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star wars

  1. Solo

    Fx Male solo's story-focused canon cravings | harry potter, star wars, and more!

    hello, friends, and welcome to solo's canon cravings search. please do not take any of the information or formatting below. if you're interested in plotting, please pm me! WHAT I CAN OFFER YOU WHAT I ASK OF MY PARTNERS replies may come slowly. i'm ridiculously busy irl, working full-time...
  2. Solo

    Mx Female solo's story-focused canon cravings | harry potter, star wars, and more!

    hello, friends, and welcome to solo's canon cravings search. please do not take any of the information or formatting below. if you're interested in plotting, please pm me! WHAT I CAN OFFER YOU WHAT I ASK OF MY PARTNERS replies may come slowly. i'm ridiculously busy irl, working full-time...
  3. MoonlitDoll13

    Fx M or F New & Current Roleplay Cravings

    Hello! I wanted to share my current roleplay cravings and see if there’s anyone interested in working on them with me. I have roleplay rules and stuff I can share with you when we chat. And if we’ve roleplayed before if you need a refresher, I’m happy to share. Let's get to the fun stuff! My...
  4. SonOfHavoc

    Mx Female Tales of the Old Republic

    Hello! I have a cliff notes version of the Sith portion of this thread in another thread, but I've been in more of a Star Wars mood lately, and I wanted to expand on the Sith option, but also pose a Jedi option as well. I'm open to writing either here or on Discord, which we can discuss when you...
  5. SnakeOfSeduction

    Fx Any Current Craving - Vampire x Exotic Monster

    Heya! I'm Snake :) My latest craving is the plot shown below, but a few rules first. One-liners are a no-go. I tend to mimic my partners writing length, but I will never go below one paragraph, and I like to keep it at around three if possible. Ghosting me. Please, have the decency to at least...
  6. J

    Mx Female Stars, yes. Wars? Not necessarily {SW Craving Thread}

    UPDATE: Well....that sure was some bad timing for life to come and kick me in the nards for a bit! To the couple of people that I started to plot some ideas with that I unintentionally ghosted on, you have my deepest apologies. I got some great ideas from you all and I wanted nothing more than...
  7. RedOneFive

    Star Wars: A Master Possessed (RedOneFive & Serena_Knight)

    @Serena_Knight The First Order's reign of terror over the galaxy had crumbled a scant few years ago; it's war with the Resistance costly and destructive, despite the victory for the Light. The Galaxy was in the process of rebuilding itself as best as it could, and a cosmos of mystery and...
  8. RustyShackle

    Mx Female In a Galaxy Far, Far Away... (Looking for Anything Star Wars!

    Greetings, Blue Moon! Name's Rusty of Shackleford, Rusty for short. This thread is...quite old, so I'm gonna try and revamp this thread, bit by bit! Eecently, I've gotten back into Star Wars, having just beaten Knights of the Old Republic again, and I've been DYING to play pretty much anything...
  9. Valerin

    Mx Any Looking for a fandom story based on the Mandalorian [story-focused]

    The title says it all. After indulging in one of the latest additions to the Star Wars franchise, my muse is all giddy and ready for a story. I already have a couple of ideas in mind both for something short, like a one-shot story, or for something long-term. I'm open to world-building...
  10. Valerin

    Fx Male Looking for a fandom story based on the Mandalorian [story-focused]

    The title says it all. After indulging in one of the latest additions to the Star Wars franchise, my muse is all giddy and ready for a story. I already have a couple of ideas in mind both for something short, like a one-shot story, or for something long-term. I'm open to world-building...
  11. The Nickyjoet

    Mx Any Craving Star Wars RP

    I’ve been playing Jedi: Fallen Order and, surprise surprise, I’m now in the mood for some Star Wars RP. Preferably post-prequel and pre-sequel era. Pretty much looking for anything from scoundrels to Jedi, to Sith to Stormtroopers so long as spaceships and lasers are involved and some planets...
  12. Dark Country

    Creating a Star Wars Knights of the New Republic

    So, here's what I want to do: Make a fair, and balanced game with the complexity of involvement of character creation of D&D 3.5--and yet streamlined and easy to use as 5e. I want to use things like Lightsaber types, forms, techniques similar in function to D&D's 'Called Shots'- In which the...
  13. dicequeer

    STAR WARS (freeform, discord, LGBTQIA+ friendly)

    A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALEXY FAR FAR AWAY... The year in 9BBY, the Empire controls the galaxy and as of yet no one has organized to stop them. That's not your problem though. You live in the corporate sector, somewhere only partly influenced by the Empire. You are the scum and villainy of...
  14. Quantum Tangle

    Star Wars: A Stygian Bargain (Quantum Tangle x Lala)

