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The hunter and the hunted

Hearing his words made the woman grin and she blushed with delight. "Thanks." she said softly. "I'm glad that you like it." She giggled softly and took another bite of her food.
They exchanged some small talk as they ate. At times they would maybe repeat themselves and tell one another a fact that the other already knew, or at times reveal something different about themselves. Lucas was careful not to give away his biggest secret of all, though he did explain a few things that mostly nobody would know about him. As they talked one question did linger in his mind though "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked her.
Nikkola enjoyed their small talk through out dinner. She was in the middle of taking a drink when he asked if she had ever had a boyfriend and she choked a little on her drink. Setting her glass down, she looked up at him in surprise. Once she calmed down a bit she cleared her throat and answered. "Yes. I had one back in high school." she said softly. "We dated for about a year and a half before we broke up."
He didn't think the question would have struck her like that, but she didn't seem hesitant to answer, just surprised. "Why did you two break up?" he asked her, he was curious now. One aspect of himself was his deep curiosity, He waited to see what she would say.
She looked away from him as she thought about her ex-boyfriend for a minute before answering him. "Our relationship was one of those on again off again type of things before we both decided to stay together for good. But after that he started getting jealous and possesive before he got violent." she said softly. "I couldn't stay with him any longer so I broke it off and got a restraining order on him when he started following me around."
He had not been expecting that answer, and was a bit shocked by it. "I see...." he said feelin that he had now caused the moment to become awkward and a bit unsettling.
Nikkola just shook her head with a small smile. "It's all in the past though. I've moved on." she said softly. "I haven't been in any kind of relationship since then because of my schedual until you came along." She blushed a little and smiled sheepishly.
He smiled, though still felt rather bad inside. "I'm glad I could help then," he said to her smiling back. He knew that they really couldn;t be moe then, well just close friends. Maybe not even that.
Picking up her tea, she took a long drink of it and finished it before looking at her plate. There were only a small bit of steak left on it and some rice left but she couldn't eat anymore. "I'm done. What about you?" she asked him
"Yeah me too," he said to her. He had demoured the meat, though left over vegitables and rice where still on his plate. He drank sme water, still trying to figure out how he could patch things up. "When is this shower supposed to take place?"
Looking out the window, she saw that it had gotten dark out while she cooked and they ate, then she looked at the time. "It's supposed to start in about twenty minutes." she said. "Why don't you go grab that blanket from over the back of the couch while I take the dishes out to the kitchen and I'll lead the way upstairs to the roof."
Gathering up their dishes, she headed into the kitchen and scraped them clean before putting them into the dishwasher and quickly putting the left overs into tupperware containers. Several minutes after she disappeared into the kitchen, she walked into the living room where he was waiting and she took his hand. "Come on." she said gently before leading him down a hall to a door that led to a set of stairs that led up to the roof. After stepping outside, she shivered a little from the night air and she moved over to a small swing that her guardian had set up for her and she sat down, patting the spot next to her.
He nodded and came to sit next to her, he didn;t know why the blanket was needed, but as he looked p at the sky the first thing he noticed was the nearly circular moon claring at him. To him it wasn;t something romantic or beautiful, it seemed to be something menacing and threatening. It was a gaiant glare from God himself reminding him what he was.
She took the blanket from him and leaned against his side with a soft sigh before pulling the blanket over her legs to protect them from the chill of the night. Nikkola glanced up at the moon and she was thinking much the same thing as Lucas. Though it more reminded her of the duties that she had to the town and the pain she would be in by the end of the night of the full moon and the day after that. Suddenly a streak of light shot across the sky and she gently nudged Lucas and pointed to the meteor that shot across the sky soon followed by another.
He had been deep in thought, and regret, before she nudged him back to earth. He followed her finger seeing the streak go by."Wow..."he said, they where slower then shooting stars, they seemed to almost hanging still in th sky, but they moved, just in such a way.
She smiled and curled up against Lucas' side as they watched more and more meteors move across the sky, her hand reaching out and gently grasping his. The night was so quiet and peaceful. It seemed almost perfect to her as they watched the shower.
He felt hers fingers curl over his hand. Sloly he grasped hers gently as well, he didn't say anything. Neither of them really spoke for the time being. He watched as the metoers streaked across the night sky. They would go so far before seemingly vanishing into space. It was an amazing sight, even the nearly full moon was forgotten by him.
For nearly half an hour they sat there in complete silence just watching the meteor shower before it finally ended and she sighed happily. Looking over at him, she smiled up at him. "So, what did you think?" she whispered.
Lucas thought for a moment "I'm not sure what to think...though I never thought anything was so...amazing happening in the night sky," he said. "I mean people talk about aliens, and other things in the spaces beyond our reach, but I don't think you can witness a meteor shower or anything like it on earth".
Nikkola slowly nodded before looking up at him. She didn't know what it was about him that attracted her so, but there was just.... something that made her want to kiss him and so much more. "Do you... do you want to head back inside or stay out here a little while longer?" she whispered.
"Lets go inside," he said, "I don't want you to catch a cold." He felt uneasy once more when the shower had finished, once again the moon giving him tha sinister glare.
"Okay." she said softly before slowly standing up and wrapped the blanket around herself. Reaching out, she took his hand into her own and began to lead the way back inside.
He followed her inside, at this point his tail would have been agging, if he had one then. "So...does that happen ften?" he asked her, meaning the metoer shower.
She looked up at him as they entered the apartment and she shook her head with a small smile. "No. It only happens once every couple of years." she said softly while closing the door behind them. Nikkola looked up at him from beneath her long eyelashes and gripped his hand a little tighter. "Lucas... would you be angry if I kissed you?" she asked softly. She knew that he wouldn't since they've kissed several times before but it was usually him who started the kiss.
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