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The hunter and the hunted

"Water would be fine," he sad, he didn't really drink anything bt that, and the coffee at her cafe. He always wondered what would happen if he got drunk, though he never wanted to try, in case he bit someone as a human. Then people would just think he was crazy.
Nodding, she padded into the kitchen and took down two glasses. One in which she poured some sweet tea and into the other she poured some water before carrying them out to him. "Here you go." she said, holding out the water to him. "I'm really happy you agreed to stay tonight."
"Me too," he said with a smile, taking the glass with a thank you. He drank alittle of it, in truth he wasn't too thirsty, and for some odd reason it was a bit different today.
"Well, I'm going to go start dinner. You make yourself comfortable or you can come and help me." she said with a smile. "You're my guest so you choose." Nikkola grinned up at him and turned, padding back into the kitchen where she began pulling out the food for dinner that day.
"Ill help," he said, he never really cookedbefore so he would gladly help. Though he just hoped he didn't screw it up or anything.
She nodded and pulled out a cutting board and a knife, setting them down next to a bag of carrots, some broccoli and some culliflower. "Could you cut these up?" she asked him. "I'm going to steam them to go with the rest of dinner." She smiled up at him before beginning to open the package that held the thick steaks that she was going to cook for dinner.
"Sure," he sad taking the knife and board and started to cut up the veggitables. He really didn't know how she wanted them cut, but he tried to make them look as nice and even when he did.
Nikkola just smiled as she began putting some spices onto the steaks, making sure not to use too much on them. She kept mostly with a little salt and pepper and just the smallest bit of basil which would help bring out the natural flavors of the steak. Once she had the spices on the meat, she moved over to her stove and began heating up a pan.
"Hows this?" he asked, he had diced the vegitabkes fairly well. He made sure not to cut them too small and the broccoli and califlower still resembled small trees.
Moving over to his side, she looked down at the vegetables and nodded before picking up a piece of carrot and she popped it into her mouth. "It's good. Thank you." she said, leaning forward to softly kiss him on the lips.
He smiled returning the kiss. "Good glad I didn't ruin them," he said, in truth he didn't care uch for vegitabls. Ever since the change he liked eating rare meat and well, not s much anything other, but being a human he could eat anything without getting sick.
Chuckling lightly, she patted his arm and moved over to one of the cabinets, removing the steamer for the vegetables and she set it on the counter. It was a small electric vegetable and rice steamer that she used a good bit to cook her meals. "Could you place some water into here?" she asked, holding out the small container that would hold the water.
With a no he took the container and filled it with water. "So what is that?" he asked her, he'd never seen a steamer before.
After he took the container, she had turned to the steaks and placed them onto the pan to cook them, smiling when she heard the hiss of the raw meet hitting the hot surface. Hearing his question, however, she looked over her shoulder. "Oh, that? It's a steamer. It cooks vegetables without me having to fuss too much. All that you have to do to operate it is fill that with water, then place it into the very bottom of the steamer then put the lit with the holes it it ontop of the water container then put the vegetables in and put the last lid on and turn the whold thing on."
"Soound conveinient," he said giving her th container of water. He would wait to watch how she operated this thing, though it seemed fairly straight forward.
Taking the water from him, she carried it over to the appliance and put it inside before putting the steamer lid on then she fetched the vegetables and placed them inside as well before putting the top lid on. With a slight nod, she plugged it in and turned the appliance on. "There. All done." she said. "So, how do you like your steak?" she asked him.
"Rare," he said glad she had asked, he wouldn't complain if she hadn't, it just wouldn't have tasted the same to him.
She nodded and moved over to the pan where the steaks were cooking and she flipped one of them over, cooking it so that it would just be brown on the very outside but on the inside it was still red and bloody. Rare, just like he asked. She ate hers at medium rare so that it was cooked all the way but was still juice in the very center.
Lucas sort of just watched now as she cooked. He couldsmell the food and his mouth watered, though of course he had more tact then letting her see that hapening.
After just a little while, Nikkola took the vegetables out of the steamer and replaced it with some rice while she started heating up a small pot of beef gravey from the night before and in no time, their food was done cooking. "Do you want rice?" she asked him as she put the steaks onto two seperate plates.
"A little," he said, not wanting to be rude. He might eat it, expecially with a bit of the steak.
Nodding, Nikkola put a little rice onto his plate and some onto her own before picking them up and heading over to her small dinning table. "There we go. Hope you like it." she said to him as she moved to get some more water and tea for them.
The smell was amazing, he was already beginning to salivate. Though he did his best not to seem like a hungry animal. He went to sit with her at the table, after she got the drinks they began to eat. His instincts wanted to tear into the bloody cooked mat, but he ate wih a knife and fork as well as any normal guy could.
Sitting down across from him, Nikkola sat their drinks down before beginning to eat as well. After eating small pastries most of the day, the thick juicy steak was like heaven to the woman as she cut bite size pieces from the steak and ate them. She chewed slowly as she savored the grade A piece of beef.
"It's good," he said as he ate. It was not the same as fresh caght, but the spices and flavorings, even the vegitables, solong as he mixed it with the meat, tasted good. He never knew she could cook, though of course working with living alone most likely the need to know such a task is necessary.
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