To Protect Everything (Ghostxtiger and R[D])

Alex laughed a little and just let it slide. "Be careful what you wish for, Princess... Would you rather see me in a dainty dress or this armor?"
Aida just laughed more,imagining to knight in a dress"I would be able to control my laughter if I saw that"she said as she laughed.This was very usual behavior for the princess but she didn't care since this got her mind off of the meeting with the Prince.
"I think I'd wind up the laughing stock of the entire kingdom... And beyond." The knight laughed too. It was nice to be able to talk like this.
"It'd be a wonderful place for true love to happen..." Alex sighed softly and looked outover the field of flowers as the sun was setting.
Alex just watched as the princess did. Alex could only wish that the girl could fall in love. But the knight knew that it wouldn't be today. Or at least, not with Alex. Not the real Alex.
"Very well. I'll be standing out in front as a guard of course." Alex smiled and would follow the Princess until she got to where she'd be sleeping. And Alex would be right outside the door.
Alex bowed as the princess went in, flower still in the knight's pretty blond hair. The knight then turned about and guarded over the door.
"Yes, Princess?" Alex called through the door, cautious not to look because of the last time the knight had burst into her room.
"Alright, Princess." Alex cautiously went into the room, glad to see the princess was clothed. Nothing against her, it was just awkward. The knight came over and knelt next to the bed, not wanting the weight of the armor to mess with the bed.
Alex smirked. "Yup... They'd love to have womanly hair, just like me..." With a little laugh, Alex got a little more comfortable.
The knight smiled softly and pushed the girl gently into an easier position to sleep in. Putting the covers over her body, Alex leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, Princess."
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