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The hunter and the hunted

She chuckled softly and grinned a little while gazing up at him. "Thanks. They're time comsuming and hard things to do, but I had a great teacher." she said softly with a shrug. "What about you? What do you do on your off time?" She leaned against the counter that seperated their bodies and she propped her head up on her palm.
For a moment he thought of an answer, though only for a moment."I camp outdoors a lot," he said to her. In some twisted sort of logic thats what he did. Though of course he didn't go any further into the subject.
She arched an eyebrow when he told her what he did. "Camping huh?" she murmured before shrugging with another grin. "I used to go camping alot when I was a little girl but things in life change and I haven't been able to do so in a long time." She picked up the plate that her own pastry had been sitting on and she placed it into the basin with the other dishes.
"Maybe I could take you sometime?' he said, though he sort of said it before actually realizing it came out.It just sort of spilled out of his mouth before he could even try to swallow it back up.
"Huh?" she said before grinning. "I appretiate the offer but I'm needed here." Nikkola sighed as she looked around the shop. "These guys would be lost without me. But maybe on a weekend if I'm not suddenly called into work, perhaps you could."
"Sure," he said to her. He was glad she didn't seem to take much with it. "Well....I guess I'd best be going now," he said, he had no real appointments, he just thought he might be taking up her valuable time. He knew where she woked, if ever he waned to see her again he would just come this way again.
A slight pout formed on Nikkola's lips when he said that he should be going and she nodded a little. "Oh.. okay. Well, I enjoyed talking to you Lucas." she said gently. "Will I see you again?" She blushed a little and ducked her head in embarassment. Nikkola had never been so forward before with a guy.
He smiled "Lik wise Nikkola" he said to her. "Yeah...I'll be back for more of your delicious coffee," he told her. To be honst he had never acquired a taste for the drink, but he thought he might now. If it ment seeing her again
She blushed a little more and giggled with a nod. "Well, then I hope to see you again some time soon." she said softly while brushing her bangs out of her face. The young woman stood up straight and gazed up into his eyes.
He gazed into hers as well. They looked so beautifully alluring, and familiar. Sudden something in his chest hit him hard. His inner self was trying to get out, but why? He put a hand on his chest "Well then I'll see you soon," he said giving her one last smile before leaving, the small chime of the door was the last ting he heard before the door closed and he went out into the now somewhat busy town.
Nikkola nodded and sighed as she watched him leave the shop, a small smile on her lips. As the door shut behind him, he would be able to hear her yelling at the guys in the back of the shop, telling them to shut up when they began teasing her about something. The young woman couldn't wait to see Lucas again.
He walked a ways away until he was mostly out of site. His chest still heaving a bit, but the pain subsided a bit the further he got away from her cafe. "In day light?" he wondered, normally only when the full moon approached did the wolf in him stir and claw from inside. Had she caused it to happen?
After finally getting the guys to stop teasing her, Nikkola looked in the direction he had gone and she stood there silently with a thoughtful look on her face. Lucas had looked familiar though she didn't know why, knowing full well that she had never met him before. With a shake of her head, she turned back to her work that would take up her time for the rest of the day.
He stayed therefor some time.It was duck by the time he stood up from where he had hunched over to calm himself. He looked at the setting sun, it looked nice,to him he was glad he could see it, but at the same time it would fill him with dread. The full moon was last night, he would be able to control himself now. Slowly he walked back into the now empty sidewalk.
As the day came to a close, Nikkola locked up the shop and headed for home. She noticed that the sun was setting and the streets were empty. Smiling slightly, she brushed her bangs from her face as she hurried for home, her shoes tapping softly on the sidewalk. Normally the werewolves only came out during a full moon, but there were the rare occurences when they changed at other times during the moon cycle.
Lucas walked down the street slowly, taking in the night noies. He could hear things normal people couldn't, smell and see things better in the night as well. The steet lights flickered on as the sun fully set. Once again he was feeling a little hungry, but it wasn't bad, he was sure he could find something back in the woods.
As she walked down the empty street, she softly hummed as she looked around. Even though she fought against the beasts of the night, she still loved how everything looked after the sun went down. The streetlamps were turned on, lights in homes were lit and it seemed the entire street got dark. Smiling slightly, she turned the corner and paused as the sun went down the rest of the way. Few ever ventured out of doors at night these days for fear of any of the beasts that roamed their community. She was one of the few that did because she knew how to protect herself. The only others that did venture out were the drunks that frequented the taverns and bars around town.
Lucas looked up suddenly. He heard something, no it was a someone. 'Why else would anyone be out at night like this?' he thought to himself. He wondered if it was a hunter, he vaguely remembered the one from the night before. He sniffed the air, the scent was pleasing and a tad fragrent. He could smell coffee, cakes and other things in it. He hadn;t turned tonight, there would ne no reason to ty and run unless they knew what he was. But no one knew. The foot steps where soft, but grew louder, for some reason it made him nervous.
Nikkola had been trained to be able to hear better then a normal person but at that moment, she wasn't on her guard as she slowly began walking down the street again. Her small hands were tucked into her pockets and her head was bowed as she softly hummed to herself, some of her long hair falling in her face and hiding it from view. The woman didn't notice Lucas up the street from her, nor did she hear him at all.
"Nikkola?" he asked suddenly seeing who the foot steps belonged to. He knew it was her, from a distance it was apparent, but of course he tried to seem surprised now, though he sort of was. "Why are you out and about this time of night?" he asked her as he walked towards her. She didnt seemed to have noticed him.
Hearing her name, Nikkola froze and looked up sharply, looking around until she spotted Lucas and she smiled slightly as he asked her why she was out and about. "I just finished closing up the shop." she said to him. "I'm now on my way home. Why are you out and about at this time?" She arched an eyebrow and looked up at the man curiously.
"Lost track of time," he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Tend to do that a lot sometimes," he said and stopped as he stood in front of her. "It's not safe being out this late, though I've never really had a problem, I always get those warnings from people," he said once again shrugging his shoulders. Why would he be afraid,after all, he is what people needed to e afraid of.
"I don't have to worry about being in danger." she said to him. "I have my faith and a couple of fighting skills to keep me safe." She shrugged slightly as she adjusted her bag. "My father wanted to make sure I could protect myself. Besides, I'm a fast runner as well." Nikkola grinned playfully and chuckled as she tossed her hair back over her shoulder again.
"Well thats good to know...though what i it is some stray dog...or crazed gunman?" he asked her. He reframed from asking her if a werewol attacked. He wanted to seem ignorant of the fact.
She softly chuckled and smiled wider. She liked that he was concerned for her, the thought comforting her a little. "I have some pepper spray in my purse and there's a very rare chance of a gunman walking the streets. Even if there were, I know of plenty of alleyways and hiding spots around here to get away should I have to."
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