    Star Wars: The Stygian Bargain 55 BBY | Cha Raaba System Planet: Ylesia | The Spice Rack Cantina Mid-Day It was common practice for slaves to trade hands in Hutt Space. Ylesia was one of the foremost Spice Processing worlds in the outer-rims, so when Spice Trade funneled through Kessel to...
  15. Quantum Tangle

    Star Wars: A Stygian Bargain (Quantum Tangle x Lala)

    Star Wars: The Stygian Bargain 55 BBY | Cha Raaba System Planet: Ylesia | The Spice Rack Cantina Mid-Day It was common practice for slaves to trade hands in Hutt Space. Ylesia was one of the foremost Spice Processing worlds in the outer-rims, so when Spice Trade funneled through Kessel to...
  16. Quantum Tangle

    Star Wars: Fear of the Dark (Quatum Tangle x Dicequeer)

    Star Wars: Fear of the Dark 8 BBY | Thurra System Planet: Thule Night Time Beauteous as it was barren the planet of Thule was considered one of the great Sith Strongholds in the lost histories of Galactic Antiquity. Tales of the “Old Republic” a time when space was still wild and shaping...
  17. dicequeer

    Mx Any sub Star Wars OC seeking OCs, Canon Characters, and Especially Darth Maul

    Hey, like it says in the title I'm looking to participate is some Star Wars rps. I'm looking for mostly smutty rp, but am not opposed to story around that. The time that the rp would take place in would be early to late empire, around 14bby onward. The character I will be playing is named...
  18. A

    Shelter, Purpose, Redemption (Midnight)

    A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away... Millenia from now, historians will refer to the period as the time of the Old Republic. For those involved in it, it is a time of great conflict. Mandalorian clans clamor for war and glory beyond Republic territory. Even within the Republic...
  19. C

    [Looking for GM] Sexy Star Wars

    Hello dear GMs! I am looking for someone to play as the Game Master in a Star Wars RPG, preferably using the rules by FantasyFlight Games, though I also somewhat know the old Westend Games D6 rules. Note: I am not looking for you to play your own character. I am explicitly looking for you to...
  20. b r y s o n

    Mx F or NB Erotic Horror w/ no limits (NSFW Imagery)

    Requirements -Female writers only please. -You can play any gender, race or species. -Please look through my imgur album. If it’s not working I can send you another link Some of my kinks BAD ENDINGS, Rape, guro, death, Humiliation, Degradation, Gang Bangs, Futas, Sloppy Blowjobs & Handjobs...
  21. FilthySexSlave

    Anakin x Ahsoka RP

    Anakin Skywalker x Ahsoka Tano I've been in the mood for some Star Wars roleplay and I was thinking of a pairing between Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano (who will be obviously from the TCW tv series & is a Torgruta) If you've seen the films and series you'd know...
  22. Quantum Tangle

    Mx Any In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away The Introduction The Star Wars galaxy has always been one that has fixated me and led my adventures in fiction. As a child I remember watching the Original Trilogy with my brothers, and waiting in that long line in 1999 to see the Phantom Menace...
  23. The Quill

    Fx F or NB Erotic Fandom Stories (Craving Animated MILFs, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Korra, Star Trek) [Revamped!]

    Welcome to my thread for fandoms. About Me I'm a writer in my mid 30s who is in the early stages of writing a book, and I like to write erotica with other adults for fun and escapism. Online writing has been something I've been doing since high school and erotic writing is something I've done...
  24. Xanaphia

    Star Wars: The Eclipse before the Dawn (Corsair and Xana)

    Seven years earlier. [hr] Star Wars: The Eclipse before the Dawn Shadows Jedi Knight Kaydia Voss-Hall and Jedi Master Quentin Hall have uncovered a vast separatist conspiracy, spearheaded by the extremist and former Jedi, Count Dooku. Tensions grow between the Republic and the...
  25. BennyQ

    Mx Female BennyQ's Portrait Of A Writer

    Skip to Post #2 for the plots and pairings, if you've read this bit before. ABOUT Why me as a writing partner? An important question. Being an authority on myself, I would say because of my talents as a writer. Naturally, this can vary from person to person. But I find that as long as there is...
  26. Azecreth

    Reforging Jade [Azecreth & toritaynympho]

    Coruscant had fallen. The Yuuzhan Vong had adapted from their earlier mistakes and had smashed into the planet with a massive force. In spite of the marshaled defenses of the New Republic they were unable to hold, and the planet eventually fell to the Vong. Now it had been claimed, and the...
  27. Xanaphia

    Star Wars: Eclipse (TheCorsair and Xana)

    Mustafar, 30 BBY “Who is it?” Zerrid An asked through the intercom, studying the hologram figure before him. The human scientist was tall and thin, with mousy features and thick rimmed glasses. “Shadi, from the Twilight Companion Agency,” A buxom blonde announced, affably. She flashed a...
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