Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nana looked rather sad, but she was no longer in a sorry state. “I’m worried for Motochika... You still haven’t heard anything back from him? Has he accepted my letters?”
She looked a bit heart broken at the though, nodding and lowering her gaze. “Yes... I just don’t know how I’ll be raising a child on my own... And I’ve far overstayer my welcome here..” She shook her head. “Forgive me for going on, Tsukiyama-san..”
“Thank you, truly.” She said softly, starting to eat so the food that was prepared wouldn’t go cold. Halfway through her meal however, she started to feel strange, and it was only then did she notice Shuu was still standing there, waiting and watching. “Tsu-Tsukiyama... san...?” She held her head as the room started to spin, and she dropped the fork and knife, feeling like she was going to be sick.
She struggled hard against whatever he had tainted her food with, but it quickly swallowed her whole, Nana slumping against the table unconscious.
When she woke up, she was still kind of out of it. She wasn't dressed in the pajamas sje remembered being in; in fact she was in a rather nice gown. And tied to a table at her wrists and ankles.
It took Nana a moment to register that she was even awake, let alone remember what had happened and where she was. She struggled briefly, but her limbs felt too heavy to move, and they were tied firmly in place. “What...?”
Nana groaned, whatever she had been given making her feel incredibly nauseous. Her vision was a bit fuzzy and she could still hardly move, but she was able to make out a few vague shapes around her in the dark.
She heard what sounded like a large crowd of people murmuring around her, but the lights that had focused on her blinded her from actually seeing beyond them. “What..? Wait...” She tried to sit up, tried pulling at the ropes again. “Stop this..”
"Abandoned by the ghoul who gave her said child to begin with. It is truly heart breaking." Abandoned? No. Motochika swore he would always be there for her. "I have taken it upon myself to end her suffering, to stop the woes of a single mother before they start."
Nana shook her head slowly the best she could in her groggy state. “You’re wrong..!” She barely managed out, squirming on the table again. “Wrong about everything..!”
“Please, I want to see Motochika, please just get Motochika..!” She begged him, still trying to struggle free, tears running down the sides of her face.
Her face twisted in despair and she begain to cry. “But I sent him so many letters..!” She shook her head, tears pouring down her face. “I told him I was sorry, told him I still loved him..!”
Shuu rose his kokaku over his head before something slammed into him and sending him tumbling backwards. The crowd all buzzed with shock as the dust cleared to show wild white hair and a lion dog mask.
Nana had closed her eyes tight when he brought his kagune over her, only peeking open an eye when she felt nothing hit her. She let out a soft cry when she saw the white hair and the familiar mask. “M-Motochika..!”
Nana held onto the front of his shirt as tightly as she could in her still partially drugged state. “I thought you never wanted to see me again..!” She wept.
"I've been looking for you for months...!" He said, "I went to the hospital to visit you again and you were gone, I thought something happened...!"
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