Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Her own kakugan glowed from behind the mask, using her single wing to defend herself from all four attacks, wrapping it around herself. She stared back at the woman, not budging. “I don’t recall asking for pity from the left overs.” She said coldly, only now her time was more harsh, and with one push, she shoved all of the investigators away.
"You're in my home, I suggest you leave." She said, "This isn't pity, it's a window. Go."
"You aren't going anywhere." Mitsunari growled and rushed at Amaya but Akihime was so much faster, rushing between them and having her hard tails stopping his swing.
"Get out of here, Amaya!" Her voice sound strained, like she was struggling.
Akihime felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, Amaya leaning in close to the other ghoul so she could speak in a whisper. “This place isn’t your home, and you know it.” And then she was gone, disappearing so quickly, no one was able to even try and stop her.
“Focus on the ghoul before you, the albino ghoul is bound to show up again.” Jin said as she moved forward to attack Akihime from her right.
Her tail wrapped around Mitsunari's odachi and she threw him into Jin before rushing at Matsunaga, "How dare you take Megohime's kagune, you human shit!" She yelled and Matsunaga brought his quinque up but she seemed to disappear, almost catching him off guard when she appeared behind him. "SHIINE!!" She screamed and shot her tails at him, which he barely managed to block all of them. One pierced into his side and sent him skidding.
Before Akihime could push Matsunaga back any further, two blades slammed away her kagune, someone stepping in front of Matsunaga to further shield him until he could regain his composure. It was Yukimura, and the look on his face showed he was struggling immensely with the current situation.
Megohime had been harvested in her time in Cochlea? It wasn’t unheard of, but how many times? She refused to speak much about what happened to her when she was there, even Masamune didn’t know.
Jin recovered quickly from having Mitsunari collide with her, and quickly advanced on Akihime, blade ready, and her stance guarded.
"Get out of my way, dove." She hissed in her dual tones, "My fight is with that withered slab of jerky behind you."
"Your fight is with us." Mitsunari stated and moved toward her again, giving a wide swing that she beat away with her tail quickly. "We're taking you in for study."
"You'll have to fucking kill me!" Akihime yelled and burst toward him, tails swinging madly. Mitsunari's wide swings barely managed to catch all of her tails and keep them from piercing him.
The senior investigators worked together like they had been a team for years; Mitsunari caught Akihime’s tails and kept them at bay as Jin moved under Mitsunari’s arms with quick ease, skidding to a stop just beneath Akihime and thrusting her sword up at her head in quick bursts, attempting to take out her eyes right then and there.
Akihime caught the rapier in her teeth, eyes wild as two tails swung around to pierce them both straight through, but Matsunaga swept his quinque to catch her tails and pull them back. Akihime's attention immediately changed to him and she jumped to kick Jin in the head and use her as a springboard to launch at Matsunaga.
It was a back and forth cat and mouse game, many close calls and both sides receiving minor damage, but nothing serious. The longer the fight dragged on, the more anguish Akihime would see in Yukimura’s eyes, the more times he would hesitate to attack her.
Jin had a split brow from being kicked in the head, and minor cuts across her body, but she was still fighting like she was at full steam.
"All of you are disgusting! Selfish unworthy pigs who should be bowing at my feet!" She yelled before she rushed at Yukimura, throwing him to the ground and raising her tails to attack, "Shiine!"
"Sanada-sosakan!" Mitsunari yelled. Akihime looked down at Yukimura with her wild eyes and grabbed his wrist holding his quinque.
"Fight, Yuki..." She whispered, "Onegai..." Her hand was shaking and Matsunaga and Mitsunari were closing the distance fast.
Yukimura clenched his teeth, and thrust both of his Quinque forward, impaling Akihime through her shoulders and using all of his strength to throw her off of him, sending her tumbling across the ground.
Jin chases after Akihime, not waiting for her to get back onto her feet, cutting three of Akihime’s tails off before going to impale Akihime through the head.
"Too slow~" Akihime sang, two tails shooting out and cutting into Jin's arm as the three that were cut off immediately grew back. She disappeared in a blur, laughing insanely as she slammed her foot into Jin's gut and sent her flying backwards, rushing at Mitsunari and jamming one of her tails into his shoulder and throwing him into Matsunaga. Her gaze shot to Yukimura again before moving toward him slowly.
"How does such a spineless little boy like you become a dove? Huh? You haven't done anything to me in this whole fight. You're disgusting. Pathetic." She hissed.
This was too much for Yukimura, he was struggling to cope mentally, having to fight Akihime and hurt her was something he couldn’t forgive himself for. The back of his head was split open from when Akihime slammed him down, and it throbbed with every beat of his heart.
He ground his teeth, gripping his Quinque tightly before he rushed her. He was fast, much faster than Akihime had expected, swinging both blades in tandem for her stomach.
