff old helmet anyday.
Alex blushed a little. If that wasn't the most humiliating thing the the world for a man, then the knight didn't know what was. There were some snickers coming from the guards.
"Yes, I dare say you've made me a very pretty girl." Alex snickered a little too. Oh well, the damage had been done. Not like the knight couldn't take all the other guards on and win.
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