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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nana felt her heart sink, and she felt like she was going to vomit. She choked back a cry as she slowly crawled out from her hiding spot, too scared to get to her feet and look at him. Would he even recognize her at all? Her hair had become so shaggy from not trimming it, and her face was usually smudged with dirt. “Please don’t hurt me..!” She begged softly.
She couldn’t stop the tears of shame that trickled down her face, she had no choice, what was she supposed to do with a Ghoul child on her own? She had no money left, no job or home, and no family to rely on either. “Please just let me live..! Let me and my child live..!”
“No!” She looked to him, tears running down her cheeks. “What else was I supposed to do..?!”
“How could you say that, of course I couldn’t!” She was crying now, clenching her fists as she sat on the ground in front of him. “I couldn’t kill my child..!”
The word itself made her flinch, and without knowing why, she obeyed. She stumbled to her feet and started to run away from him, sobbing audibly as she did her best to run fast, but it wasn’t much; being heavily pregnant made moving much too cumbersome.
She screamed in pain as his blade severed the large tendon in her leg, causing her to fall to the ground, nearly on her stomach. It felt like she had been shot rather than cut, but she continued on, crawling away the best she could on her hands and knees.
Another scream of agony was torn from her as she fell forward, having to roll onto her side as to not drop onto her stomach. “Please stop! Please, don’t kill my baby..!” She begged, hands over her stomach.
"You're disgusting. Letting a ghoul impregnate you and willingly carrying it's child. You aren't even human anymore. You're lower than that, unfit to even be the dirt under my shoes." He stated lowly.
Nana only cried harder, doing her damndest to just drag herself away from him at this point. “You’re wrong..! You’re wrong..!”
Her face was twisted with pain, sweat forming on her brow from the pain in her leg, which was bleeding all over the floor. “Ghouls aren’t all terrible..! Motochika was kind to me..! He took care of me..! You think they’re all monsters but they aren’t..!”
His eyes widened slowly. Chosokabe Mitochika? The Western Ogre? Without thinking, he started to beat her with the sheathe of his odachi. She didn't deserve to live at all. She was lower than dirt, a sub species of creature.
She grunted and cried, doing everything in her power to just protect her stomach, which left everything else vulnerable to attack. Blood gushed from her nose and she felt her skin split over her brow, blood getting into her eyes and blinding her. “Stop, please..!”
"Not until you're dead!"
"That's no way to treat a woman." A voice called. Mitsunari stopped to look, seeing the Gourmet with a woman in a Noh mask.
The woman stood off behind the Gourmet, head turned to the side as if she didn’t even want to witness what was happening; perhaps she wasn’t interested?
Nana only curled into a ball further to protect her stomach, keeping her eyes squeezed shut tightly.
The woman in the Noh mask scoffed, but obeyed, walking straight toward Mitsunari and Nana calmly, like she hadn’t just witnessed him trying to kill the pregnant woman.
Megohime simply moved passed the two men, completely ignoring the investigator as she helped Nana to her feet, but when she found she couldn’t stand because of her badly damaged leg, she sighed and picked her up. “Hey, he fucked up her leg.” She called, holding Nana in her arms and turning to face Shuu.
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