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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Amie was chuckling as she put some more sugar in her coffee. "I fell asleep on the floor in my office while doing work."
Amie was just nodding before she spoke, "Yeah. And turns out I have to deal with the other lawyer tomorrow."
Amie was just looking over before she spoke "We'll see. Especially since sadly I will have to deal with my uncle. " Yeah he was going to be there and Maggie was giving a small apology before commenting she would come as well.
"Not right now besides... I want him there." Amie spoke before she was taking another drink of her coffee. "I want to show him that this time.... I won't back down. I'm not the same girl I was."
Maggie was just tilting her head before she spoke "Your uncle.... He is an asshole. Speaking of him...reminds me Marcus, the guy who is suppose to get the kids and.... I have some gossip. "
Maggie was looking at Amie before she spoke "There is somebody who use to be his foster child and wants to testify against him. But he is fearful for his safety. If you want... I can have him escorted here."
Blake shook his head "i'll pick them up no one knows me outside of a few people here it would be safe then someone from the groups going "
Amie was looking over before she spoke "Sounds like there is a plan of action. Do that then, but be sure to explain to them why you are there."
Blake nodded his head "I can do that if Maggie is willing to call him and describe what I look like so he knows who I am and what I look like" Blake looked over when one of the others walked in an spoke. "miss you have some more guests" behind the male stood ALL of Diana's adoptive family.
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Maggie was giving a thumbs up and commented that she could do that. "How the fuck does everybody seem to know where the hell I love?! " Amie questioned with a groan before she was looking at Maggie, who we as giving her a sympathetic look. "After this is done... I'm going on vacation. And not coming back until after the baby is born." Amie was mumbling before she was just walking out of the room, after getting g herself more coffee.
Maya chuckled and then walked over and gave her a gentle hug "we know where you live hun because John came and saw you earlier with Diana" Maya then smiled at her and urged her to sit down "now we know you don't want too many people getting involved but we came to help Diana will kill us later over it but for now you need all our support and help"
Amie just looked at Maya for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Doesn't mean that I want everybody in my home." With that she was just letting out a breath of air and was sitting down. No she would sit down, she was beginning to stress anyways.
"sorry we have a tendency to invade but look at it this way you can relax and rest for a bit while we work and not stress let us do what we do best and that is dig in to peopels lives" Maya motioned for the others to get to work
Amie just gave a faint sigh before she spoke, "I don't need to have any more digging done. I have everything that I'm going to need for now."
"hun we are digging for later the more you have ready the less you will stress" Maya gave her a look that very few people could with stand and that was the withering look of a mother wanting someone to relax and not argue with her
Amie just looked at her for a moment before she spoke, "And at this point, I don't really want to involve anybody else at all." With that she was just shaking her head then looked at her phone when it vibrated.
Mistuheri reached out and plucked her phone out of her hand to get her attention "you don't get a choice this time around I have looked in to this shit when John called and there is no way in hell I am letting these bastards get near you, Diana, Maggie or those kids which means we are gonna help you bury them so far down they never see the light of day again"
Amie just looked at her before she was taking her phone back then spoke, "I never asked for help. And getting help is only going to create more problems for me. So kindly, stay out of it. I have it handled. When I want to bury people, I always do it." With that she was just getting to her feet once again and leaving the kitchen, an annoyed expression on her features.
Amie just looked over before she spoke, "Your adopted family has no right to butt into this right now. I do not need help. Actually them getting involved is just going to make more issues for me. Them involving themselves in causing me more stress."
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