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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“Mm, you know what you did.” She said and leaned back against him, snuggling close. “So what’s the plan for tonight? Another movie?”
Her cheeks flushed a bit and she nodded; Masamune noticed something as he played with her hair, a few white and grey strands showing through- like Megohime had missed them when dyeing her hair. “Sure... I missed you too.” She said, shifting to roll on her side and face him.
She brushed her hand over her hair with a small frown. “It’s hard to dye your hair on your own... I guess I missed a few spots..” She muttered.
She grunted and leaned up to kiss him. “If this is your idea of fooling around, you’re really bad at it.” She said, straddling his hips again and pushing him back to kiss him again.
“Mmhm.” She said against his lips, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck, resting them on his shoulders as she kissed him slowly, breaking the kiss only to kiss him again.
She nodded and got out of his lap after kissing him again, pulling him to his feet and leading the way to his bedroom.
“Wh-What..? Do you really want me to say it..?” She asked, pulling him into the room and leaning up to kiss him, cupping his cheek with one hand, taking one of his hands with another.
She grumbled as he sat down on the bed, and she moved onto his lap again. “Mood killer.” She muttered bitterly, cheeks still red.
Megohime relaxed a bit, hands on Masamune’s shoulders, letting her head tilt to the side to let him have more access to her neck. “Can... Can you be on top..?”
Megohime nodded and kissed him, cupping both sides of his face before pulling away to switch positions with him, laying back on the bed.
Megohime held Masamune close, closing her eyes and relaxing into the bed, feeling herself starting to get a bit excited.
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