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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She smiled softly, rubbing her thumb against his cheek. “Can you stay for a bit..?”
Nana nodded, leading Motochika further into the room and sitting back on the bed, head still a bit fuzzy from her concussion.
Yukimura pet Akihime’s hair as she explained to him what had been troubling her. Ghouls loitering in the area around her restaurant were causing issues, harassing her patrons and even herself, making it hard for her business to thrive.
"It's awful, Yuki-kun...and I can't do anything about it, either, or the CCG will come with the bell that tolls my death.." She said.
Yukimura frowned heavily, surely that didn’t have to be the outcome? Akihime was only helping the Ghouls who had no other means of getting food or didn’t want to kill humans to eat, she was doing a kindness in the way that she could. “No, Akihime,” He turned her head up by the chin. “I promise I’ll see those Ghouls gone.”
He thought for a moment, it would be a little difficult, seeing as her territory was out of his patrol area, but he would still do what he could to dispose of them. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll find a way to do it.” He said, smiling softly.
Yukimura felt that little bit of warmth he always got in his chest when Akihime was happy or kissed him. Simply seeing her happiness made him incredibly happy, even more so when he was the one providing it. He held her close and kissed her back, a small feeling of euphoria washing over him.
Sasuke was frustrated. Mentally and sexually. He wasn't ever allowed to leave which meant no dating or women. He hated it. He hated how he got stuck with this.
Amaya had spent the last few days trying to fix the part of the mural that Sasuke had destroyed, cleaning the wall with her clothes- which only meant more work for Sasuke -and using up most of her chalks drawing on the wall, again, more work for him.
She hardly seemed to notice him at all when he came and went in her cell, focused more than anything on the flowers she had to redraw, it was like she hardly remembered when he had nearly beat her head in. Had she never tried to escape, he would have been an investigator, outside in the fresh air and sunlight, instead, he was confined to Cochlea just as she was.
He huffed and moved into her cell, grabbing her arm and dragged her to the bed, tossing her onto the mattress and moving over her.

Akihime headed home after spending the whole day nearly with Yukimura. That woman she saw him with, the blonde, smelled funny. Different. Maybe because she wasn't fully Japanese? How odd.
Amaya only let out a small cry when she was tossed onto the mattress, struggling beneath him and trying to push him off, but she had just been given her dose of RC suppressant less than an hour ago, and had the strength of a regular human. She even insisted on acting like a human when she looked frightened, trying to push and kick him away.

The woman was far too friendly with Yukimura, she was too close for comfort; spending time with him, smiling at him like some flirt, and even taking him out to lunch a few times. Clearly he was too young for her, why couldn’t she understand that?
"God, you're disgusting." How much better was he then? He was about to take advantage of her. Because he was lonely. He disgusted himself.

It made her angry. This old tart could ruin everything she worked so hard to build. She had to deal with her.
She whimpered and fought more, tears falling down her face as she beat against his chest like a frail woman. Frail woman? She was a monster wearing human skin at best, she was a beast that would kill inncocent humans and eat their flesh given the chance. She slapped him hard, trying to squirm away and crawl out from underneath him.

She had hardly noticed the footsteps that had started not longer after she had left Yukimura’s house, trailing her only after they had left seeing or hearing range. “Ano,” A voice spoke up behind her, nearly startling her out of her skin. “I would very much appreciate if you made things simple, and came with me please.”
He gnashed his teeth and punched her hard in the face. She wasn't human, he told himself, she was just a monster like the others.

She stopped and scowled. She didn't have her mask with her. Not like it mattered, her face was seen by now.
"I will not." She replied, "I have done nothing wrong."
She cried out with each hit, trying her best to shield her face as he wailed on her, bloodying her nose and splitting her lip. She struggled the best that she could, but soon her flailing stopped, and she lay slumped beneath him, eyes half closed and dazed.

“Hunting humans. Killing humans. The desecration of a human corpse. The preparation and distribution of human flesh. Kidnapping. These are a few of the charges you have racked up, most of them dozens of times over.” The woman moved no closer, and Akihime could feel her eyes on the back of her head. “You’ve done much wrong, and I will not let my partner be decieved by you either.”
He took the opportunity to push up her dress and remove her panties before opening his pants and freeing his dick. He was so wound up that he didn't care what got him off.

She had grown careless then? No. She was very very careful about who saw her do what. The only person who knew who she really was was Yukimura. Did he rat her out?
"I don't know what you mean, I'm an upstanding citizen. You have me mistaken for someone else."
Amaya paid still even when he exposed her, groaning weakly and blinking slowly, turning her head to look at him. Her dress nearly covered her face being pushed up over her chest, but she could still see him, watching him work to get himself hard. Tears leaked down her face and she pressed her legs closed, to out of it to do much else.

Jin was silent, staring at Akihime and waiting for her to make her move. She was no fool, she knew exactly what crimes had been committed by this woman, but she had little proof, and for how long she had been doing it, Jin could only guess it had been going on for years. Yukimura didn’t have to tell her a single thing, her own instincts and research told her exactly what she wanted to know. “If you insist on resisting, I will have no choice but to use force.”
Sasuke forced her legs apart with his knee before he moved to push into her. He moved his hips sloppily, pinning her hands above her head.

Akihime turned and glanced at her, smiling softly, "And attack an unarmed woman? You don't have any grounde to use any force. If you approach me with intent to do my harm, I will have to defend myself."
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