Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin slumped against the floor, grunting softly as she tried to touch her stomach, as if worried he had crushed it, a wild fear in her eyes. “Please, don’t harm my child.” She said quietly, a numb expression on her face. “Hurt me as much as you want, but please- don’t hurt my stomach, don’t touch my child..”
"Begging only makes me want to hurt it more." He stated lowly, "I won't hurt him if you let me have him~"
"That isn't going to happen!!"
"Shut up!!" Masamune grabbed Kojurou by the head and threw him across the room.
He wanted her child? Why? Was it to replace the one he lost with Megohime, or was it to kill him as punishment?
“What would you do with him?” Her question was quiet, tone strained as she stared up at Masamune with conflicted eyes.
It was the only chance she could see for her child to live at that moment. “I’ll give him to you, just please, don’t hurt him..!”
“It’s the only way! It’s the only way that our child lives..!” She looked to him with desperate eyes, full of anguish. “Even if it’s a life without us.”
Jin bit back what she could of her screams, but once her legs broke, and he only continued until they were mangled, she gave in. The pain was intense, making her see white, leaving her unable to move except for her violent shakes of pain.
"I think your legs are jelly now~" Masamune cooed. Kojurou shot up and rushed at Masamune, but the ghoul only grabbed him and broke the fkoor with him. "Ah, ah, ah~ that's not very nice, Kojurou~"
Jin did her best to breathe evenly, to not let herself go into shock, but the pain was nearly unbearable. She didn’t dare look down at them, knowing they probably looked even worse than they felt, and they felt like hell.
“No..!” Jin looked to Kojurou. “I can’t lose you...!” She hadn’t even realized she was losing consciousness until she was passed out, the combination of blood loss and pain doing her in.
Jin would be in and out of consciousness, unable to force herself awake any longer. Sometimes she would be out for hours, sometimes only minutes. The pain in her legs only got worse, and soon they were so terribly bruised they almost looked black.
“How long was I out this time..?” She asked Kojurou groggily when she finally realized she was awake again.
"Three...maybe four hours..." Kojurou replied. He was a mess from head to toe, covered in scars and bruises, "I've nearly lost my sense of time...Masamune keeps it so dark in here and he's broken the clocks..."
Jin had chains wrapped tightly around her broken ankles, locked in place with a heavy padlock and connected to the old furnace across the room from Kojurou. He could hear her labored breathing, just barely make out her shape across the room on the floor. “I can’t... I can’t feel my legs anymore...” She said quietly, feeling like she had come down with a fever.
Jin knew they would more than likely end up dead once she gave birth to her child, that they were on borrowed time. “Kojurou...” She didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to have to say it.
Jin swallowed and nodded. “I do.” She whispered, even though she was terrified, terrified that her child would go on without true parents.
She nodded her head again, but she couldn’t help but worry. Masamune kept her locked in the same room with Kojurou for the most part, and kept Jin fed daily, wanting to be sure the child would live and grow healthy, but Kojurou got very little food and water. Jin tried to hide and save food for him, but once Masamune found out, he knocked out a molar he kicked her so hard. From then on he would sit and watch her eat, make sure she ate everything he gave her.
More time passed and she could no longer count how many days she had been locked up, but her feet had turned black and smelled rancid, and her fever only got worse.
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