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The hunter and the hunted

She nodded and started to turn around to head around the side of the building to head up to her home. But she quickly turned back around and said Lucas' name before grabbing his hand quickly. Moving forward, she kissed him on the cheek with a small smile and a bright blush. "Thanks for walking me home." she whispered before turning and hurrying around the corner. When she was close to him, her own personal scent washed over him and would keep him from smelling the wolfsbane. She smelled like cherry blossoms with an undertone that anyone would link to a cold day in the middle of winter just after a fresh snowfall. Even after she left him, her scent lingered.
It was like gettiing a breath of fresh air after nearly drowning. Her scent made him feel better, overpowering the faint wolfsbane. "Your welcome," he said watching her vanish up to her home. Fo som reason that scent felt familiar, he just didn't know from where.
After hurrying up to her apartment, she leaned against the door of her home and blushed darkly. She couldn't believe that she kissed him. Running a hand over her face, she sighed and moved through the apartment, shrugging off her bag before tossing it onto a counter.
He smiled, touching his cheek before begnning to walk off into the night. There wouldn't be a full moon for sommetime, it was safe for now.
Over the next few weeks, Lucas and Nikkola had gotten closer and closer to each other. When ever she wasn't working, she was with him spending time getting to know him better and vice versa. Nikkola felt close to Lucas and she had never liked a guy the way she liked him. Lately she had been getting off of work earlier in the day to spend more time with Lucas. At the moment, she was gathering her things from the back of the cafe after logging out for the day.
It was still early. Lucas was, well he had enjoyed his time with Nikkola, though he knew eventually it would end.He had been worried recently too. It would be the full moon soon. He couldn't forget about that. When it came he would have to be far away from the town, else he might wonder into it. As of right now though, he was waiting for her to log out, she was in the back, so he let himself in going behind the counter into the backroom.
Nikkola heard Lucas before she saw him as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder before turning to look at Lucas as he entered the backroom. "Hey." she said softly with a smile, brushing her long hair out of her face. Walking towards him, she grinned up at the taller man and took one of his hands into hers. "Come to walk me home again?" she asked playfully. They usually did something before he actually walked her home but at the end of the day, they always ended up outfront of her shop. Sometime over the past few weeks, she had gotten rid of the wolfsbane from the shop when she began cleaning up and getting ready to open again. The only kind of wolfsbane that was still in the shop was the liquid essence of wolfsbane which was in crystal bottles that were corked and sealed so he couldn't of been able to smell it.
He smiled as she took his head. He softlygave her a gentle kiss "Yes I have," he said to her gently. It was still daylight though. But of course they might find something to do in order to kill some time. He was thankful she had gotten rid of the wolfsbane, at times he nearly felt like blacking out just from the smell outside her shop.
She giggled softly and blushed when he kissed her, returning it just as gently. "Lets go then." she said softly, squeezing his hand gently while smiling up at him. Nikkola had grown alot more affectionate with him lately which had surprised both her and those around her who saw them together. Though plenty of people were still a little suspicious about the newcomer in town.
Lucassmiled as they walked out.Not many people liked him, he looked odd for one thing. But it was more so the fact no one really knew much about him that made them suspicious of him. He wasa newcomer, and not to mention he seemed to vanish at nights and only appear in days.
While the others were wary of Lucas, Nikkola was anything but. She had been taken by his kindness and the quirks that he had. Many of the people that lived in the small town knew what she was and how she protected them at night so they didn't worry too much about her, knowing that she could protect herself. As they left the cafe, she took a deep breath of the fresh air outside of the cafe with a small smile. "So, do you want to come to my place?" she asked him softly. "I was thinking that maybe I'll cook us dinner."
"That sounds like a plan," he said. He wanted to ask what she would make, but he decided it would just be a surprise. He would look around seeing people stare at him at times when they walked down the street. He would growl, but she might think he was strange.
Nikkola smiled up at him and nodded with a grin while holding his hand, leaning against his side a little. She had been out grocery shopping the day before and she had picked up some steaks that she wanted to make. Glancing up at the sky, she was tempted to sigh. The full moon would be soon and she would have to go out for the night and fight off any werewolves that came into the town and make up excuses for any scratchs, cuts and bruises she would have.
"What are you looking at?" he asked her. In th day the moon was still visible, but it was still as three fourth full. It would be another few days before it was full. "What...worried about the moon?" he asked her, with a rather playful tone behind it, though it was really so he could try to cover up for himself.
"Hmm?" she murmured, quickly looking at him before smiling and shaking her head. "Oh, no. I'm not worried about the moon. I was thinking about something that I read about. There's supposed to be a meteor shower late tonight. That's all." Nikkola was telling the truth too. She always kept an eye on things that happened that had to do with the night sky.
"Really...sounds interesting I have never seen one before," he said to her."I did see a shooting star a few times while I kinda figure it's like that, just more at the same time." He however did look up himselfonce more, he was sure he wouldn't be changing that night.
She entwined their fingers and looked down at their hands. "Maybe... maybe you would like to watch the metor shower with me?" she said softly, gently biting her lip. She knew that he disappeared at night, but she hoped that maybe he would stay around just this once.
Lucas was, a little taken by the invitation, though he wanted to. "Yeah I'dlike that very much," he said to her deciding that it would be alright. "I don't think I need to worry about tonight," he said.Normally he would say he had some sort of errand that he had todo, or some late afternoon job that would use most of the day. Though it was hard to think of a good excuse since this town seemed paranoid of werewolves and nothing was really running after dusk.
Nikkola looked up at him and grinned before kissing him on the cheek and she blushed brightly. She was a little surprised that he said yes but she was pleased none the less. "Tonight we're just going to relax and enjoy ourselves. No need to worry about anything."
He smiled "Yeah," he said, though he thought 'not for a few days'. They walked the usual was to her shop. He could tell now how manysteps it took, he would unconsciously count them as they would walk each night or day. It was just a habit of his, he alays liked to know exactly where to get somewhere. Though he was never certian ifthis knowledge was still in his head when he wasn't himself.
Seeing the shop and her apartment up ahead, she reached into her purse with her free hand and pulled out her keys as they got closer and closer with every step. As she pulled her keys out, the softly jingled before becoming silent as she wrapped her fingers around the keys and keychains while gripping her house key.
Lucas would listen to the jingle of keys. After that it meant there was about 12 more steps before they were in front of the door. He found it a bit fun to try and memorize things. He noticed how she walsy got her keys ready, as if she was expecting she might need to open her door quickly.
After reaching the door to the side door of the shop, she unlocked it and opened the door. Instead of leading into the actual shop, through the door was a small flight of stairs that led straight up into her apartment. Walking ahead of Lucas, she silently walked up the steps and led the way into her apartment. Nikkola's home was cozy though there were things around the apartment that had to do with wicca and such that she was taught about and the scent of tea herbs was faint in the air. After entering the apartment, she sat her keys and purse down on a table while kicking off her shoes.
Lucas followed suit, watching her descend the steps and lead the way, not that he would complain being behind her. He took off his shoes as well getting into her apartment. He had been inside before, but only for a bit and during the morning. This time of day, the heat was a bit more and the scents in her room would get a little stronger because of it.He was still thankful she had cleaned up the wolfsbane, though he saw the crystal bottles full of it as well. He knew at times a small dose of it could actually force a werewolftoturn back into human form, though he never caed to try.
Nikkola looked around her home as she shrugged off her jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. She had placed the bottles of wolfsbane on a metal shelf in the sitting room. There were several different bottles of herbs and such in the shelf as well. "Make yourself comfortable." she said to him. "Would you like anything to drink? I have all sorts of different things."
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