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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin glared at him weakly, bags under her eyes. “You’re the one who did this to my legs..!” She pointed out, her frustration showing through. “Cut them off, and I’ll bleed out in minutes..! You’ll kill my child..!”
“You aren’t a surgeon..!” She argued. “You’ll kill me and my child!” She was getting upset now, but was too weak from the infection in her crushed legs to do much.
Jin wasn’t going to tell him to go ahead with the surgery, and she wouldn’t beg him not to; either way he’d do what he wanted. She tried to swallow the truth of becoming a triple-amputee, but she knew it would only be for a short while, for once her child was born, she’d be killed. “Just don’t hurt him.” Was all she managed out through clenching her teeth to hold back her nausea.
Jin only pressed her lips together, turning her head away and closing her eyes. She was shaking so hard, the chains around her broken ankles rattled audibly, fighting her tears. “If I do as you say... will you give Kojurou more food? He’s too weak and hurt to recover if you keep going at a pace like this..!”
Jin was so worried for Kojurou, he had only been falling unconscious more often and more easily, it scared her to death to be alone. “Then please feed him more..! I’ll do as you say..!”
After that, Jin was no longer chained in the same room with Kojurou, moved to a separate room and strapped down to a bed. The room itself was large and dark, but the area around the bed was lit by large lights, blinding her to anything outside the area around the bed. It looked like something out of a horror movie, the bed surrounded by all assorted kinds of medical equipment, from tables of surgical tools to heart monitors and a ventilator. She broke out in a cold sweat as Masamune secured the thick leather straps over her chest, stomach, and hips, putting her one hand in the wrist cuff before securing her broken ankles into the cuffs as well. At this point, she was only wearing her shirt and underwear, having her pants cut from her body so he could access her legs.
Jin only looked at him with wild eyes, her fear building and wanting to escape her as a scream, but she held it in. Where had he gotten all of this? Had he stolen it all? And why did he have it? Was it specifically for her? She wanted to vomit, closing her eyes to keep herself from doing so, as the room had started spinning.
"What...?" He asked, "Mego doesn't need it anymore, so it's all gathering dust.." It was for Megohime? "She's real unhappy but...well, it's for the best.."
“Megohime didn’t deserve what she got... But this isn’t how you make things right..!” She protested quietly. Her skin was pale, bags under her eyes, and she was sweating profusely.
She winced when he stuck her arm with the needle, the morphine not taking long to take affect. She watched him with hazy eyes, trying to keep her head clear. Was he not even going to give her local anesthesia? The morphine would take the edge off, but it certainly wouldn’t stop the pain of cutting into her legs.
"Let me see...where's that..." He muttered to himself before getting another bottle and syringe, filling it and giving that to her, too, "Now...count backwards from ten~" He sounded giddy and excited.
Jin could only stare at Masamune in fear, quickly feeling herself fading from consciousness as the drugs circled through her system, leaving her in an inky blackness.
Jin knew that her legs were gone, but being strapped down still, she was unable to completely face her reality. She cried silently as she laid on the table, wishing Kojurou was there to comfort her.
Once she was well enough to get out of bed, Masamune brought her back to where he had kept her and Kojurou. And Kojurou did his best to soothe Jin and assure her things would be ok. Masamune seemed to mellow out a lot ever since. He was cooing at Jin's stomach every chance he got, talking to the fetus inside her like he hadn't a care in the world.
Jin let him do as he wanted, let him listen to her swollen belly, and even touch it, ignoring him and blocking out everything as he talked to her child, calling it his. Her physical health improved since her legs had been amputated, leaving her with only one limb, and her wrist was chained to the radiator like her ankles had been before. She couldn’t tell how much time had passed, couldn’t tell if it was day or night, entirely cut off from the outside world. She could feel her mental health starting to deteriorate, laying numbly on the floor for hours, and what else was she supposed to do? Masamune only came in to feed them and visit the baby, giving her nothing to do, nothing to look at but the dark room they were in. She stopped eating, stopped drinking water, depression ravaging her and leaving her mostly unresponsive on the floor, she couldn’t even use the toilet without Masamune assisting her the entire time, humiliating her even further.
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