Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She shook her head, pulling away slightly to look up at him. “No, I-I felt I-” She was suddenly jerked out of his arms, something coming between the two and slamming right into her head, splattering blood across Motochika’s mask.
"How absolutely rude." Shuu said lowly, "I was in the middle of trying to devour her." Motochika's eyes widened and his gaze shot to Shuu.
"You son of a bitch. I'll give you something to devour." He growled amd gently set Nana down before his anchor kagune wrapped around his arm.
Nana was limp and unmoving, hair covering her eyes as blood dripped heavily from the wound on her head, which he wasn’t able to locate exactly from the amount of blood.
Motochika and Shuu went at it, both equal as kokaku wielders. The mass of people didn't really seem to mind watching them fight, that was for sure.
After a few minutes of the two fighting, Motochika heard a soft groan from behind him, Nana stirring and sitting up from the table he laid her back onto. She held a hand over her face, which still dripped blood, but was slowly stopping.
"Nana?" Motochika pushed Shuu back, "Y' alright?" He couldn't look back, if he took his eyes off Shuu it could make escape impossible. He couldn't carry Nana away while he was bleeding everywhere.
“I... I think so...” Nana still held her hand gingerly over her nose, head a little fuzzy from being struck. “I think I just passed out..”
Motochika waited for Shuu to lunge and ducked before slamming the anchor into his gut and throwing him into a wall. He hurried and picked Nana up before running out of the area as fast as he could.
Nana held tightly to Motochika, watching the pursuers behind them through a haze of tears and a throbbing head. “Where are we going..?” She whispered.
She nodded, resting her cheek against his shoulder as they went, not wanting to see their pursuers anymore. “Thank you... Thank you...”
Yukimura grunted as he was slapped hard, sending him back against the wall holding his face. Akihime had come over, and everything seemed like it was fine for a while, then she had started to get angry with him. He was silent as she yelled at him, not daring say a word before she was finished.
"How did she know I was a ghoul, Yukimura?! Did you tell her?! Did you rat me out to the CCG?! Just coming here to scold you is a risk, who knows who they have watching your apartment! God, I was so stupid!" She yelled.
Yukimura shook his head slowly. “No! Akihime I wouldn’t! I promise you I never said a word to anyone!” Yukimura said, eyes wide. Maybe he was telling the truth?
Her kagune wrapped around him tight and began squeezing, her kakugan active with angry veins around her eyes, "I don't appreciate being lied to by a filthy fucking human."
Yukimura’s mouth opened and his breath was forced from his lungs, feeling like his bones would break, and his guts would pour from his mouth. “I-I didn’t tell anyone..!” He managed out.
He felt like he would pass out before her kagune loosened and she set him down. She suddenly started to sob, "Oh, Yuki-kun, I'm so sorry!" She wailed, covering her face.
Yukimura collapsed to his hands and knees, gasping for air and coughing, black dots dancing in his vision and his ears ringing a bit.
He wheezed a bit when she held him, saying nothing for a moment before slowly wrapping his arms around her to embrace her. “I-I forgive you...” He rasped.
Yukimura’s heart beat hard in his chest, ears still ringing and his shoulders and throat sore where her Kagune had wrapped around him. “Akihime, I would never betray you, I haven’t told anyone about you... I promise..”
He slowly shook his head, feeling almost like he was in a bit of a daze, words coming out automatically. “It’s ok, Akihime, I forgive you..”
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