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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya only managed out soft grunts and cries, staring up at the ceiling as he moved roughly. Her Kakugan faded in and out, and she tried to roll away, trying to pull her hands free at the same time. Her mouth hung open in a silent cry, eyes slowly becoming more clear as her wounds slowly healed.

“Unarmed?” She has a soft scowl on her face, watching Akihime with cool eyes. “Please do not speak to me like I’m a fool. Even with no proof as you do claim, you being alive at this age is proof enough you’ve had to kill someone to stay alive. That enough is a crime to bring you in.”
He had to stop when he heard his phone ring, answering it with a huff. After a small arguement, he moved away from her and redressed before leaving.

"Alive at my age? You're talking as if I'm a ghoul." She said, "Please, I have to get home, I don't have time to deal with a foreigner."
Amaya gathered herself on the bed, pushing her dress back down and laying on the bed staring at the flowers across from her on the wall, tears in her eyes.

Akihime heard a soft click behind her, and Jin was scowling now. “If you make a move to leave, I will shoot and request for other investigators. If you’re truly a human, then you’ll have no objections to some further questioning.” Jin was holding a handgun, arm lax at her side; this little show wouldn’t make her faulter.
“What intensions does a Ghoul have with a CCG investigator?” She asked rather bluntly, keeping her gun at her side still.
“Oh? I see, then forgive me.” She slipped the gun back into the holster under her arm, bowed her head and turned to leave. What? Wait, that was it?
If she killed her quick enough, Akihime wouldn't have to deal with her again. She slipped out her kagune slowly tail by tail before suddenly bursting toward Jin.
Akihime didn’t make a single sound as she pounced toward Jin, not the sound of her shoes on the ground could be heard, or her Kagune being brought out, yet, before Akihime could strike, Jin turned. She had her gun in hand and aimed, a soft frown on her face as she fired two rounds into Akihime’s head; they were only RC-suppressant’s, so it wouldn’t kill her, but it certainly knocked her to the ground.
She was brought to a dead stop, flung back from the force and dropping onto her back. All she could register in the shock was that she fucked up bad. And she was more than likely going to die.
She heard the gun be holstered, and the familiar pop and hiss as Jin brought out her Quinque- a golden European style sword. She had a soft frown on her face as she moved toward Akihime, bringing her sword up to strike Akihime down.
She rolled out of the way and pushed herself up, her kakugan slowly fading, "You should have just minded your own business..." She huffed.
“This is my business.” She said firmly before charging Akihime now, jabbing at Akihime quickly and repeatedly, face stern and eyes fiery.
She could feel weaker and weaker from whatever she was shot with. She couldn't even summon one of her tails. This was bad. Very bad. "What, is it so disgusting for me to love him? Care about him like you would another human?" She fumed, doing her best to avoid Jin's strikes. She just needed a big enough opening and then she could run.
Jin didn’t answer, only narrowed her eyes and pushed forward in her attack, her movements fluid and calm. Loved him? That’s not what she found was happening. Yukimura was distracted yes, but it was more than that, she felt something else was going on. He came in tired and already wounded lightly before work even started, she was using him. Regardless, laws had been broken, and there would be consequences.
She watched everything Jin did carefully, waiting for her moment. When Jin made another horizontal strike, she ducked and swept her leg under Jin's feet, knocking her off balance and then booking it as fast as she could down the street.
Jin steadied herself, stood upright and scowled softly that she had let Akihime her away, but all was not lost.

Nana had been in the hospital for weeks, nearly completely recovered all except for her arm which was still in a cast. She was finally able to walk around the gardens outside the hospital, enjoying the sun and fresh air as she sat on the bench.
"Nana." It was Mitsunari, probably back for more questions. Kojurou was with him, taking time to come and visit Nana in the hospital.
She looked up from her spot on the bench and looked to the two, bowing her head. “Investigator Ishida, Investigator Katakura, What brings you back here?”
"Um...we have an important decision to give you." Kojurou said gently. Mitsunari's expression hardened.
"You're pregnant with a ghoul child. You will terminate it if you want to keep your job. At best, your life."
Nana’s mouth opened slightly, and she stared at the men in shock before standing, an angry expression on her face. “You have no right to speak about such things with me..!” She said firmly, her behavior unlike her, but seeing as how it was regarding a sensitive subject, it was understandable. “The child I carry is human, and as its mother, I have the right to decide what’s best for it!” She took a step away from the two men. “Please do not come to see me again, I will have the nurses turn you away.” She said, and with that, headed back toward the hospital.
"Nana..." Kojurou moved over to her, "Ishida sosakan is under a lot of stress. You are free and encouraged to keep your child-"
"If it is truly human." Mitsunari stated. Kojurou shot a glare before looking back at Nana.
"But your RC Cells are concerningly high. And we wish only to keep an eye on any abnormalities." He dropped his voice so Mitsunari wouldn't hear, "I will not ask you to abort your child, regardless of what it turns out to be.."
She kept her back to the two, frowning at the ground. “The doctors think it might be ROS, but without taking a sample from my womb, they cannot be sure. I won’t do anything that will harm my child.” She said softly. “I simply won’t..”
He frowned softly, "I understand your concern, but please take it under consideration. If it is merely an illness, it would make things much easier for you and your child."
“I’m not going to have anyone testing on my child, end of story.” She said, then had enough, and stalked off.
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