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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The shove brought her completely to the floor, making her drop her coloring pastels, crying out in pain as he hit her. She seemed to act stunned at first, but the more he beat on her, the more she tried to fight back. She managed to get herself onto her back, bringing her arms up to protect her head, which was already dripping blood from her split scalp. She cried with every strike, the force enough to crack bones, but she kept her arms up so he wouldn’t beat on her face. She struggled and cried, trying to push him away as her Kakugan activated, black veins spreading down her cheeks as she started to scream at him in protest, kicking and even scratching.
The pain in her arms was too much, her vision warped, threatened to darken, and she was forced to drop her hands. The rod hit her in the head once- all she could see was his angry scowl, twice- the hatred burning in his eyes. Over and over the rod connected with her skull, and soon, she wasn’t moving, sprawled out beneath him as she stared up at the ceiling with a pained expression, but her eyes told him she was close to passing out. She didn’t scream or kick anymore, didn’t even let out a whimper, her Kakugan slowly deactivating. All these years he had done nothing but clean up after her, clean her up and care for her, and all of it was her fault.
Already the deep bruising on her skin started to heal, the gash he had opened on her forehead slowly closing as she stirred slightly, letting out a soft groan and trying to get up.
She cried out again, curling into a ball to hold her stomach, coughing a few times, but still saying nothing, she always said nothing. No matter what she was put through, she would always refuse to speak, only ever crying like a child. Even now she was spoiled rotten; given drawing materials, real flesh rather than synthesized flesh the other Ghouls were given.
Amaya was still on the floor in pain when he came back, but ear wounds had healed over at that point. When she saw him destroy her drawings on the wall and her drawing papers, she started to cry again, watching the pastel chalk drawings run down the wall and melt together. She looked at Sasuke with her Kakugan activated, slowly standing as she cried still.
She charged at Sasuke, letting out a scream of anger over her ruined mural on the wall; although her Kakugan was active, she was still on RC suppressants, therefore couldn’t use her Kagune at all.
The rod connected with her temple and she went down like a sack of rocks, crumpling to the floor hard, allowing Sasuke his escape. As soon as he locked the door, he heard pounding and screaming on the other side, Amaya hitting the door hard.

Good news had finally come to Yukimura, a transfer had been put in order by headquarters and two senior investigators had been called in from overseas to assist. Special Class Kawabe Jin and Special Class Matsunaga Hisehide had both agreed to join forces in Tokyo, Jin breaking from her partner to be Yukimura’s.
Kojurou would be getting Matsunaga as a new partner, a lot of transfers had to be made to make Jin and Hisehide fit comfortably. He stood with Yukimura as they waited for the two to come in.
Yukimura looked about as nervous as he did on his first day as an Investigator, standing stiffly beside Kojurou. In all honestly, he was just glad he would finally be allowed back out on the streets. The door opened and two figures entered. The man was tall, with salt and pepper hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a black suit. The woman was just shorter than the man, wearing a black dress suit and skirt; she had long golden hair that was pulled back in a partial braid, the rest of her loose hair going down to her hips and copper-colored eyes to match.
Kojurou felt his cheeks burn gently at the sight of her before looking away. The man approached Kojurou and extended his hand.
"You must be Katakura. Matsunaga Hisehide, it's an honor to meet you." He greeted. Kojurou took his hajd and nodded.
"Likewise," he replied before turning to Yukimura, "this is Junior Investigator Sanada Yukimura."
The woman bowed, taking Yukimura’s hand when he stuck it out. “Kawabe Jin, it’s a pleasure.” She said, a faint smile on her face.
“Sanada Genjirou Yukimura, desu!” Yukimura said. “And the pleasure is all mine!”
The woman had hardly seemed to look at Kojurou, only giving a small bow of her head, but she was polite.
She was beyond beautiful. Kojurou felt nervous for the first time in decades.
"Perhaps a small bout of Q and A is in order. It's about time for lunch, perhaps there is somewhere close by we can sit?" Hisehide suggested. Kojurou nodded.
"There's a small shop down the street we can go to." He replied. Hisehide nodded.
"I haven't had a decent cup of tea in a long time." He said and followed them down to the bottom floor. Leaving the building, however, Yukimura noticed Akihime standing near one of the trees, hesitant to come closer.
Yukimura had stopped to look at Akihime, mouth open slightly in surprise to see here there. Had she been waiting for him to come out for lunch?
“Second Class Sanada?” The woman had stopped, waiting for her new partner. “Is everything alright?” She asked, eyes focused on a Yukimura. “A-Ah, yes!” He quickly moved to her side. “Forgive me!” He gave Akihime one more apologetic glance before following his partner off to the cafe.
Akihime looked disappointed to see him go but didn't follow. Not yet, anyway. They would know right away she was a ghoul, the more experienced investigators were super keenly aware of her kind just with a glance. She hated it. She hated investigators so much.
When they reached the cafe, Kojurou offered to pay for the bill before anything was even ordered. Hisehide chuckled softly.
"How polite. Though some would use that to justify walking over you, Katakura."
"I assure you, few abuse my kindness." Kojurou replied. Only one person really did, and that was only because he was stuck in his sick bed all day.
Jin shot Hisehide a glance, a silent gesture, but one that had sharp words hidden behind it. “I appreciate the offer, Katakura sosakan, but I’ll have to politely refuse. I couldn’t have you paying my bill as well as my partners.” She said with a faint smile.
He blushed faintly and looked down, giving a small nod, "H-Hai..." He replied. Hisehide passed his glance to Yukimura.
"So, Sanada, I've read the report about your attack. I'm sorry for your loss." There didn't really seem to be a whole lot of sympathy in his voice.
Jin only shot another silent glance, lips tugging into a small frown. Yukimura stopped, looking a bit upset before offering a smile. “Thank you, I only wish there was more to have been done.” He said, keeping his gaze away as the four too their seats.
“Ah, likewise, I’ve also heard there was an incident with one of the CCG’s own employees?” Jin asked, only glancing at the menu.
"Ah, yes...Nana-dono was kidnapped by an Aogiri agent...we only recently got her back. Apparently one of them had a conscience enough to take her to the hospital." Kojurou replied.
"Disgusting. You should have her killed." Hisehide said. Kojurou furrowed his brows.
"Beg pardon?"
"Clearly she's a sympathizer. She should be put down."
Jin only clenched her jaw, looking dissapointed. “Matsunaga sosakan..” She warned lowly. Yukimura looked shocked, mouth open slightly. “I-I don’t understand, Matsunaga sosakan, she’s an ally! She works for the CCG and is over anything else a civilian!” He argued.
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