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The hunter and the hunted

"That gives some releif," he said, noticing he must be hinderng her return home. "I uess I should let you go then?" he asked, not wanting to be a nusaince.
She looked a little thoughtful before brushing her bangs from her face. "Hmm, how about you walk me home? I'd like a little company for a change." she said to him, blushing a little. She was glad that it was fairly dark out, believing that he wouldn't be able to her bright blush.
He smiled gently "Sure," he said. "I'd be happy to be your escort," he said before taking his place beside her, closer to the street of course. He felt it a little strange she would quikly let a stranger help her home.
She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder before slipping her hands into the pockets of her jacket as she began walking again. "So, Lucas. Tell me a bit about yourself." she said softly, glancing up at him from the corner of her eye.
"Well....not sure how much to say," he said thoughtfully. "Parents are long gone...not dead...just lost track of them," he said. "Didn't finish school...had an incident that prevented me from continueing my education."
She looked up at him curiously as he told her about his parents and not being able to finish school. "What happened?" she asked him. "If you don't mind me asking."
"Lets just say...ran into the wrong type of person....a girl to be exact," he said to her. It was during his senior year of highschool he'd been turned. Actually a week from graduation. It's a bit scary when suddenly your girlfriend really does become a monster in bed.
She nodded slowly and looked at him again. "You could still go back to school and finish it." she said softly. "Or finish school through home schooling. That's what I did. My guardian didn't want me to go to public school so he kept me home and taught me himself."
"I don't think I'd blend in much at school anymore," he said to her. "Besides...I've learned to deal with my problem a bit," he told her. He had no intention of turning anyone else, and college ment classes at night at times.
She couldn't help but wonder what problem he had but she knew when to mind her own business and she nodded slightly. "I've never seen you around here before and I know just about every one that lives here in this small town." She adjusted her jacket slightly and slipped her hand back into her pocket once again.
"I move around a bit....camping a lot....but looking more so for temporary jobs as I move from place to place," he said. He wasn't homeless, well he didn't want to come off as homeless.
She smiled widely and looked up at him through her bangs that fell in her face. "That actually sounds fun. Camping, I mean. I just... never have time to do it. I've too many responcibilities around here." she said with a small frown, thinking about the job that had been left to her by her guardian and mentor. "As for a job, we have an opening at the cafe if you're interested or there are plenty of places around town that have openings for after noon jobs. No one is ever open after sunset."
"Why is that?" he asked curiously, side stepping the notion of a job. "I mean I sort of understand, it seems dead at night....I just don't get why."
She cleared her throat and looked up at the moon which was hanging over head and she thought about how to answer him for a moment before finally doing so. "Well... there have been a series of attacks for a long time now and almost everyone refuses to be outside once the sun starts to set and they don't leave their homes until after the sun rises. There have been a number of murders as well as several mullings but the victims that were mulled and bitten always dissappear." she said slowly while looking down at her feet. "There are rumors about who or what the attacks were done by."
Concern went over his face "Murders?" he asked though not expecting an answer. "Nothing has been done to stop them?" he asked her. "Or have all efforts just been failures?"
Nikkola nodded with a soft sigh. "Oh yes. Murders. They have been happening since I was a child and plenty has been done to stop them and the efforts have worked to an extent." she said gently. She glanced up at him again, wondering how he would react.
"Thats a shame," he said. He'd been in the forest for some time now, it seemed this town attracted his kind though, he wasn't the first to hunt here. "So....where do you live exactly?" he asked her, they had been walking and talking for a while now.
She nodded slightly with a sigh. "Indeed." she said softly before looking up ahead. "Oh, I live right up there." she said, pointing up ahead at a shop. "My guardian owned the shop and the apartment above it. He left both to me in his will but I closed the shop for now until I get situated and I have things sorted out."
"So what was your guardian like?" he asked her. For someone to leave a home for her, they must have known her well. By the sounds of it they seemed like a mentor or teacher to her. Teacher of what he had no idea.
"He was a wonderful man. I don't go a single day without thinking about him. He was all I had left after my family died. While he was strict about his lessons, he was also gentle and kind. He had wisdom beyond his years" she said softly. "When I lost my family, he took me in as a little girl and raised me. She softly sighed and shrugged.
Lucas smiled gently "That sounds nice...your lucky to have met someone like that," he said. He however said nothing more, h felt a bit of envy to her, but then again he was a monster. As a human he regretted what he did, even though he knew he needed to in order to survive. As the monster he had no regrets or anything.
She frowned slightly. "He said he took me in because it was his duty towards my mother to take in her last surviving child because he had said he would protect her and keep her safe. But since he couldn't, he decided to protect me." she said as they got closer to her home, looking up at the shop and the apartment above it. The shop was one of those wiccan and old time herbal remady shops.
He heard her, but didn't pry, he was going to ask why her guardian seemed so noble. As they drew closer to her home he sniffed the air, the lingering smell of herbs and plants was still there, though only barely. "Interesting shop," he said to her.He suddenly smelt something that made him cringe. It made him feel sick to his stomach to. He smelt wolfsbane!
She nodded slowly as she gazed up at the name of the shop. It was a strange celtic name but beneath the name and the emblem for the shop was some kind of saying written in french though no one knew what it ment other then her and others who spoke french. It said something about werewolves. "Yeah. It is rather interesting. I haven't been in it in months though. I need to clean out some of the dead plants that were kept in the shop to ward off evil beings and such." she said with a roll of her eyes and a chuckle. "I can still smell the aconitum and the arnica montana flowers. Gives me a headache." Both of the flowers were known as wolfs bane but only one of them was the actual herb.
He tried to act calm, but the smell was really getting to him now. He knew if he even touched this stuff it could really harm him.Eating it could turn fatal, or he could get sick. "Yeah....well...glad you got homealright," he said to her. He was trying not to run away.
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