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Captured By The Gang Leader (Lunar & Guardian Only)

Maggie was asleep for a number of hours, although after a while she was awake again. It seemed like at some point Mik had sent Blake away, and was curled up on the bed next to her.
While Maggie was awake, Mik seemed to be out cold. Funny thing was that if people didn't know better, they would think that Maggie and Mik were dating.
Maggie looked at him before she spoke, "Yeah... food sounds good." She was sitting up slowly and just pushing some hair out of her face. Her head still hurt but it wasn't as bad.
"I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Maggie spoke after a moment in time as she settled at the counter.
Maggie looked at him before she spoke, "Thanks for staying with me but you can get back to Z. Mik is here, I am safe."
Maggie just gave a small giggle as she listened to him before she spoke, "Yeah she probably will. Or she'll jump you."
"either way I figure its better to give her some time to cool off before she does get back" Blake made his own sandwich and then ate it while he talked to her
Maggie just bit into her sandwich for a moment in time before she spoke, "Should probably let her know you'll see her in a bit. Least she thinks you are ignoring her."
"I was told but she was out between exhaustion, the three bottles of wine and the drug I think she will be down for a while" Blake then stretched a little
Maggie was chuckling a bit before she was commenting, "Yeah I can see her being out for a while." She was however looking up when she heard the kitchen door open and a rather sleepy Amie was coming into the kitchen. One of the others was offering her a cup of coffee, which she was accepting with a smile. "Hey Blake, Hey Mags." Amie waved.
"Morning. Evening.... I don't even know what it is...." Amie was commenting as she was taking a sip of her coffee, although just paused for a moment, a slight look of disgust on her features. Not enough sugar.
"its late evening but you just woke up so for you its morning" Blake smiled at her and then looked over when Diana, Aaron and then kids showed up"
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