Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Kojurou saw Jin's missing arm and became angry, rushing at Akihime with his quinque raised to strike. Akihime stood still, her tails blocking his swings regardless of which way he moved.
"Mattaku..." She muttered dully, "Getting all worked up for no reason. Unless," her eyes moved to Jin and she smirked behind her hand. "Do you like her, Katakura-kun~?"
"I wasn't able to repay you for the kindness you previously shown Masamune. Allow me to do so now." Kojurou growled. Akihime smirked.
"Nice fall back~"
Jin watched Kojurou and Akihime, breathing slightly labored before she looked to Mitsunari. “Ishida-sosakan,” She called. “Help me set my arm, I can still fight.” She said firmly.
Mitsunari moved over to help but Akihime burst over with dangerous speeds, smacking Mitsunari away and grabbing Jin by the throat, "Oh no~ I'm not quite done with you yet~"
Jin gasped and choked, Akihime putting too much strength into her grip. She was entirely useless at this point, unable to use her only remaining arm, or even stand. Her body was starting to feel heavy, her adrenaline wearing off and the pain and fatigue really starting to hit her. She had stopped the bleeding, but she had still lost a decent amount of blood.
“Matsunaga.” She barely choked out his name, trying to crane he neck to look at him. She was dead weight at this point, she was hindering the investigation, and threatening the success of the Hostess’ capture. “..both of us..” Her look told him that she meant to die there with the ghoul, almost urging him to, for he was the only one who would.
Matsunaga moved to oblige her, running top speed at Akihime, who looked rather bored.
"Matte!" Kojurou got in the way, "We can't just sacrifce Kawabe-sosakan!"
"We can and I will." Matsunaga stated. Akihime giggled softly.
"How silly~ fighting over this half breed mutt~"
“She’ll kill me either way..” Jin was red in the face from the strain her body was putting on her neck as Akihime slowly choked the life out of her, feet inches from the ground. She was starting to drift in and out, struggling to even just breathe, let alone speak.
"Ne, Katakura~ she's pretty close to dying~ don't you have something to tell her before she goes~?" Akihime goaded. Kojurou scowled heavily.
"There's nothing to say..." He said. Akihime hummed and swung Jin gently.
"You sure~?"
"Let her go!" Kojurou growled.
She couldn’t speak anymore, her mouth refused to work like she wanted it to, and she couldn’t take in even the slightest breath. Jin struggled to focus on the three, vision fading in and out. Her eyelids drooped, and she fought the overwhelming urge to close her eyes and give in, only hearing her own blood rushing in her ears.
"Hurry, Kojurou~ you won't get another chance~" Akihime chimed. Kojurou clenched his fist tight over the hilt of his quinque.
"Daisuki..." He muttered. Akihime put her hand to her ear.
"Ora? I don't think she heard you." She said. Kojurou clenched his jaw and glared.
"Daisuki, Jin-dono!" He yelled. Akihime smirked and another tail moved to Jin's torn shoulder.
"Let's give you something to remember her by~"
Jin had reached her limit, her vision going black, and her head drooping forward, body hanging limply in Akihime’s grasp, sinking into unconsciousness, all without having heard Kojurou’s confession.
The tip of her tail pushed just under Jin's skin and Kojurou about lost it, rushing toward her and swinging his quinque madly. Akihime dodged or deflected easily, laughing all the while.
"Pathetic really~ maybe if you had gotten here sooner, you could have saved her arm~"
Jin hung from the end of one of Akihime’s tails, swinging and swaying as Akihime moved, her current condition uncertain. Akihime’s kagune was still tightly wrapped around her throat, and if her neck hadn’t been broken, or her windpipe crushed, she had about two minutes before brain damage set in, and only slightly more time before she expired entirely.
Kojurou swung his quinque and severed the tail holding Jin, catching her limp form with a grunt. Akihime didn't seem too bothered, her tail growing back as fast as it was detached.
"Boring.." She muttered.
As the tail wrapped around Jin’s neck decomposed from being severed from the host, Kojurou could see that her windpipe hadn’t been crushed, and her neck wasn’t broken, that she had only been strangled into unconsciousness. Deep bruises had formed already, but her skin was pale, and she wasn’t breathing; her wound still oozed blood, showing her heart still beat, but her chest was still beneath the Kevlar vest.
Laid out on the ground, Kojurou could see the full extent of Jin’s wounds. She had superficial lacerations across her body, but the worst was her arm. It had not been removed cleanly, torn flesh and muscle hanging out from the remainder of her shirt sleeve, the tourniquet doing a proper job of stemming the bleeding. The bulky vest would need to be removed before he could continue any further, but from the looks of the deep cuts in the fabric, it had saved her life already.
It was easy to remove the vest since she only had one arm he had to remove from the gear, underneath Jin wearing a simple undershirt.
Her heart was still beating, hammering in her chest, but she wasn’t breathing. Her lips were tinged blue, and she wasn’t even trying to take in air on her own.
It didn’t take too many chest compressions and breaths before Jin took in a small breath, wheezing softly as air passed through her bruised windpipe.
Yukimura’s head was pounding, and he could hear the sound of fighting still eyes opening. How long had he been out? What had happened while he was out? His blurry gaze moved over the scene before him, clearing as he blinked.
Akihime was brought to her knees, kakuja cracking and breaking as the rc suppressants worked into her system.
"G...God dammit..." She hissed out, "P-Pieces of shit...!" It was an awful feeling, having so much raw power abruptly stripped away from her. Like she suddenly rushed into a brick wall and stopped.
Both Mitsunari and Matsunaga stood before her, still able to fight, and to her left Kojurou was kneeling beside Jin, who was incapacitated and suffering serious wounds, but alive. She could hear him calling for a medical extraction team over his radio.
To her right was Yukimura, blood dripping from his hair, and staring at her with a dazed look still, suffering a serious head wound that she had caused. How was this fair? How was it fair that she had been the one to lose?
"S...Stupid...fucking humans..." Her mask fell from her face and she looked up with her shrinking kakugan, "Well...? What now, huh...?" She rasped. Mitsunari brandished his odachi, the purple blade glowing hauntingly.
"We're taking you back, in pieces if we have to." He told her. She smirked snidely.
"Chop chop, fuck boy." She sneered. Mitsunari narrowed his eyes and took a stance. Akihime's eyes moved to Yukimura and time seemed to come to a crawl.
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