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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He sighed heavily and moved back to Mitsunari, who was scowling in disapproval.
"You know she bears a ghoul child."
"It is still her decision."
Even at the request of Nana no longer wanting the investigators to visit her, they still did, but one day, Nana was suddenly gone. She hadn’t checked out, and none of the hospital staff could find her, though the security cameras did catch a brief glimpse of her sneaking out quickly through the back before disappearing onto the streets.
"Damn her!" Mitsunari fumed, before turning toward Kojurou, "Put out a BOLO. She is now a fugitive of the CCG."
"Ishida sosakan, that's a bit excessive!"
"Do as I say!" Mitsunari snapped.
Nana had been nowhere to be seen around the hospital or even in or in the area around her home. It was if she had simply vanished into thin air, leaving not a single trace.
Nana had been sick all that morning, only stopping to vomit on the street before continuing on. She only wore a hospital shirt and pants and a jacket she had stolen from a nurses station along with a pair of slippers. The small swollen bump of her stomach was hidden easily under her clothes, but she needed to find food and shelter. But even as her pregnancy progressed, she felt as though something was wrong, that the food she was eating wasn’t enough. She worried over that, wondering if since the child was half ghoul, that it would need to eat human flesh as well?
When Motochika had gone to see her and saw she was gone, he flew into a panic. What happened? Was she ok? Had someone killed her? He had no idea. So he tried looking everywhere for her, only to find nothing.
There was nothing either side could find of being in or around the area, no one reported sightings of her; it was like she had simply vanished.
Nana snuck around, kept mostly in abandon buildings and only ventured out during the night, she even had ventured into known Ghoul territory, but they hardly seemed to notice her. When she had left the hospital, the doctors told her her RC cell level was at 800, perhaps they saw her as another weak Ghoul?
"Ohayo, Nana-chan," that voice. Turning, she came face to face with Akihime, though she was wearing a half mask with barbs that looked like teeth. And a rather elegant black dress with a slit on the side. She held up her hands disarmingly, though with thwir last encounter it still made Nana nervous. "You smell different." She noted.
Nana backed up, producing something from her pocket and holding it out in front of her- a knife. Nana knew better, she knew human knives did nothing to Ghouls, but she still held it out in front of her like it would do her some sort of good, her other hand over her stomach protectively. “Please leave me alone.”
"Ah, please trust me when I say I mean you no harm. The Doves are looking for me so I have to lay low for now. I won't hurt you." She said. She stayed silent for a moment before speaking again, "It belongs to Chika-kun...doesn't it?"
She was dirty and looked scared and tired, not saying anything as she kept her knife pointed at Akihime, frowning heavily. She certainly smelled like a Ghoul, yet somehow still like a human.
"If you want it to live, it needs flesh." She said calmly, "You may stay in the backroom of my office, I have plenty of supply to spare. I won't harm you or your child, you have my word." Why was she being so nice? Was it because Nana had a ghoul child?
Nana didn’t trust a single word out of her mouth, she was the reason for the large scars on her hips after all. “No, please leave me alone.” She said, then turned and scurried off quickly. Flesh? How was she supposed to get that? She returned back to the small abandon factory she had made her home in, sitting in the corner and thinking- she could eat her own flesh?
Akihime made a noise, of course Nana would say no to her help. Guess she would have to send a gift basket every now and again. Nana wouldn't be hard to find.
It was cold most nights, and Nana tended to stay on the edges of the groups of the homeless Ghouls, but some were kind to her, perhaps took pity on her thinking she was a Ghoul herself. They offered to share what little amounts of food they had, which Nana accepted, but would excuse herself to eat in private- another things they understood, most women didn’t like to be watched while eating. It was hard, and she did her best to put out of her mind that she was eating raw human flesh, but she couldn’t help gagging and nearly throwing up as she struggled to eat the meat, finding it tough to chew through. Still, she pushed through for her child, working down the piece until it was gone and she had fed her child, tears staining her face.
Sometimes there would be small baskets left where ever she was staying with a little note that simply read "From A Friend". It had small cuts of flesh in containers for easier consumption as well as packets of towelettes, small body sprays and fresh underwear.
Megohime had been given a few odd jobs as a means to repay Tsukiyama and his family’s generosity for rescuing her, which she accepted begrudgingly and did as she was requested.
“There’s two targets that’ll probably catch your interest.” She said, pulling out a small notepad she had stuffed in her coat pocket. “A young man in the 20th ward that has been raising some interest, and a Ghoul in the second ward, she’s pregnant and a vagrant, but the Ghouls I’ve spoken to said she’s different, but couldn’t exactly tell me how, just that her smell was nice for a Ghoul’s.”
Shuu made a noise and set aside his coffee, "Let us go see about this vagrant, hm? She sounds fun and exciting." He said as he stood.
“I’m coming with you? You said I’d just be finding them, you know I don’t usually hunt my own food from the streets.” She said, making a face.
"You can come or don't, matters not to me, mon cher." He said as he wandered off, "I am going to offer this poor unfortunate a place to stay. Clean her up before I get a taste~"
Megohime gave a soft sigh and followed regardless, it was too late in the night to bug Masamune, and she had little better to do.

Nana was tired and cold, having scrounged up the last few yen she had, she bought herself some human food to eat along side the human flesh she had to eat for her baby. Moving through the dilapidated old building, she trudged up the stairs and to her small little corner tucked out of sight. Her stomach was rather swollen now, and she felt like she was going to burst, but she continued on for the baby.
She struggled to sit up in the little makeshift tent she had set up in the corner- really just a dirty old sheet over a few boxes. She kept quiet, moving further back into the small hide and waiting in silence for things to pass, praying they would pass.
She could hear the footsteps getting louder as the investigator made their way through the building. Maybe they would just pass and leave her be?
She kept her hand over her mouth as she listened to the Ghouls in the building try to run only to be slaughtered. She trembled, touching her stomach gently and waiting in the dark for him to pass. She squeezed her eyes shut, heart pounding in her ears.
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