Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin watched him mumbled to himself, almost like he was having a conversation. “Masamune, we should call Kojurou, yeah? He’d be happy to hear your voice.”
Jin scowled faintly, but didn’t try to argue anymore, knowing she had lost her only chance to try and talk her way out and escape. Hopefully, the message Masamune had sent seemed off to Kojurou, and he came prepared and with back up.
Masamune paced around slowly, humming a traditional folksong under his breath as they waited around for Kojurou. He was mumbling randomly, as if talking to someone again.
Jin only laid where she was, remaining silent, not wanting to take any unnecessary risks, especially so being pregnant.
“Masamune, wait!” She called, then frowned deeply, straining her ears to listen for Kojurou like Masamune had heard.
The door pushed open and Kojurou peeked in slowly before instantly spotting Jin. "Jin!" He rushed over quickly and started to untie her, "Are you alright?"
“I’m fine, but you need to call for backup right now.” She said firmly, body starting to shake as her adrenaline wore off. “It wasn’t me who sent that text,” How was she supposed to explain this to him. “Listen, this isn’t something I can explain now, just know we can’t handle this alone. You can’t handle this alone.”
"What are you talking about?" He asked softly.
"Ko~ ju~ rou~" Masamune sang and Kojurou froze before slowly looking toward the sound. Masamune came out of one of the darkened rooms with a wide sinister smile.
"M...Masa...mune...?" He muttered, "'re..."
"Dead~? Hardly~" Masamune replied.
“Kojurou.” Jin tried to bring Kojurou’s attention back to her. “There isn’t time to explain what’s happened, you need to call for help- He’s a ghoul.” She tried to wriggle free, but Kojurou hadn’t yet fully untied her.
"What happened to you, Masamune?" Kojurou asked. Masamune smiled.
"Mego gave me her kakuhou, to keep me going~ she didn't want to submit to fate, I suppose~" he replied before his smile dropped, "More than can be said for you."
"I did everything I could for you!" Kojurou argued, voice shaking, "I didn't want you to die!"
"But it happened anyway!!" Masamune was so angry he was practically bouncing as he stomped his feet.
“Kojurou.” Jin repeated. “Don’t engage with him, you need to call for help.” Her voice held more urgency this time, watching Masamune only get more and more aggravated as the two talked.
"H...Hai..." Kojurou reached for his phone but Masamune's kagune slammed him into the wall.
"No, no. No one else is invited to this party. It's a private affair." Masamune growled.
“Kojurou..!!” Jin looked terrified, struggling again to try and break free. “Masamune, let’s talk again, we had a good conversation earlier, didn’t we? Let’s work together, work this out.”
Jin felt her stomach doing flips, and it didn’t help that she was still nauseous from her concussion. “What do you mean? Masamune, you said we were going to talk, so let’s talk.” She tried again to get ahold of the situation, keeping her tone even, but it was clear by the slight waver in her tone that even she was scared.
"What do you want to talk about? I think we should talk about Mego." He said.
"I told you I was sorry..." Kojurou forced out.
"Sorry doesn't bring Mego back." Masamune sneered.
Jin frowned. “We’ve talked about Megohime already, Masamune.” She glanced to Kojurou. “Kojurou has said he’s sorry, I’ve said I’m sorry; we can’t bring her back.” Had Kojurou come straight from work? Had he informed anyone at all of the situation? “What can we do to make it right?”
Jin frowned and looked to Kojurou. “Kojurou, just listen to him, hear him out for once.” She said, the message in her eyes clear. This entire situation needed to be deescalated and fast.
"Mego says that you both have to suffer for her death..." He told them, "Starting with Jin."
"No! I want to take her place!" Kojurou argued.
"You'll get your turn~"
Jin’s eyes flicked to Kojurou briefly, fear flashing clearly in them, fear of harm befalling her unborn child. “Masamune, I will beg of you now- I am carrying Kojurou’s child. Please don’t hurt my child.”
His expression dropped before he became angry. His kakugan activated with angry veins framing his right eye.
"Child?" He repeated, "You two...have a child?"
“We had a child.” Megohime’s was voice came from his left, standing beside Kojurou, looking him over as he was still pinned to the wall by Masamune’s kagune. “They killed it, remember? It hadn’t even fully formed yet, and they killed it.”

Jin knew she had made another misstep, but she couldn’t back out of her statement now. “Yes. Kojurou and I didn’t plan it, but I’m pregnant.”
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