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The Wizard and the Lady of Armador( NightSorceress and Wolvenrogue)

Genes are like a recipe for making a person. It tells how to make it , what it will look like. No women would marry me . They were all afraid of me. So I traded for you. "
“Maybe if you treated people nicer they would want to be with you. I can’t help how I look but you can help how you act” she explained to him. She didn’t know much about anything but she knew at least that.
"What do you know about me for sure? What you have heard? I didn't choose my life. It was given to me by gossips and fools. All I ever did was cure people of disease for free. They said i was a wizard, and so I became one. They were scared of me for no reason. I had no friends, no family, no job. So I took advantage of their foolishness. I am no more evil than you are. I even saved you. They were going to burn you as a witch! How dare you lecture me on kindness!"
“And yet you are forcing things upon me that I dont understand and I dont want. How dare you!” She exclaimed. She moved off of him now causing his seed to spill out on to the bed. She stoood in the corner shaking. She was cold, the pink pill did little for her.
"What kindness have you shown since you arrived? What have you done but make demands? If I were to turn you out you would be dead at a stake tomorrow. "
“You treat me worse than the nuns did, how am I suppose to show you any kindness.” She paused. “And I have told you many times I do not fear death. I welcome it so if you would like to turn me over to the others then do so, I am not afraid” she explained calmly.
"You could start with your words. you do nothing but hurl insults. That would go a long way"
“I am suppose to be grateful that you are forcing me to take pills? Or forcing a baby inside me?” She looked at him. How was she suppose to be kind to that. “How I am suppose to trust you enough to be kind to you if you keep forcing things inside me?”
" I think I'm all done with that" he said quite frankly. I think your body can take care of itself. I will save my potions for others. You will stay here until the baby is born , but you may leave after that, but you will leave the baby with me since you do not want it. In the meantime you will clean house and learn to cook. You will at least earn your keep. "
She was surprised when he said he was going to stop with the pills. She thought about what he was offering. “Alright, I can do that” she admitted she learned to sew she could certainly learn to cook and clean if he was willing to show her. “Can I have some clothes....please”
"There is material and a sewing supplies in the room next to yours . Make all you like. " He went back to his lab and began work on new ideas.
She was shocked he again didn’t argue. She took the chance to go the room next to hers and get some supplies and began to saw a dress. In just a short time she was able to make a beautiful pale blue dress that seemed to fit her perfectly. Every stitch was perfect it was really a well made piece of clothing and would have easily sound for a good deal of money.
He was surprised at how quickly she could sew. He wondered how good a mother she might be once she felt a baby inside her. He was fairly sure she would have normal maternal instincts but couldn't be sure.
She felt better now that her body was covered up. She was starting to feel warm and a little more comfortable at least it wouldnt be easy for him to put a baby inside her. She wasn’t sure what to do now though since she had made a dress. She really didn’t know how to do anything else.
"Well don't just sit there gather up all the dirty clothes and fill the wash tube with some water and put the kettle on the stove."
She looked at him puzzled. “What’s a wash tube? Where do I get water? And what’s a kettle and a stove?” She never left her basement room, she the nuns always brought her food and took her clothes to be washed they never wanted to risk her being scene.
" There is the best reason you shouldn't go running off. You are a smart girl, but you are not educated and you have no life experience. You wouldn't last a day on your own. Alright, see this? its the kettle, you fill it with water from the pump and put it on the stove over there to heat. The stove is hot so be careful! don't touch it! You see that big wooden thing over there ? This is a wash tub (he patted it with his hand) . You fill it with half way with water by pumping the water. ( he pulled the handle of the pump up and down until water came out). Then when the water is hot on the stove and stem comes out the spout, you add it to the tub to warm the water. Then you put the clothes in and add a cake of sop from the bos on the shelf then you stir the clothes for half an hour with this paddle. After that, you let the water out of the tub and fill it again to rinse the clothes with clean water, but don't add soap. stir them again like before and then we drain the water and hang them up to dry." If you have questions just ask."
Bianca listen as he explained things to her. She watched as he pointed everything out. It all seemed strange to her but she followed every step. She hoped she was doing it especially since the water seemed to splash on her as she stirred the clothes. The front of her pale blue dress clung to every curve. It was a lot of work but she did it without complaint. She was just happy she didn’t have to take anymore pills.
Michael got up from his experiments and walked back in the kitchen to see how things were coming. He couldn't help laughing. "You might as well have climbed in the tub and taken a bath while you were at it.. When you are done washing the clothes, Take that dress off and make your self another. That way you will have one to wear after the laundry next time."
She looked down at herself she was completely soaking wet. “I guess it was harder than I thought it was going to be” she laughed a little first time in a long time she laughed. She looked at him. “Umm where do you hang these to dry?” Looking at the wet clothes.
"Well, there are clothes lines out back but you had better sew the dress first otherwise you will likely draw a bit of attention from the neighbors. " He looked with pleasure at the sight of her nipples trying to poke holes in the fabric of her dress. For his taste it was sexier than if she was naked.
“Outside?” She paused a little “even with a new dress I dont think I should go outside, the nuns said the sun would instantly burn my skin because it was so light” she looked down a little even when she was brought to him they made sure she was covered completely so no light would touch her skin.
"Hmmm I could suggest something that I know works, but you don't want my potions, so I suggest you you sew a new robe, and some gloves. Though I think that might be difficult to work in. "
“No I dont” she looked down “would you be willing to hang them up, I dont have any problem washing them but perhaps if you can do anything that needs to be done outside I can avoid the sunlight”
"Then I suggest you sew a robe. This isn't the convent, and you cant live inside all the time. I wasn't suggesting a pill. He handed her a jar of cream. It just blocks the sun, and it feels pretty nice too, or you can wear a robe. " You see in the convent they were afraid of you, so they kept you locked up. I am not, I know what you are. "
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