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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura wasn’t able to move, wasn’t able to do anything except for sit there in a daze as he watched Mitsunari ready his blade. He felt hot tears start to drip down his face, but he made no noise, only watched, his chest growing tight.
She smiled sadly at him, eyes genuinely sad as Mitsunari readied to strike.
"Daisuki...Yuki..." She mouthed before Mitsunari removed her head with one clean strike. Her neck sputtered a small fount before her body fell forward, her head falling a foot or two behind her.
The next few moments were a blur, the rest of the back up teams flooded in, multiple squad cars and vans filled the street and the mission was deemed a success. Yukimura has lost consciousness just after Akihime’s head had been taken off, tears in his eyes. Jin was stabilized on scene before being rushed to hospital for emergency surgery to try and save her arm, and Yukimura too was loaded into an ambulance for a fractured skull and severe lacerations to his scalp.
Akihime’s body was quickly gathered up, as civilians began to poke their heads out windows, and her corpse put into a bag with her head, strapped to a gurney, and loaded into a van to transport to headquarters.
"Get her to Cochlea immediately." Mitsunari commanded. The associate invesitgators nodded and hurried off to get Akihime's body to the research facility at Cochlea.
It had been a week since Jin had been rushed to hospital to see if her arm could be reattached, and she had recovered greatly in that time. She had to have several blood transfusions, several dozen stitches, and to wear an oxygen mask until her trachea fully healed, but otherwise was awake and alert.
Kojurou came to see her after briefly coming to visit Yukimura, but the young investigator refused to talk to anyone. It must have been the shock and trauma, it wasn't uncommon. Kojurou gently knocked on Jin's door and peeked in, "Ohayo, Kawabe-sosakan." He greeted gently.
Jin was sitting at the window in a wheelchair, needing to stay off of her healing ankle as much as she could, turned so all he could see was her profile. She turned to look when he greeted her, and she smiled softly. “Katakura-sosakan, so nice of you to stop by.” She reached out to move the small joystick on the arm of the wheelchair, turning to face him completely, the left sleeve of her hospital gown empty.
He tried not to frown upon looking at it, instead forced his attention to the flowers he had brought her. "A-Ano..." He cleared his throat, "I brought these in hopes they would help you recover. Lift your spirits.."
She moved over in the wheelchair she had to use, for she couldn’t use crutches with her hurt ankle being on the same side her remaining arm was. Reaching up to take the flowers, she smelled them and smiled. “Thank you, they’re lovely..”
Jin looked up, finding the question a bit odd. “The Ghoul had me by the throat...” She glanced down at her lap. “I remember telling Matsunaga-sosakan to cut me down with the ghoul, then... Nothing.” She frowned softly. “I’m sorry, I know it won’t be much help for the report.” She shook her head.
So she didn't hear his confession then? Part of him was saddened by this, but at the same time he was glad; he couldn't risk putting her in danger. "I see.." He muttered.
She looked up at Kojurou, studying his face and frowning softly. “Katakura-sosakan..” She stood with slight struggle, setting the flowers in her seat and using her good leg to stand. “Forgive me, I don’t know how I upset you, but I seem to have..” She said softly.
“Upset with yourself? Why?” She asked softly, looking up at him.
"Pathetic really~ maybe if you had gotten here sooner, you could have saved her arm~"
He clenched his fist and his brows furrowed as he glared at the floor. "If I had been just a moment sooner, I might have been able to save your arm..."
Jin frowned softly, studying his face, the way his brow creased and how his eyes got dark. She knew she would have a great deal of set backs with the loss of her arm, but she didn’t blame anyone, especially not Kojurou. She didn’t know if it was the morphine for the pain, or if it was her own feelings, but she reached out and gently cupped his cheek, bringing his head up and kissing him softly. Her lips were soft against his, only lingering for moments before she pulled back. “I am thankful you saved my life, any more and I’ll become greedy.”
She felt her face get hot when he kissed back, not expecting him to do such a thing, but she didn’t hate it. She slipped her hand further back, resting it just under his ear as she held herself closer, returning the kiss.
Her face was flushed red, and she shook her head. “Don’t be... It was nice..” She had never felt her body heat up like that before, it was pleasant, and made her lips tingle. She wished she could do so again, but didn’t want to push her boundaries.
He moved away and made a soft noise, "Um...if it isn't obvious by now.." He smiled softly, "before you lost consciousness, Akihime forced me to confess my feelings for you. Though you don't seem to remember. Wh-Which is fine!"
“I don’t think the idea sounds too terrible, the two of us together.” She joked as she sat back down in her wheelchair.
Megohime would take a while to recover, and her fatigue only seemed to worsen, but she still went out to work at Akihime’s new restaurant- after a brief period of not being able to contact her. She dyed her hair black to not stick out like a sore thumb, and wore it up in a neat bun.
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