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To Protect Everything (Ghostxtiger and R[D])

Alex simled and sat by the princess' bed, waiting for her to rise again when she woke. It would be a tiring trip for Alex, for sure.
"I'm feeling quite decent." Alex was on a second wind after getting really groggy. Hopefully the knight could last until the next kingdom.
The knight got up and was ready to go when the princess was. The flower was still in Alex's hair, which was less funny to the others and perhaps a little weird to them now.
Travel went smoothly for the rest of the day, and they seemed to go much faster than expected. At sunset, the kingdom they were headed for was awaiting them, and they only had a short travel in the dark before the Prince of the kingdom was out to greet them.
There was a light knock on the door. It was Alex's voice that came through the door. "Princess. We've arrived at our destination. Princess?"
Alex quickly caught the tumbling princess and stood her up straight. "Oh my. Princess, you're quite tired. I'm sorry Prince, but I must escort my Princess to her room so she may get a proper rest and prepare herself more properly for your meeting."
Alex took the princess up to her room and tucked her into the bed. Then Alex sat beside her bed and simply watched. Seeing the Princess so tired brought to mind Alex's own tiredness. But the knight needed to stay vigilant.

Alas, but morning, the knight would be asleep, flopped over onto the floor, drained of strength.
"nnngh..." The knight groaned and rolled over, the armor clattering on the ground. The knight's face looked at peace, finally having gotten some sleep.
Aida giggled as she smiled down at the sleeping knight.She brushed the blond hair from his face"This trip must have been rather tiring huh?"she said softly as she caressed the knight's cheek.
The flower was still there, well protected by the knight's shimmering locks. Alex simply whimpered a little at the touch, not seeming to care.
Aida smiled again at the sight of the flower in the knight's hair then found herself staring at Sir Alex's lips.She blushed at the thought"W-What am I thinking"she said to herself as she looked away.
Alex seemed to curl up while sleeping, as if grasping at something. Like a pillow. The knight was of course adorable, which wasn't exactly the most masculine thing in the world.
Aida looked at Alex again then giggled at the knight's position.He didn't very manly at that moment but for some reason that made him more appealing to the princess"You're awfully cute while you sleep Sir Alex"she whispered as she leaned down closer,brushing the knight's hair again.
The knight woke at that moment, eyes opening to see beauty staring inches away, a hand in the blonde hair. And deep crimson flooded across Alex's features. "P-P-Princess... Uh err..."
Alex was also trying to get up. But the knight's tired body, and the weight of the armor prevented that. "I uh... It's um... You know... It's fine..." The knight grunted a little.
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