Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime clenched her teeth, steeling her nerves before launching at him, taking them both down the stairs, willing to do anything to keep him away from Masamune.
He grabbed at her and put all his strength to throw her off him, sending her into the wall.
"Mego!" Masamune called and rushed to try and help her.
“Get away!!” Megohime snarled, dropping from the wall and slamming into the ghoul again, grabbing him hard and slamming him to the wall. She pierced her tail through his shoulder and to the wall, pinning him there effectively. “Go!!” She snapped at Masamune, shaking with effort.
"I'm not leaving...!" Masamune argued. The ghoul's rinkaku shot out and pierced through Megohime's stomach like a cork screw.
"Wanted to play with your food a little~? That's disgusting, even for you~"
Megohime gripped the man tightly, letting out a cry of agony when he impaled her, but she refused to let go. “Masamune, I can’t fight and protect you!” She pushed her own kagune deeper into the man, making sure he was firmly pinned to the wall.
"B-But..." He looked desperate and scared.
"Yare yare~" Akihime made her way up the stairs, her haunting rinkaku fanning out behind her, "How rude~ Mego-chan is in no condition to be bullied like this~"
"H-Holy shit...y-you know her...?" The ghoul looked terrified, eyes on Akihime now. Akihime smiled softly.
"We were friends at one point~ ne, Mego-chan, would you like a hand~?"
“Just, get him out of here... please..” She managed out through clenched teeth, blood pooling at her feet from her newly opened wound. “Don’t let him get hurt..”
"Masamune." She said firmly and he jumped at how firm she sounded, "Go home. I'll return anything you leave behind."
"But-!" He stopped when she glared at him with angry kakugan.
"Go!" She snapped and Masamune looked to Megohime before running off. Akihime turned back to the pinned ghoul and her tails shot around Megohime to impale him. "Move, Mego-chan."
Megohime didn’t argue, letting go of the ghoul and stumbling back, painfully pulling the kagune free of her stomach and collapsing backwards onto her rear. She held a hand over the gaping wound, but it did little to stop the bleeding, which had increased when the kagune was pulled from her stomach.
Megohime was too busy vomiting blood to respond properly, wheezing and gasping on the floor, only able to just look over at Akihime with tired and pained eyes.
Megohime looked at it, and without saying anything, took it and bit into it. She didn’t bother explaining to Akihime about her stunted growth, or that eating other ghouls would no longer enhance her own kagune, she just ate in silence.
Akihime swallowed hers down like Masamune would sashimi, "It's tragic what happened to you, Mego-chan...I am very sorry I could not find you sooner.."
Akihime could see in her eyes that she was tired, the kind of tired that would stay with her no matter how long she slept. “It doesn’t matter now.” She muttered softly, not even offering a usual retort; it was genuinely sad, it made Akihime’s chest ache, and her guts twist. Megohime had once been so fiery, a strong and proud Ghoul, that was now reduced to eating any scraps she could get, living in the closet of her human lovers home. She had fallen far and hard, and it was all thanks to humans.
"Ne..." Akihime moved closer, "Why don't you come work at Hakuga? There's a spare room you can stay in and I'll let you have whatever's left from the dinner rush.."
“I think I’ve been through enough humiliation, plus I already get to fight over the leftovers with the roaches..” She kept her eyes down on her food. “And I can’t just leave Masamune..”
"You can still visit him, you'll work like a regular employee, which means days off and vacation time. If you try to fight for food again, you'll die..." She told her.
Megohime studied the blood covered gore in her hands. “Masamune’s got no part in this..? I just want him safe and happy..”
"I'm saving my favor for a rainy day. My deal with him has nothing to do with my deal with you.." She said, "You need help, and as your rival, I owe that to you so you can regain your strength and I can kill you in a fair fight."
Megohime didn’t argue that she’d never truly regain her full strength, that so much of her life had been burned away that she wouldn’t ever make it thirty. “I have to go make sure Masamune’s ok... Just let me know when to start..” She said as she struggled to her feet.
Akihime helped her stand, "I don't think he went very far.." She said with a teasing tone, "You can start as soon as your ready, just don't keep me waiting~❤"
Megohime didn’t answer, only dragged herself out and slowly made her way back to Masamune’s. She would have to throw away the clothes she was wearing, the shirt and jacket completely shredded, and the jeans stained with blood; hopefully Masamune returned home safely though.
"Mego!" Masamune came rushing over, he had been pacing the street waiting for some sign. Akihime smiled softly and passed Megohime to him.
"Take care of her, Mune-kun~ ja~" She said and walked away. Masamune helped support Megohime as they went back to his place, frowning worriedly.
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