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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin lay unmoving, staring blankly ahead of her, unresponsive to Kojurou’s pleas. She wanted to have the drive to fight on, but it felt as though a heavy weight had been placed on top of her, keeping her from moving an inch.
Jin shut her eyes at the sound of Masamune’s voice, tears rolling down her cheeks. This was the third day in a row that she hadn’t touched a single meal, not even taking a sip of water.
“What a wasteful, rude woman. You spent your time and energy preparing that meal, and she hasn’t even touched it. Again.” Megohime scowled as she crouched beside Jin, glaring down at her with hate. “You should punish her.”
“Well you can’t kill her yet, our child is inside her..” She stared down at Jin with an unreadable expression. “Why not take her last arm? She doesn’t really need it, she won’t be alive for much longer.” She stood and stepped over Jin. “Just destroy everything she doesn’t need to keep our child alive~”
Jin seemed to have given in, become accepting of her fate on borrowed time. She only listened to Kojurou struggle to get to her, laying on the floor like she was already a corpse.
"Jin, is our chance to go. If I can just get my hands free, I can carry you out and we can go to the CCG..." He told her quickly, trying to worm his hands out of the rope.
He still had thoughts of escape? Even after all this time? She really was pathetic, giving up so easily, letting herself be ruled by her emotions so strongly. She opened her eyes and looked to Kojurou. “We can’t both leave here... And I have no legs, Kojurou..”
No, no, no. What was she saying? What was she implying?
“You have to leave. Alone. If you do, you’ll be able to bring back help.”
He shook his head and tugged harder at his ropes, "I'm not leaving you here, do you understand? Even if I have to break my wrists, I will not leave you here alone."
“Kojurou...!” She kept her voice as quiet as she could, tears leaking down her face steadily. “If you take me with you, he will come after us immediately. I’ll be safe until the child is born, but you can’t take me with you..! Look at the condition you’re in..! Neither of us would make it!” She brought her chained hand forward. “I’m not bound by ropes, and you do not have the key or means to break the chains..!”
Go.” She ground out through her teeth. “Whoever he’s calling over might be closer than we want, we don’t know how much time we have left!” She wanted to scream and cry, hit him and push him out the door herself. “I won’t forgive you if you don’t try to save our son! Even if that means throwing me away!”
“Your thumbs, dislocate them and you’ll be able to pull your hands free..” She instructed, staying on the floor, as sitting up required her to put weight on the freshly healing stumps of her legs, causing her a great deal of pain.
Jin let out a relieved sigh, glad she had gotten Kojurou to listen. “Please hurry, I don’t think I’ll be safe for very long..” She gave a sad smile. “I’d like to be able to see our son.”
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Jin nodded, touching his cheek briefly with her bruised hand, then watched him leave through the tears forming in her eyes.
As Kojurou opened the door, Masamune rushed out and grabbed him by the neck, throwing him almost through the living room wall.
"Don't be fucking rude!!" He yelled.
“Kojurou!!” Jin pushed herself up the best she could with one arm and no legs, eyes wide. Had Masamune been waiting outside the room the whole time?
“Please don’t hurt him! I told him how to get out!” Jin struggled to move to the end of her chain, wanting to protect Kojurou from Masamune’s wrath.
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