He got one slash in before her tails beat him and his quinque back. Whether she let him hit her or not, he didn't know. "Kawaii ne~" She cooed, "You managed to hit me~ I'm so proud~"
"Stay focused!" Mitsunari yelled and swung his odachi but Akihime grabbed him by the neck and threw him aside. She was just playing with them at this point.
Searing pain shot through Akihime’s stomach, then she was slammed hard to the ground the next second, Jin on top of her. She yanked her blade free and brought it back to impale Akihime in the head, a cold light in her eyes.
Akihime wrapped one tail tight around Jin's wrists and pulled them bone crushingly close together, picking her up and slamming her to the ground before jumping to her feet and vanishing with a laugh. What happened next was too fast for them to catch. Akihime had reappeared and torn Jin's arm off with her teeth, pinning her to the ground and spitting her arm back in her face.
"Too~ slow~🎵"
Jin let out a terrible scream, but not from shock or even because she had lost her arm, but in agony. Yukimura’s eyes widened and he quickly moved toward the two, taking a swipe at Akihime’s head, trying to save his superior. Black spots danced in Jin’s vision from the pain, arm torn from her body, socket and all, wound gushing blood onto the street beneath her.
"Stay out of the way!" Akihime screamed and smacked Yukimura so hard, he nearly broke the building he crashed into.
"Sanada-sosakan! Kawabe-sosakan!"
"Come any closer and I twist off her head like a grape." Akihime hissed, glaring at Mitsunari. Ishida scowled but stayed put. Matsunaga, on the other hand, took a stwp forward.
"Matte!" Mitsunari stopped him and Matsunaga scowled.
It took Jin a moment to collect her thoughts through her immense pain, vision blurry and peppered with black spots, but she wasn’t unconscious yet. She wouldn’t be able to stop the bleeding until she was away from Akihime, and she still had her sword in her hand. She ground her teeth and thrust hard, aiming to run Akihime through the head, still pinned beneath the ghoul.
She moved to duck and effectively smashed her armored mask into Jin's nose, breaking it easily. She reached and grabbed her wrist.
"Bad girl~" She said and tugged hard, dislocating her shoulder and pulling the arm from the socket.
Jin managed to muffle her scream by clenching her teeth, the sound of her arm popping out of its socket audible to her team mates across the road.
Yukimura lay unconscious in a heap against the building he had been slammed into, blood dripping steadily from his cracked skull, and his Quinques at his feet and knocked from his hands.
Akihime felt Jin struggle to use her arm, weapon still in hand even after having her arm dislocated. The investigator glared up at Akihime, blood gushing from her nose, and her teeth bared as she tried to again aim an attack at her head. It was impressive for a human, being able to force their arm to work even after being dislocated. At the same time, she brought her leg up and slammed her knee hard into Akihime’s ribs, doing anything she could to get her off.
"My, you have some kick~" She said, a tail wrapping around Jin's ankle and twisting sharply. Akihime leaned down closely and licked Jin's cheek.
"You'll regret getting between me and Yuki~" She whispered.
Another scream was wretched from Jin, feeling her foot be twisted out of place and dislocated, nearly passing out from the pain. She could feel herself getting weaker as she steadily bled out on the street, hand still death-gripping her Quinque, giving all of her effort to try and even just cut Akihime. “Cut me down with her!” She had no choice, Akihime was using her as a hostage, and she would only die regardless if something wasn’t done soon. “Cut us down before I lose consciousness!” She ordered Mitsunari, releasing her Quinque and grabbing onto a good handful of Akihime’s hair to hold her in place.
"Kawaii~" Akihime cooed, "I won't let them kill you just yet~ I haven't had my fun~" But a familiar kagune pierced through her amd she gasped, looking down at familiar blue green barbs. She looked back angrily at who had stabbed her, seeing Kojurou with a quinque made of Megohime's kagune as well. Her eyes seemed to become feral as her tails ripped the bikaku from her back.
"You disgusting human filth. That belongs to Mego-chan!!" She screeched and bolted toward him, her tails shooting out but Mitsunari swang his odachi at her, causing her to stop and block his attack before getting some distance.
"Please forgive my tardiness."
"You're here now, Katakura, that's all that matters."
Jin barely managed to get herself into a sitting position, working through her pain to try and get her first aid pack from her pant leg so she could stop her bleeding. “Sanada-sosakan has been rendered unconscious... I don’t know if he’s in fighting shape or not..” She gave her report, pulling out the plastic tubing for what small amount of shredded arm remained on her body. Her hand shook with effort, and her nose was still dripping blood, but as long as she could stop the bleeding, she was confident she could continue to fight. Using her teeth to pull the plastic tube around the stump, she growled out in pain as she tightened it, only making the pain that much more unbearable.
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