Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Yuki..." She put her fingers over his lips gently, "I know you didn't tell them anything. Relax. Thank you for coming to tell me. I'll handle it."
Yukimura looked up at her, and he had tears in his eyes. “Akihime, they’ve included me in the hunt.”
She gave a bittersweet smile, "Of course they have..." She muttered, "It was only a matter of time, that blonde woman probably leaked something to them, she tried to oust me some time ago..."
Yukimura frowned and looked at Akihime with scared eyes. “What do I do, Akihime? I can tell hurt you, I won’t..”
"You'll have to, Yuki.." She said softly, "If they find out you know me, or worse that we're in a relationship, I don't know what they would do to you. Torture you? Maim you? Don't make me think about that, Yuki!" She threw her arms around him and cried.
Yukimura didn’t know what to tell her, he couldn’t fight her, even if she ordered him to.
Over the next forty eight hours, the CCG prepared for the hunt, but at the same time, some odd sightings floated around. An albino woman, often wearing fine clothes, was seen wandering at night, easily taking down prey, both human and ghoul alike.
When the night arrived for the hunt, they set out to the meeting point immediately. Mitsunari looked to all of them and gestured if they were ready.
“The parameter has been secured and the voluntary evacuation has been completed. All other civilians that decided to remain behind within the zone have been warned to remain inside their residence and away from the windows.” Jin reported, her Quinque case in hand, and geared up in protective gear.
“We have two teams on standby for backup, and surveillance is up and running, but no signs of the Hostess yet.”
As Jin spoke to Mitsunari, something caught Matsunaga’s eye, something all white. It disappeared before he could turn to look at it fully, but it was surely someone who had been walking the street.
Matsunaga's eyes narrowed and he moved to follow where the white blur had gone. Mitsunari watched him walk off and gave a small scowl.
"I thought I saw something." Matsunaga said, stopping to look back, "I think it's the albino ghoul but I'm not certain."
Jin frowned and looked to Mitsunari. “If it’s the albino ghoul, then we should assume that she might be working with the Hostess. It’s no coincidence that she’s here now with such a large presence of investigators. Shall we pursue her, Ishida-sosakan?”
Jin nodded, then looked over to where Yukimura was speaking with a few lower class investigators, calling him over as they prepared to head out.
Jin had her weapon at the ready, keeping an eye out for any signs of life as Yukimura followed behind her quietly, briefcase in hand.
The streets were empty, only the sound of leaves blowing in the wind filling the silence. Then they came upon blood on the road- had she been hurt? Had she gotten a civilian?
His eyes met two figures in the alleyway, which was dark and narrow, but the faint glow of a kagune gave enough light to show one ghoul feasting upon a body. It was the albino, and she was in the middle of cannibalizing another ghoul, body pinned to the wall, and head at her feet. Her red-black eyes glowed from behind a golden mask, blood splattered across her face from her meal, which she was still partaking in. She didn’t break eye contact as she tore the skin of the ghouls arm away with her teeth, eating slowly.
Jin put the back of her hand to her mouth, scowling. She couldn’t quite see the carnage, but she could easily smell it, and it was foul.
"And this is what you do? A meaningless existence. All you know is slaughter." Matsunaga said and his case hissed as he opened the case.
"Matsunaga-sosakan." Mitsunari tried to stop him but he ignored the senior investigator willingly as he released his quinque; it was made from Megohime's kagune and it radiated the same blue-green hue.
The ghoul before him kept eye contact with Matsunaga as she finished devouring the skin, then she spoke. “Do you not eat when you’re hungry? Why is it any different than when I’m hungry? You slaughter many animals for your own meals, maybe not personally though.” She spoke softly, rather calm as blood dripped down her chin and onto the expensive looking silk dress.
"Gluttony is such an ugly trait for a woman to have. Perhaps you need to learn some manners." He said and launched his quinque toward her, the barbs seeming to twitch and almost grow as they grew closer.
The albino ghoul simply stood in place, watching the Quinque grow closer and closer until it stopped just inches from her head. She had released her kagune with such speed, Matsunaga had barely registered that it was now wrapped around his Quinque. “Manners? How can you teach me of manners, when you have yet to apologize for intruding upon my meal?” Her voice was a cool as could be, mask illuminated by the cold blue glow of her ukaku, wrapped tightly around the bikaku Quinque, pulling him toward her slowly.
“Matsunaga-sosakan, this is an ill favorable place for us to be fighting in, we need to bring her out into the open!” Jin instructed, both her and Yukimura at the ready behind him.
Matsunaga dug his heels into the ground to keep from moving any closer, "Agreed. An open area would be more favorable." He replied and put as much of his strength and weight into swinging her up and throw her out of the alley. If he had to launch with her, that was fine, but he would not allow her to humiliate him again after her escape.
Amaya let herself be pulled off the ground and into the air, maneuvering easily midair so she could pull Matsunaga with her. She yanked him hard into the air, and using the momentum, letting go of the Quinque and throwing him hard toward the street.
“Matsunaga-sosakan! Sanada-sosakan, with me, we’ll keep her cut off from the other side!”
Matsunaga skid across the ground for a couple feet before he finally managed to pick himself up, "Incredible for an ukaku type. I'm surprised you haven't burned out by now." He said, "Ah, the joys of youth." Mitsunari moved and opened his quinque case, brandishing a dark purple kokaku quinque he had molded into an odachi.
"You can't fight her on your own, Matsunaga-sosakan. Don't be a fool." He scolded. Matsunaga scowled lightly.
"Noted, Ishida-sosakan."
Amaya landed gracefully on the street, giving a slow look around to the investigators who surrounded her- Jin with her golden kokaku rapier, Mitsunari with his kokaku Odachi, Yukimura with his duel rinkaku, which took the form of two slender, duel point spears, and Matsunaga with his bikaku taken from Megohime.
“I really didn’t come here to fight, and I am quite tired from my meal..” The large blue ukaku on her back that appeared as a flame slowly hardened into the appearance of a single wing. “I would very much like to go home now.” She didn’t sound like she was begging, more simply stating what she was going to do.
"We cannot allow you to leave." Mitsunari stated firmly. Before they attacked, there was the sharp sound of heels clicking against the street.
"Yare yare..." The voice was dual toned but Yukimura recognized it immediately. The Hostess appeared down the street to the right of them, a hard armored looking mask covering her face that almost resembled a fox, her five tails long and hardened shells. She was shaking, as if trying to maintain a semblance of control.
"How rude you all are to fight so openly in my domain. None of you were invited here." Her kakugan fell on Amaya and she fought her frown, "Get out of here, I'll deal with them."
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