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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"How rude." Shuu's kakugan activated and he threw Mitsunari away like he was a doll, "Get her to the car and take her home. I'll meet up with you shortly."
Megohime hesitated for a brief moment, then nodded and left quickly without another word, getting Nana down to the waiting car and heading back to the Tsukiyama estate with her.
Shuu would be a while but he returned just as he said he would. He was covered in blood that was a mix of his and the investigator's but his wounds seemed to be healing nicely. "There now, all settled." He said.
Megohime was standing outside a spare bedroom that Shuu had made up for the pregnant woman, motioning with her head toward the door. “She was checked out and is fine, but her legs broken and her Achilles’ tendon completely severed, she’s gonna need a hospital.” She said boredly.
"I can hire a human doctor to come look at her, it matters not. She can stay as long as she needs." He replied. He inhaled deeply and sighed, "Her blood smells divine."
“Shuu, she isn’t a Ghoul.” She pointed out. “She’s human, through and through..” She chewed on her thumbnail. “But I think her child is a Ghoul.”
"Mm~ I wonder what that would taste like." He licked his lips and smiled, "I'll go find that doctor~" He said and walked away, "You're free to go, mon cher."
Megohime made a face, one that almost resembled concern, but she was spending that night at Masamune’s, and had far more important matters to attend to.

Nana lay in the bed, tired and in pain- her leg had been wrapped up to stop the bleeding and splinted. She looked around, face clearly showing her distress, but she wasn’t able to get up due to her leg.
"Kojurou is gonna be home late so you have time to slip in and lock the door" Masamune had texted her.

The door opened and the same man from before came in with a smile.
"Hello, mon petite. I am Tsukiyama Shuu, and I have taken the liberty of calling a private doctor to come see you."
“Got it, be there soon.” She sent back and got into the car, clothes changed to a bit more casual and comfortable.

Nana sat up with some effort, frowning in pain. “I don’t understand, are you a friend of Motochika’s..?”
Masamune was waiting around playing some lame phone games, having taken all his medications before Megohime arrived.

"Not really." He answered, "I heard you were with child and thought I would help."
He heard the front door open quietly, then close and lock, and a minute later, Megohime came in to sit with him, clothes cold from being outside when she hugged him.

Nana was in too much pain and far too hungry and tired to question too far into things. “Thank you..” She said, resting her hand on her swollen stomach.
Megohime only held onto him tighter, moving to straddle his lap on the couch with a smirk on her face. “Oh? I am? Shame, because you’re all nice and warm~” She said, pressing against him.

“May I please have some food..?” She asked, if nothing, she needed to eat for her child and herself, her leg causing her quite a bit of pain.
"Ah! Mego, babe, no, it's awful!" He cried playfully, "Get off me, you heat vampire!"

"Of course. I can have something whipped up pronto. Will you require flesh, as well?" He knew exactly who Motochika was, and if he was the father then Shuu needed to eat her and her infant soon. Before the Ogre found them.
“‘fraid I can’t, I need all of your body heat, I guess you’ll just have to suffer~” She said, peppering his face and neck with kisses.

Nana bit her lip and nodded. “I-I do... Would I also ask one more request?” She looked up at him. “I’ve been seperated from Motochika for a few months... Would you be able to tell him where I am..? That I’m ok..?”
He laughed and held her tight, "Ah no, I'm dying, you're killing me! Bleh." He fell limp against the couch, holding his breath.

He nodded, "Of course. I'll have one of my servants locate him immediately."
Megohime laughed and brushed some of her hair from her face, leaning to down to kiss Masamune softly.

Nana nodded. “Thank you.” She said, bowing her head to him.
"Oh hey, look at that, I'm alive." He smiled, "My hero~"

"Don't worry your head about it. The doctor should be here soon to help you." He replied
Megohime laughed and sat on the couch beside Masamune, arms still around him. “You’re such a shit.”
“I’ll have you know I’m at least half a percent less shitty than you~” She smirked, turning her nose up in the air. “I haven’t gotten a single kiss from you, and already you’ve gotten several~” She pointed out.
Megohime laughed and hugged him tight. “You’re still a shit, but all is forgiven~”
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