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Ghouls Dogma (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Her struggling was beginning to slow, her movements becoming jerky and off, eye starting to roll back as she weakly hit his face. Her legs kicked and she jerked violently, letting out a soft gurgling noise as she struggled hard to breathe, mouth open wide.
"Matsunaga." Hisehide dropped Nana and turned, seeing Mitsunari come in with a scowl, "What are you doing?"
"Trying to get mpre information out of her. That's all." Hisehide replied.
Nana lay gasping and coughing on the bed, rolling onto her side away from Matsunaga, tears leaking down her face as she gagged and let out choked sobs.
Mitsunari moved and plugged everything back in, scowling deeply, "Get out." He commanded. Hisehide scowled in disappointment before leaving the room.
Nana was still wheezing, and when her heart monitor was started back up, it began to beep loudly at the now increased heart rate. She gagged a few times, tears drying on her cheeks. “Thank you..” She managed out between coughing fits. “Thank you..”
The alarms on the machines brought the nurses in, who immediately silenced them and checked on Nana. Once she was able to breathe again, and was calm again, they left, only glancing at Mitsunari on the way out.
“O-Only what you’ve already asked... I told him what I knew, but he said I was lying, but I’ve told all I know already..!” She explained.
Nana slowly got out of bed, setting aside her reading materials and moving over to the window. Her heart soared when she saw who in was and she’s quickly opened the window to let him in. “Motochika..!” She whispered with a smile.
She only hugged Motochika tightly, nearly pulling him in through the window in the process. “I thought you weren’t coming back..!” She whispered, so happy she shed tears of joy.
“I hate it here..!” She said, only holding him tighter. “Everyone thinks I’m a liar, or looks at me with pity! I want to go home with you!”
She shook her head, looking confused. “What..? No, back with Aogiri! I don’t care what they did to me, I just want to go back with you..!”
“But I don’t want to be here!” She said, frowning softly. “Please.. It’s so miserable here..!”
She frowned but finally relented with a nod. “Just... Visit me more then... Please..? I’m so alone...” It was then he noticed the fresh, heavy bruising around her neck in the shape of a hand.
“It was an investigator... I haven’t ever seen him before though..” She muttered, letting him look over her bruises.
“Motochika no..! I-I don’t know where he is, I think he left!” She put her hand on his cheeks, cupping it gently. “Just calm down..!”
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