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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"A sympathizer is still a sympathizer, Sanada sosakan." He replied, "CCG or civilian." An image of Akihime passed through Yukimura's mind and his chest tightened.
“Matsunaga sosakan, that’s quite enough, talk of killing will ruin the taste of the tea.” Jin said firmly.
Yukimura clenched his fists and glared down at the table, surely he wasn’t serious? Killing Nana because she had been a victim? If he wanted her dead for something she had no control over, then what did he want for those who chose to not hate Ghouls?
Yukimura’s face flushed, and he quickly closed his phone and pocketed it, it would’ve been rude to be chatting with Akihime while with his superiors, but he planned on responding as soon as he got a chance.
She looked to Kojurou and offered a small smile. “We both had been stationed in Europe for about four months, and no, Matsunaga sosakan wasn’t always my partner. I took the place of his partner when they passed during a mission. It’s good to be back in Japan though, the weather was quite different in Russia than it is here.”
She gave a small nod. “Though I suppose it’s a little odd, wonter should be about here; I’ve probably just become so used to the frigid cold in Russia, and find it rather warm here.” Jin was the opposite of Matsunaga and it rather showed; she was kind and personable, as Matsunaga was, well, cold and unlikable.
"Perhaps so.." He smiled softly. Hisehide finished his tea and made a noise.
"So, Sanada, how did you manage to make it back home after the attack? I heard your wounds, though done crudely, were stitched rather well."
“Oh..” Yukimura looked a little uncomfortable at the question, Jin shooting yet another glance at the investigator. “That part is actually where both the CCG and I am unclear about... I still struggle remembering most parts of that night..”
Nana had been recovering nicely, her bruises fading and her aches and pains slowly going away. Her fractured facial bone and broken arm would still cause her the most pain however, but she mostly took aspirin for it at that point. She was starting to suffer from morning sickness now, and the doctors confirmed that her RC level was in fact slowly increasing. Anxiety constantly kept its grip on her, she was pregnant with Motochika's child, there was no doubt about that, but what was she supposed to do? Was eating human food enough? No, of course not, she was carrying a Ghoul’s child, she would need to eat human flesh if she wanted it to live, but where was she going to get such a thing? The morgue?
There was a knock before a man she didn't know stepped in. "Good afternoon, Nana. I am Matsunaga Hisehide, I just transferred from Europe. How are you feeling today?"
Nana looked over with a soft frown, she was told Mitsunari would be looking over her case. “I’m alright..” She said cautiously. Her eye was still bandaged, she she was only able to look at him with one eye. Was he here to question her too? Mitsunari had already grilled her on the details, so why another investigator too?
Her eye followed him as he moved over to her machines. “The hospital staff saved my life..” She was being coy, she knew what she was doing, but he was making her suspicious. “I don’t understand, wasn’t all of this in the report? I already told Ishida sosakan everything I remember..”
She frowned softly, shaking her head. “I-I don’t know... I’m sorry, I’ve already told Ishida sosakan everything I could, now please, I’m tired..”
Nana felt like she was trapped in the room suddenly with him, now extremely uncomfortable. “M-Matsunaga sosakan... You’re scaring me, please leave..!” She shifted in her bed, looking around for her call button.
Nana let out a choked cry, kicking her blankets off and starting to panick. Why wasn’t he taking her word? Why was he asking the same questions she already had answered. “Ogre... Western...” She managed out.
"Why?" He growled out, "Why didn't he kill you?" To be truthful, Matsunaga didn't care to read the report. All he heard was she escaped from Aogiri and had been tugging Mitsunari along since she woke up.
She shook her head the best that she could, struggling to draw in breath. “D...Don’t.... know..!” She was struggling harder now, face turning red as she tried to kick him away from her, scratching at his hand with her broken arm.
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