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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime gagged and wretched a few more times before looking to the ghouls with tired eyes, trying to crawl onto her hands and knees. “Please, I just want to go home..”
"You'll go home when we say." One said and the ukaku kicked her with such speed and force that she nearly flew through the wall. The rinkaku chased her and grabbed her by her hair before his tails wrapped around her, squeezing her tight like a snake.
Megohime was nearly knocked out by slamming into the wall, groaning when she was picked up by her hair. “Please... Stop..” She barely got out, feeling like her bones were ready to break from the force he applied to holding her.
They wailed on her for what seemed like hours, ripping into her and taking out chunks and painting the walls in her blood. When they were satisfied with the damage they caused, they walked away laughing like they were just pals.
Megohime could hardly take in a breath, hardly move. She laid in her own blood and organs for what seemed like an hour before she forced herself to push them back into her stomach, and attempt the trek home before sunrise.
Masamune would wake in an empty bed, no sign Megohime had come back from hunting last night, bedroom window still cracked open to let her in. What had happened? Was she ok?
Her phone was going straight to voicemail, something that terrified him, since she never turned her phone off, or allowed it to die.
Her territory was huge, full of alleyways and winding, leading him in circles often times. He panic only grew when he spotted the CCG removing a corpse from an abandon lot down the road, loading a body bag on a gurney into the van.
He heard a few investigators talking as he got closer.
“-looked like a bunch of ghouls fought over the body, a few bites were taken out of the civilian, but it looked like a fight broke out. There had to be at least three, they broke the bricks of the wall over there before quite a bit of blood was spilled over here.”
“You think they hanged up on one?”
“Maybe, it’s hard to tell, it might’ve just been a feeding frenzy that went south, wouldn’t be surprised if they attacked their own friend.”
“The blood trails down the road, but the path stops at a building wall, they either went up, or were picked up.”
“Did the building get checked?”
“Yeah, empty for a while now, no blood inside.”
His chest ached and he slipped away to follow this blood trail they spoke about. Maybe it was Megohime. Oh God, how hurt was she? Could he even help her? When he got to the building, he slipped in and looked around, "Mego...?" He called softly.
There were fresh foot prints from the investigators, tracking around on the first floor, then leading up the dusty stairs and up to the third floor. It looked like it had been some kind of old gym or something, some old equipment left behind and covered in dust, even some old dank showers. He was about to give up and continue on his search when he spotted a blood smear on the window of the third floor, the blood fresh, and leading to the bathrooms.
The long pause nearly sucked the air back out of his lungs, then he heard it. “Just... stopped for a small break..” The soft answer echoed slightly, like it was coming from the shower room, barely loud enough to hear even inside the quiet building- Megohime’s voice.
He found her in one of the shower stalls, her sneakers just peeking out to show him where she was. “Sorry... I just... Got a bit tired..” She was a mess, caked in blood and covered in bruises. Hair hair was tangled and stained with blood, as were her clothes, in her lap sitting what he assumed was just more of her blood caked clothes, until he realized that her jackets zipper had been broken open, and her shirt torn to shreds. What was sitting in her lap wasn’t her clothes, but her internal organs.
He covered his mouth quickly to stop the vomit but it wanted out, so he moved to an old toilet and just puked. He coughed and gasped, "Wh...What happened to you, Mego...?"
He could hear an awful wheezing as she breathed, her tired eyes following him as he made a scramble for the toilets. “Just a... Minor food-territory dispute..” She murmured, feeling only one of her lungs inflating. “I didn’t get any dinner though... well, I did... then I lost it..” Was that the corpse that was being cleaned up down the road? Had that awfully, bloody scene been from Megohime being attacked?
She turned her head away, frowning. “I’m not taking your flesh, Masamune, I’ll need more than a bite for this..” He could hear her stomach growl, he could tell she was hungry, that her body needed to heal.
“Masamune no..!” She couldn’t get up, even if she wanted to, it having taken her hours just to get down the road a few hundred feet. “How are you going to get flesh..? You can’t..!”
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