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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Masamune was always up with her to make sure she was well enough and hyped enough to tolerate being around Akihime's scent. He was patient whenever she got angry that Akihime just vanished.
Megohime worked mostly nights, but would occasionally take a few shifts during the day, making sure she could still spend time with Masamune, as well as take care of him.
He had another doctor's appointment to go to, having to go alone since Kojurou was at work. He was gone for hours, and when he came home, he was numb. Devastated even.
Megohime had had an early shift that day, so she was home by the time Masamune returned from his doctors visit. She had only arrived home minutes before Masamune, still getting out of her waitress attire when he came in the door. “Hey, how did the appointment-” She stopped when she saw his face, frowning and moving over. “What’s wrong?”
She stared at him with wide eyes. “What..?” Her voice was small, her heart sinking. “Wh-What do you mean? Cancer? I-I... I don’t get it, you seem fine..!”
“What- stage four? What’s that mean?” She asked, moving and sitting on the bed beside him, putting her hand on his back. “Let me help, I’ll do whatever I can, w-we can fix this!”
“No.. No! We’re- we’re gonna do something! You aren’t gonna die!” She didn’t realize she was crying as she moved to kneel before him, tears dripping down her face. “I’m not letting you die, you hear me?”
Megohime moved to hug him tightly, not bothering to fight her tears, only holding him tight and petting his hair.
Megohime did everything she could to find some way to help Masamune, but the more she dug, the less she found. Masamune told her the doctors only offered counseling and hospice, that he might begin to deteriorate soon and would require more care. Megohime tried anything and everything, and came up with nothing.
She sat with him in bed, holding his hand as she listened to him breathe.
“Become a ghoul.” She said softly, her far-away gaze stuck on the window.
“There’s a doctor, he works mainly on ghouls, but I’ve heard he’s worked on humans before... There’s a procedure that people have been talking about. I don’t even know if it’s true, but if he takes my kakuhou, and puts it in you, you’ll become a half ghoul.” She was so tired that day, even if she hadn’t been taking care of Masamune, she had no energy left at all.
She shook her head. “Think of it like an organ transplant that humans do- it’ll grow back in my case.” She took his hand hand held it firmly. “I’ll help you, I promise..”
She nodded, giving him a tired smile. “I promise, I won’t leave you, Masamune.” Megohime said softly. “It might be a little hard to get in touch with him, but I can talk about setting a surgery date whenever you’re ready.”
Megohime nodded, kissing his knuckles. “Ok, just don’t wait too long, ok?” She said softly.
She smiled back at him, her hand shaking slightly as she nodded. “Just let me know when you’re ready.”
Megohime left that night to seek out doctor Kanou, speaking with him about her situation, and what she intended to do. He was more than accommodating, letting her know he’d gladly do the ghoulification procedure.
Masamune spent the first week or so forcing Kojurou to make it up to him for hiding the cancer. Kojurou admitted to being selfish and willingly did everything Masamune asked. But Masamune quickly got worse and worse, and way sooner than it felt like Masamune was in the hospital. He was thin and clammy looking, he smelled awful when Megohime came to visit.
Megohime had to visit after regular hospital hours, coming in through the window to sit with him and hold his hand, not once being bothered by how he looked or smelled. “How are you feeling today..?” She asked gently, holding his hand as she carefully pet his hair, doing her best not to cry at how frail he had become in such a short period.
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