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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime hardly spoke on the way home, sitting slumped against the car door, staring blankly at the streets as they rolled passed. This was completely unlike her, of course it was understandable, it was the first time she had been rejected by a boy, and human or not, she was still a young woman with a heart.
She didn’t respond really, only mumbled a numb ”Ok.” in response, keeping her gaze out the window. Once they were home, a few of the family servants took Megohime up to the guest bedrooms, providing her with clean clothes and the showers.
Kanae did as he was told, going out and purchasing a new phone for Megohime, even going to retrieve the- thankfully -intact SIM card from her old phone. He returned the phone to Megohime, then ordered a few of the house servants to Megohime’s apartment to repair what they could of her home in the meantime.
The phone had been dinging and buzzing since it's activation, even when the piece of plactic and chips was set in her room. All from the same number.
Megohime had been in a depressive daze of sorts, drifting in and out of sleep only to stare blankly when she wasn’t sleeping. How much time had gone by? She slowly reached for the phone after watching it buzz on the table beside her bed for what felt like hours, staring at the number. She recognized the number, it was Masamune’s, but why? Tears formed in her eyes, was he truly so angry with her he wanted to call and scream at her too? She’d oblige him, she deserved it after all. Answering the phone, she held it to her ear, not saying a word.
"Mego?" It was his voice, for sure. But...he remembered her name? But he forgot about her, didn't he? "God, Mego, I'm so sorry! Kojurou said after my coma I got a small case of amnesia, I would never scream at you like that! I thought for sure you were steamed when your phone was disconnected! I'm so sorry!"
He could hear sniffling on the other end, then muffled crying- wait, crying? Was she not pissed at him? She couldn’t say anything barely able to hold her sobs in at the sound of Masamune’s voice.
“I-I deserved it... After what you went through... Afterbeing in the hospital for so long... I deserve worse..!” She managed out, tears falling steadily now.
“Masamune, you were in a coma..! You were hospitalized for weeks because of me..! If I hadn’t met you, if I never existed, you wouldn’t have suffered so terribly..!” She said.
"But I also wouldn't be alive right now..." He said, "If I hadn't met you, I would have overdosed in that alley and ended up as ghoul offense...I have never been happier to know and love anyone in my life.."
Megohime was so happy to hear those words, they made her heart ache and her tears run down her cheeks out of joy. “I’m so sorry you had to be a part of a single moment of that... Please forgive me, even if I can’t forgive myself..!”
"I'll always forgive you,," his tone turned playful, "I'll really forgive you if you show up sometime for some overdo kissin'~"
She laughed, but he could tell she was still crying a bit. “I’m a mess right now, I don’t think you’d really want to see me as I am..” She said, trying to wipe her tears away with her sleeves.
"Ah, what a coincidence. I, too, am a mess." He replied, "I haven't really brushed my hair or left my bed." He tried to sound suave, as if those two things were attractive.
She had calmed down at this point, only sniffling every so often. “You probably haven’t showered either... What am I going to do with you..?”
He could practically hear Megohime blush over the phone, sputtering quietly. “Y-You just got out of the hospital..!”
Megohime’s face and ears were flushed red, hiding under the covers of her bed. “I-I’ll be over soon..” She mumbled into the phone.
He gave a soft laugh, "I didn't think you would take me seriously...but I won't turn you away. Kojurou turned in early, he had a long day I think.."
“Will it be ok if I come over? He didn’t exactly want me there the last time..” She said, sitting up in bed, but staying under the covers.
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